Bald Eagle.

The senior vice presidents of the former alliance of the six major financial institutions naturally saw"The Bloodthirsty Bald Eagle, the Demon of Wall Street!""With this post, they once again established a temporary confidential voice communication channel on the dark web.

Richard from Berkshire Hathaway spoke first,"That post about [Wall Street Demon Bloodthirsty Bald Eagle] must have been posted by Anxin Investment. They are throwing dirty water!"

Andy May of Merrill Lynch Ye responded casually,"I also think that Anxin Investment is deliberately framing us to relieve their own pressure."

HSBC's Steven Su sneered,"They should be under a lot of pressure now!"

"What's the meaning?" asked Barzel of Ropp Partners

"Bazel, you still like to ask questions knowingly!" Steven still sneered.

"We've all heard some rumors, and I don't believe you haven't." Steven added.

Bazel still asked doubtfully,"What's the rumor?"

"What happened in India! Steven snorted softly,"Don't deny it anymore. Bazer, your Luop Partnership Company is trying its best to buy stocks in the new energy sector, and you are also vigorously searching in the OTC over-the-counter market. Right?"

Before Bazel answered, Steven continued to add,"Except Bazel, all of you are doing this, aren't you?"

Steven added again,"Of course, we at HSBC are also doing this. Everyone was silent.

Steven performed a one-man show,"Although HSBC is not a local financial institution in Bald Eagle, we have very important partners in Bald Eagle.""

This is Steven explaining why HSBC heard about it.

"Richard, I guess you have taken in over 10 billion, right? Steven probed.

Richard snorted coldly,"You HSBC also ate so much, right?" Steven was noncommittal and said calmly,"This time Anxin Investment is dead!""

From the perspective of the original alliance of the six major financial institutions in Bald Eagle, Anxin Investment is indeed dead this time, because they have all more or less heard the news that the Bald Eagle court is about to obtain aluminum-ion battery technology from India.

Once Bald Eagle Eagle Court has obtained the aluminum-ion battery, and the new energy sector of the US stock market will inevitably surge. How can Anxin Investment, which is currently short-selling, not die? However

, they don't know that Anliang knows about the aluminum-ion battery, and even locked the developer of the aluminum-ion battery!

However, it is not yet completely determined who will win the aluminum-ion battery technology.

Summer time, January 12, close to 5:00 pm.

Indian time, January 12, close to 2:00 pm.

Capital of India, New Delhi Delhi.

Moline Road, Old Town, New Delhi.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau and the Leopard Team of the Field Operations Department are 'escorting' Helic Sharma, the developer of aluminum-ion battery technology, to the Bald Eagle Station in New Delhi. Embassy.

Surrounding the Hua Leopard Group, there is also the Yalin Group for secret protection.

The Yalin Group is an elite group of the Field Operations Department of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. This group is also called the 'Oath Group' and surpasses the Hua Leopard Group in terms of combat capabilities. The Leopard Team is a level up!

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau arranged for two field operations teams to 'escort' Helik Sharma, one overtly and one covertly, plus a prisoner collar, thus ensuring that nothing goes wrong. In fact, it is indeed foolproof!

Even if Faced with such a situation, Renyi Security Company also had no way to rescue Helik Sharma. It could only remotely monitor the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and send Helik Sharma to the Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi.

Bald Eagle Embassy in New Delhi.

In a small reception room, a neatly dressed middle-aged man took the initiative to greet Helik Sharma

"Hello, Mr. Sharma, I am Saxon Thompson. I am responsible for your security issues and trying to fight for more rights for you."Saxon Thompson took the initiative to introduce himself.

Saxon Thomson is a negotiation expert and psychologist at the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau. He is also an expert in sociology and micro-expressions and is specifically responsible for this negotiation.

Helik Shama said slightly He said angrily,"What do you mean?"

"Sorry, Mr. Sharma, I don't quite understand what you mean? Saxon responded with a well-informed question.

Herrick immediately asked,"Your agents brought me here by force. Are you planning to rob me of my technology?""

Facing Helic's question, Saxon flatly denied it,"Of course not! After receiving Mr. Sharma's email, we directly agreed to most of Mr. Sharma's requests internally."

Saxon said as he handed a document to Helic.

"Mr. Sharma, please take a look at this document. We signed the corresponding document on January 6. In addition to being unable to provide Mr. Sharma with the identity information of the Xia Kingdom, the identities of the other four countries Information, we have completely processed it."Saxon explained.

Herrick looked at the document handed over by Saxon. After reading it carefully, it was true that as Saxon explained, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau agreed to most of his requests.

Faced with such a situation , Herrick breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the next moment, Saxon made Herrick nervous!

"We brought Mr. Sharma here because we were actually worried that Mr. Sharma would be harmed by others, so we forcibly brought Mr. Sharma to the embassy to take protective measures for Mr. Sharma."Saxon added.

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