This time, Anxin Investment Company deliberately made a mistake by repeatedly harvesting leeks in the US stock market, and it is very likely that it will be settled by the Bald Eagle court in the future.

In order to avoid the problem of settling accounts after the fall, Anliang not only roped in the four first-tier companies in the imperial capital circle to take the blame, but also prepared to pay the tax in full, and now made a public statement on the Internet.

Under such circumstances, how can the Bald Eagle Court cause trouble for Anxin Investment?

After An Liang issued a clarification announcement on Xia Guo Weibo using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, he sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan.

‘Number Zero: [Interference Plan] Are you ready?’

‘No. 4: It’s ready and can be executed at any time.’

‘Number Zero: Immediately execute the [interference plan]】’

‘No. 4: Received. '

In the Deep Network, the Divine Calculation No. 4 activated [Hermes]'s vest.

This vest is not the famous luxury goods 'Hermès', but the god of thieves in Sheena's mythology [Hermes]. This vest is quite famous in the dark web. He has sold a lot of confidential information on the dark web..

Darknet world, BM forum.

The BM Forum is very famous in the dark web world. Its full name is BrideMarket, which is a very representative name and itself represents illegal transactions.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation uses Hermes to post sales information on the BM forum



【Partial data related to the sale of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group]

The data includes the following:

1. Transportation channel access security monitoring records of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s graphene battery production base

——Contains all data between December 19, 2020 and January 2, 2021

2. Stealth video records of the third production line of the graphene battery production base of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

——Contains a 12 minutes and 31 seconds long video record of the production line visit, the video specification is 1080P@60Hz.

3. Complete list of raw material suppliers for the graphene battery production base of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

——Contains a detailed list of all raw material suppliers of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

4. Electronic archive of office waste paper from the Graphene Battery Technology Department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group

——Contains an electronic photo archive of all graphene battery technology department office waste paper between December 1, 2020 and January 1, 2021

——This electronic photo archive is the waste paper that does not need to be arranged after the office waste paper has been cut. The buyer needs to organize and splice the waste paper by himself.

——[Electronic photo display of office waste paper]

Sale price: 100 million U.S. dollars equivalent in virtual currency

Transaction rules: Third-party guaranteed transaction

Intermediary fee: unilaterally borne by the buyer

Credit rating: 8 stars

Special reminder: If the buyer engages in reverse tracking behavior during the transaction , must be exposed!


Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4 uses Hermes to sell data related to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group in the BM forum on the dark web. These data are not core data. The most valuable data is only the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s graphene battery technology. The department’s office waste paper is electronically archived.

But no one knows whether those office waste papers are valuable. It is a completely blind bet, and the price is as high as 100 million US dollars.

However, it is precisely because of this that this transaction information seems so real!

The graphene lithium-ion battery technology controlled by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is the only one in the world. If we want to estimate the value, it is only US$100 million. Isn’t that a joke?

If someone were to sell Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s graphene lithium-ion battery technology on the dark web for US$100 million, the first reaction would definitely be a lie.


Could it still be true?

I would never dare to have such a sweet dream!

In the BM forum, when No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation used Hermes to release [Partial data related to the sale of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group], the entire BM forum quickly became lively.

A large number of anonymous people on the dark web were discussing the sale of some data related to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. At the same time, they were praising Hermes for his clever methods and actually stole some confidential data of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

After Hermes released [Partial data related to the sale of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group], No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation once again used [Mr. Fu]’s vest to post bounty information on the BM forum


Mr. Fu:

【Reward for 'Hermes' true identity information]

Reward amount: 100 million - the equivalent of 1 billion U.S. dollars in virtual currency

Judgment and definition: Once the true identity of 'Hermes' is determined, the reward amount will be paid immediately.

Friends are welcome to provide 'Hermes' true identity information.

We only need to provide 'Hermes' true identity information, and once we verify it, we can get a reward of at least 100 million US dollars.

There is a reward of at least US$200 million for information on the location of 'Hermes'.

If 'Hermes' himself is caught, there will be a reward of at least US$300 million.

If you catch 'Hermes' and stop 'Hermes' operations on the dark web, you will receive a reward of US$1 billion!


【Mr. Fu’s vest is also very famous in the dark web world. After Mr. Fu’s reward post was released, the discussion on the BM forum became even more heated.

Because Mr. Fu’s reward post has a deep meaning!

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