An Liang informed his counselor Wan Yunfei that he would not take the final exam and stopped paying attention. He drove to the International Finance Center and prepared to personally invest with peace of mind.

After the US stock market opened today, the new energy sector ushered in darkness!

Building 1, IFC, 88th floor, Anxin Investment Headquarters.

In the office area of ​​the US stock market investment department, the screen wall displays the short position information of Anxin Investment Company. Currently, Anxin Investment Company’s short position in the new energy sector of the US stock market has reached US$186.2 billion.

For safe investment, this is a last-ditch battle!

If Anxin Investment loses, it will be a total failure and there will not even be a chance for a comeback.

However, how can Anxin Investment lose?

An Liang not only owns [the trend chart of fifteen designated stocks in the US stock market for the next fifteen days], but also completely steals the trump card for Bald Eagle to make a comeback. How can An Liang lose in investing?

If Bald Eagle successfully obtains the aluminum-ion battery technology, Anxin Investment may still fail. But now Bald Eagle has not obtained the aluminum-ion battery technology, but Anliang has seized the aluminum-ion battery technology. The new energy sector of the US stock market How to turn over?

"Lao Fan, Lao Li, are there any changes in the over-the-counter trading of US stocks? An Liang asked casually.

Fan Ping responded,"There are changes.""

Li Gang added,"In the past hour or so, OTC trading has suddenly become active, and a large number of large sell orders have been placed in the OTC market.

An Liang sneered,"These guys have really sharp noses!""

Even if An Liang thought with his toes, he would have guessed that the large sell orders in the OTC market were placed by Bald Eagle financial institutions, because these Bald Eagle financial institutions may have already known about the failure of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

Bald Eagle's The trump card of financial institutions' crazy bet with Anxin Investment was the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's action against aluminum-ion battery technology.

Now that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's action has failed, how can Bald Eagle's financial institutions not know the consequences?

So Before the opening of the U.S. stock market, Bald Eagle's financial institutions placed a large number of sell orders in the new energy sector on the over-the-counter market in an attempt to reduce losses.

However, in the war on the new energy sector in the U.S. stock market, the only protagonists are Anxin Investment and Bald Eagle Financial Institutions and other financial consortiums did not take the risk to participate. At most, they just took a sip of soup.

Under such circumstances, when Bald Eagle Financial Institutions had a large number of sales orders in the new energy sector in the over-the-counter market, who would take over?

Although there are some local investors in Bald Eagle trying to take over, the amount of funds of these investors is too small to catch the sell orders thrown by Bald Eagle financial institutions.

As for investing with peace of mind?

That is even less likely to take over!

At least in this case When the price is high, it is impossible for Anxin Investment to buy short positions to close short positions.

Looking at the large number of sell orders in the US stock OTC market, An Liang smiled and joked,"Do these guys think my money is so easy to make?"

When Anxin Investment first entered the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market, it took over the deal from the Bald Eagle Alliance of six major financial institutions, which made the Alliance of six major financial institutions make a lot of money.

According to the estimates of Anxin Investment, at the time Baltic Eagle The Alliance of Eagle Six Financial Institutions may have made more than 50 billion U.S. dollars in the new energy sector of the U.S. stock market.

However, in this round of confrontation, because there was an intelligence gap between the two sides, and both sides believed that they had an advantage, the Bald Eagle Six The Alliance of Financial Institutions not only spit out the more than 50 billion US dollars it made before, but will even lose more funds.

At 10:25 pm, summer time, there are only five minutes left before the US stock market opens.

New Energy in the US Stock Market The pre-market trading of the sector no longer showed the regular heartbeat pattern of pre-market trading, but plunged directly. All stocks in the entire new energy sector all dived.

Whether it is ADM Energy, which is the main force in the new energy sector, or GE Energy, which suddenly broke out , or the resurgent Tesla, all plunged in pre-market trading. When the

US stock market closed yesterday, ADM Energy's stock price reached a high price of $160.84, but in pre-market trading that has not yet opened today, ADM The share price of the energy company has fallen to US$119.82.

At 10:30 pm, summer time, the US stock market officially opened.

When the US stock market opened, in the new energy sector, the share price of ADM Energy jumped directly and opened lower. The price of US$119.82 plunged directly to the price of US$100.01, barely maintaining a three-digit share price.

However, less than ten seconds after the opening, the stock price of ADM Energy fell further!

Because the financial institutions of Bald Eagle no longer cover up , they scrambled to escape from the new energy sector, thus placing large sell orders at lower prices.

For example, Berkshire Hathaway sold $88.99 in less than one minute after the market opened. 40 million shares of ADM Energy were sold at a price of 40 million.

This single order alone sent the stock price of ADM Energy into a state of confusion!

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