Anliang has considered the equity allocation of cold chain transportation projects very well.

Anliang allocated 10.25% of the equity to the four first-tier companies in the Imperial City Circle. In addition, he allocated 10% of the equity to himself. In total, it reached a relative controlling stake of 51%, thus achieving relative control over the cold chain transportation project. The goal of control.

In addition, since the cold chain transportation project was proposed by Zhao Wanxi, Anliang specially allocated 0.25% more shares to the four first-tier companies in the Imperial City Circle, thus making it clear that he would not take over the initiative.

"This plan is great!"Zhao Wanxi seconded the proposal in agreement.

An Liang asked rhetorically,"As a formal member of our Heavenly Bai Yujing Club, how many shares do you think is appropriate to allocate?"

"What do you think?"Zhao Wanxi was still ready to let An Liang decide.

An Liang replied negatively,"It's not appropriate for me to allocate equity in the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club."

Zhao Wanxi immediately wanted to understand An Liang's concerns. If An Liang was allowed to allocate equity in the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, An Liang would definitely take special care of Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang.

But the cold chain transportation project was proposed by Zhao Wanxi , and when building the cold chain transportation project, the four members of the first layer of the Imperial City Circle will invest a lot of human resources.

Under such circumstances, it would not be appropriate for Anliang to take special care of the three brothers Li Cunyuan.

If we talk about cold chain The transportation project was proposed by An Liang, and An Liang played an important role in it. No matter how An Liang allocated it, no one else had any objections.

However, this time it was Zhao Wanxi who proposed the cold chain transportation project, and Zhao Wanxi played an important role in it. leading role

"If I were asked to distribute the benefits, I would give one percent of the shares to the Xiaoyu family, Dalin family, Ye family, Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang."Zhao Wanxi explained.

"Each of the other 37 formal members in the club only gives 0.5% of the shares, and the remaining 24.5% of the shares are placed in the option pool. If any peripheral members make outstanding contributions, we can reward peripheral members from the option pool." Zhao Wanxi added

"In addition, I also plan to use the income from the option pool to create a bonus system. This bonus system will target the entire cold chain transportation project, whether it is the fresh food harvesters at the bottom, or the drivers of cold chain transportation, as well as the origin and market. All cold storage staff are included in this bonus plan, thus mobilizing the enthusiasm of all staff in the entire cold chain transportation project." Zhao Wanxi added

"what do you think?"Zhao Wanxi asked expectantly.

An Liang affirmatively praised,"Not bad, your distribution plan is very suitable. However, I think we can leave the choice to the club members"

"Um? Zhao Wanxi was confused,"How to hand it over to them?""

"Let them choose your allocation plan or compete with random dice based on a quota of 0.1% equity."An Liang said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Zhao Wanxi laughed directly,"That Xiaoyu will probably go crazy laughing!"

Hu Xiaoyu is a native koi fish. If the dice are randomly thrown to compete, then Hu Xiaoyu will definitely kill again.

"It is certainly impossible for them to agree to the second option! As a result, the equity distribution plan that was originally imposed by us has now become their own choice. It is indeed yours!" Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Isn't it nice to have the right to choose?"

"What if they choose the second way?"Zhao Wanxi joked casually

"Wouldn't that be better? An Liang replied with a smile,"We can see how lucky Xiaoyu is!""

"I'll talk to the club's confidential group and see how they choose."Zhao Wanxi responded.

Tiantian Baiyujing Club confidential group.

Zhao Wanxi first edited the copy and then published the information

‘Zhao Wanxi: @Everyone: [Cold chain transportation project】’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Let’s take a look at this information first’

‘Li Cunyuan: Received’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Okay’

‘Lin Yili: After a quick glance, our family wants to participate!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: Our family also needs to participate’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: There’s me, there’s me, I want it too’

‘Li Mingfei: Add one more person!’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: One more person! '

About five minutes later, Zhao Wanxi once again sent a message to the confidential group of Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

‘Zhao Wanxi: #reportingminiprogram#'

The reporting applet completed the headcount count in less than a minute. An Liang also fed back an online message that all official members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club were online.

‘Zhao Wanxi: The equity distribution of [cold chain transportation project] is as follows. '

Zhao Wanxi sent out the equity distribution of the four first-tier companies in the Imperial Capital Circle and Anliang

‘Zhao Wanxi: As for the club’s equity distribution, we have two plans’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The first plan: [Random dice allocation】’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The second option: [Default equity allocation】’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Let’s discuss which equity distribution plan to use. '

The official members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club looked at the details of the two equity distribution plans, but Hu Xiaoyu only looked at the title and made the 'right choice'’!

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I choose the first option! '

For the koi fish, of course choose the random dice allocation scheme!

Does this still need to be considered?

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