The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, a technical department under the Asian Affairs Division, launched operations around the BM Forum.

Gideon is responsible for contacting Hermes, because Gideon's vest [God-End] on the dark web is very famous, which is just suitable for contacting Hermes.

However, Gideon didn't want to be responsible for this.

Because Gideon knew very well that if he was responsible for contacting Hermes, his vest [God-End] would be destroyed.

It is very difficult to raise a well-known vest in the dark web, and Gideon's heart is bleeding right now.

Although his heart was bleeding, Gideon could only do as he was told.

BM Forum.

Gideon uses the [God-End] vest to contact Hermes

‘God-End: We agree with your price’

‘God-End: But we need more [Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Graphene Battery Technology Department Office Waste Paper Electronic Archive] information as a verification of transaction judgment’

‘God-End: If you are willing to accept, I will give you a confidential email, and you can send a part of [Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Graphene Battery Technology Department Office Waste Paper Electronic Archive] to us for verification.’


‘Hermes: Fraudulent information?’

‘God-End: We trade sincerely’

‘Hermes: [BTC electronic wallet address】’

‘Hermes: You first pay BTC worth 1 million US dollars, and I will give you some relevant information for verification.’

‘Hermes: If you can’t even come up with $1 million, I don’t believe you have the strength to buy it. '

Faced with Hermes's difficulties, Gideon immediately reported it to the director of the technical department, Andy Weir.

"Supervisor, what should we do now? Gideon asked, and he added,"I think Hermes is right. If we can't even part with one million US dollars, how can we possibly get one hundred million US dollars?""

"You reply to the other party first, saying that we need to think about it, and I will ask the director for instructions immediately."Andy Weir didn't decide on his own either.

"All right!"Gideon agreed.

‘God-End: Let me think about it first’

‘Hermes: I’ll give you three minutes’

‘Hermes: If you don’t make a decision in three minutes, I will block you.’

‘Hermes: If within three minutes, I discover that you are tracking me in reverse, I will expose your behavior immediately. '

Gideon knew that the other party gave him three minutes because of the reputation of the [God-End] vest. If [God-End] wasn't quite famous, I'm afraid the other party would directly terminate the contact.

In fact, this is indeed the case!

The No. 4 Tianji Shensuan really gave [God-End] three minutes because of [God-End]'s reputation.

If it is an unknown vest, unless it is traded immediately, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation will not give time at all.

After all, the No. 4 Tianji Shenshu directed and acted on his own to set up a bounty, and the little-known little vest almost always did reverse tracking operations. Naturally, the No. 4 Tianji Shensuan would not be polite to the unknown little vest.

In less than two minutes, Alves of the Asian Affairs Division of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau mobilized US$1 million in activity funds and handed it over to the technical department.

Ver, the head of the technical department, immediately transferred the funds to Gideon.

‘God-End: I agree to your request, but how much information will you give me?’

‘Hermes: 90 copies of A4 printer paper shred strips’

‘Hermes: Each copy is 1/30 of A4 printing paper divided vertically’

‘Hermes: equivalent to 3 pages of A4 printing paper, but 90 scraps of paper are randomly selected’

‘Hermes: If you accept this condition, you will pay my [BTC electronic wallet]. If you do not accept it, our transaction will be suspended immediately.’

‘God-End: I accept’

‘God-End: [BTC current price chart]’

‘God-End: Since the price of BTC changes too fast, we execute according to the current price. If the value of BTC changes during the transaction, both I and you will be responsible for the price fluctuation. How about it? '

Gideon deliberately acted cautiously and showed that he was a real buyer.

‘Hermes: No problem’

‘Hermes: Pay!’

‘Hermes: You pay first and I will send you the information via confidential email immediately. '

In less than ten seconds, Gideon sent the payment record to Hermes. He was extra careful and saved screenshots of all the information to prevent Hermes from running away directly.

If Hermes ran away directly, he would announce Hermes' actions on the dark web.

Number 4 Tianji Shensuan was originally fishing, so how could he run away?

So after Gideon made the payment, No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation immediately sent the corresponding information to the confidential email address given by Gideon.

‘Hermes: Please check, I have already sent it’

‘Hermes: If you want to continue trading, we will contact you later.’

‘God-End: No problem, let me verify the information first. '

Gideon is really ready to verify the information.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will not take action until at least it is sure that the information is valuable!

Otherwise, if the information is false, wouldn't their work be in vain?

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