An Liang used the information from GE Energy and combined it with the information provided by [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days] to deduce the answer he least expected!

‘No wonder [Trend Charts of Fifteen Specified Stocks in the U.S. Stock Market for the Next Fifteen Days] shows two extreme trends! ' An sighed in his heart.

Because the two trend information represent the ownership of aluminum-ion battery technology!

If aluminum-ion battery technology falls into the hands of a bald eagle, the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market should indeed rise all the way, especially GE Energy, which is outstanding in aluminum technology. Its stock price rushed to a high of $300 within a week. , is completely possible.

If Anliang obtains aluminum-ion battery technology, then the price of the new energy sector in the US stock market should fall all the way, and ADM Energy may indeed fall below the share price at the beginning of the new energy war.

After all, ADM Energy plays a very large role in the lithium-ion battery field. If aluminum-ion battery technology falls into the hands of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, it will be a disaster for the entire lithium-ion battery field!

After An Liang guessed the answer, he immediately contacted the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator.

‘Zero: Hurlik Sharma is supposed to be in contact with the bald eagle’

‘Number Zero: Immediately monitor the entire Silang State...’

‘Zero: No!’

‘Number Zero: Immediately monitor the Bald Eagle forces throughout India and speed up the investigation of Helik Sharma's whereabouts’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

Tianji Shensuan No. 4 had no intention of asking any more questions. He directly started to execute the order.

In less than five minutes, No. 4 Tian Ji Shen Shuan contacted An Liang again.

‘No. 4: BOSS, we found the big data whereabouts of Helik Sharma’

‘No. 4: According to big data analysis, Helik left Asimur Apartment on January 6 and then went to Silabu Airport’

‘No. 4: We investigated the data from Silang Airport. Herik’s destination was New Delhi, the capital of India.’

‘No. 4: We continued to discover the whereabouts of Herrick in New Delhi's security surveillance system.’

‘No. 4: On January 7, Herrick purchased some raw materials in New Delhi.’

‘No. 4: [Raw material list record】’

‘No. 4: According to the data analysis we recovered from the computer at Helic's home, this list of raw materials is the raw material for making aluminum-ion batteries.’

‘No. 4: From January 7th to January 11th, Helik was hiding in the slums of New Delhi. Due to the lack of monitoring system, we cannot determine the specific information, but based on big data analysis, we are sure that Helik was in the slums. district’

‘No. 4: In addition, we specifically investigated Helik’s call records and email records.’

‘No. 4: There was a problem with one of Herrick’s emails on January 3.’

‘No. 4: On January 3, Herrick used a computer in a black Internet cafe to send an email to the Bald Eagle embassy in India, disclosing technical information about aluminum ion batteries and seeking protection from the Bald Eagle.’

‘Number 4: But this guy is very scheming. He didn’t reveal his identity, he just made a series of requests.’

‘No. 4: [Herrick’s request list】’

An Liang clicked on [Herrick's request list] to check the details.


【Herrick's list of requirements:

1. Require the bald eagle to provide personal safety protection.

2. Ask the bald eagle to sign a special pardon for personal freedom.

3. Ask Bald Eagle to provide $1 billion in cash.

4. Bald Eagle is required to provide the legal identity documents of Bald Eagle, Great Britain, Kingdom of Gaul, Kingdom of Germany, and Kingdom of Xia.

5. Ask Bald Eagle to reserve one percent of the aluminum-ion battery equity for him


After An Liang read the list of Helik's requests, a sneer appeared on his lips. This Helik Sharma is really naive!

However, I finally understood one thing!

‘No wonder Bald Eagle has not made any intervention in the changes in the new energy sector of the US stock market before....’An Liang sighed secretly.

When Anliang Investment was wildly harvesting leeks in the US stock market, the Bald Eagle Court seemed not to notice and allowed Anliang to cultivate leeks in the US stock market and also allowed Anliang to harvest leeks.

It turns out that the bald eagle has long been exposed to aluminum-ion battery technology!

On the surface, Bald Eagle wants to suppress Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Xia Guo's new energy industry through the upstream raw material end, but secretly it is planning aluminum-ion battery technology.

If Anliang had not obtained clues about the aluminum-ion battery through the Life Winner System in advance, I am afraid that Helik Sharma would have been kept in the dark after he threw himself into the trap and joined the Bald Eagle.

An Liang almost lost!

Thank you for the Winner System in Life!

‘Zero: Where is Helik Sharma currently?’

‘Number 4: We are tracking his real-time location information’

‘No. 4: But this person is currently in a slum area in New Delhi, and there is no security monitoring system in the corresponding area. We can only lock in a general range based on the security monitoring system.’

‘No. 4: We have sent field personnel into the slums to search’

‘Number Zero: Bring Helik Sharma back safely!’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

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