The Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau tried to discredit the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group through gossip, thus damaging the public image of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

But the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has obviously not investigated the public image of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group on the Internet!

The official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has always been operated by An Liang himself, and An Liang has kept the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group in a state of sham.

Faced with the dirty talk from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, An Liang didn't care at all.

Not to mention that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau cannot provide direct evidence to prove that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has stolen aluminum-ion battery technology, so what if it does provide direct evidence?

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group did not personally commit the robbery of aluminum-ion battery technology!

What does what Renyi Security Company does have to do with Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

The two companies are not familiar with each other!

After Anliang answered using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, netizens did not pay much attention. After all, netizens have long been familiar with the fact that the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is also a scam.

Facing the ruthless netizens, An Liang posted another message


Dreaming of the Graphene Future:

Is Everyone So Heartless?

We have been mercilessly slandered, and you are all indifferent?

Is it the distortion of human nature, the lack of morality, or the indifference of human nature?

Please like and forward this message, and we will draw one lucky person, who will receive an aluminum-ion battery version of the Petal b40Pro+ mobile phone, as well as the aluminum-ion battery new energy vehicle that we dream of the future Graphene Technology Group to release in the future!

Can you like and retweet now?


The second message Anliang posted using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group quickly became popular, with a large number of troll netizens liking, forwarding and commenting on it.

In just ten minutes, the number of likes exceeded one million, and the number of retweets also exceeded one million.

I have to say that the world is real?

An Liang looked at the most popular comment


A lifetime is not as good as a moment:

Is there a lottery?

You should have said it earlier!

Isn’t it just likes and retweets? I’ll give them to you!

As for that rumor, I really hope it is true. Please be more diligent and steal some technology back!


The first popular comment has been liked by a large number of troll netizens, with the number of likes exceeding 500,000. A large number of troll netizens don't care about gossip at all.

After all, the image of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s official blog account on the Internet is that of a sand sculpture, which has led to the perception that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not a serious group.

Can a serious group allow sand sculpture-style official blog accounts?

Take a look at the unofficial official blog account Du Ruisi. It’s not a serious company, right?

An Liang checked the second most popular comment again


All lovers in the world are brothers and sisters:


Why do I have this strange thought: 'Even if the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group steals aluminum-ion battery technology, it seems to be normal?'

Is it because their official blog account is always unreliable?

Anyway, I am not surprised at all by the rumors circulating overseas, and I don’t think there is anything strange about it. Isn’t it just stealing someone else’s technology?

Well done!

By the way, I'm going to draw a lottery, I hope the winner is me.

Note: I am not doing this for the lottery, I am just supporting conscientious enterprises in our country!


The second most popular comment shot up very quickly, and if nothing unexpected happens, it should soon become the new No. 1 most popular comment.

Mainly the second most popular comment says what everyone is thinking!

Even if the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group really steals other people's technology, Xia Guo's troll netizens don't seem to be surprised.

After all, in the eyes of Xia Guo’s troll netizens, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does not seem to be a serious group!

Just grab it?

Far across the sea, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, Asian Affairs Division.

Director Ylves looked at the information posted on the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group on the Xiaguo Internet, as well as the comments from netizens, and he felt like he was vomiting blood.

The heavy gossip on the Internet was just as An Liang expected. It was indeed released by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in order to damage the image of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

In the end, who knew that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group didn’t care at all, and instead ridiculed the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau for gifting graphene lithium-ion battery technology.

What's more important is that Xia Guo's netizens don't actually care where Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's aluminum-ion battery technology comes from. They even think that there will be no problem even if Dream Future Graphene Technology Group steals the aluminum-ion battery technology.

Faced with such a situation, besides complaining, what else could Alves do?

Will you continue to throw dirty water on the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group?

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group doesn’t seem to care!

Who can withstand such a situation?

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