After An Liang arranged the bonus from Anxin Investment Company, he sent a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Zero: Have you finished the finishing work?’

‘No. 4: BOSS, please rest assured that all field operations personnel have been safely evacuated.’

‘No. 4: All security monitoring systems, including non-networked security monitoring systems, have been processed without leaving any image information.’

‘Zero: Well done!’

‘No. 0: This time, all nine of you will receive a bonus of 100 million Xia Guoyuan, and other field personnel who were directly involved will receive a bonus of 10 million Xia Guoyuan. '

This time Renyi Security Company directly participated in the field operations, in addition to the management, there were also twelve field personnel.

‘No. 0: I will notify No. 2 and ask him to pay you bonuses through normal channels.’

‘No. 4: Thank you BOSS!’

‘Zero: Keep a close eye on the bald eagles, I’m worried they’ll jump over the wall in a hurry’

‘No. 4: Received. '

An Liang is really worried about the bald eagle jumping over the wall. After all, it's not like there is no precedent for bald eagles to overturn tables when they can't afford to play.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has done too many things that cross the line in the gray area, and Anliang must guard against the Bald Eagle causing trouble.

Of course, if the bald eagle really wants to cause trouble, Anliang will never let it go.

The last guy who crossed the line and targeted An Liang was written down in his notebook by An Liang, and he was preparing to retaliate!

It's just that the outbreak of the new energy war has prevented An Liang from taking action against him for the time being.

Now that the new energy war has come to an end and Anxin Investment has won a great victory, Anliang has not forgotten the past grudges at all, and is looking for opportunities to go back.

It was nearly a quarter past two in the morning.

An Liang sent another message to Zhao Wanxi

‘An Liang: Are you asleep?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Not yet, I can’t sleep a little bit’

‘An Liang: Huh?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I have been paying attention to the situation in the US stock market. You and Bald Eagle's financial institutions have a tacit understanding. Their retail investors are in trouble this time!’

‘An Liang: Retail investors are miserable everywhere! '

In any stock market in the world, are there any retail investors who are not miserable?

Maybe not!

Retail investors will always be leeks in the stock market!

Except for a small number of retail investors who have become leeks, a large number of retail investors cannot escape the harvest of the sickle.

‘Zhao Wanxi: Have you dealt with it over there?’

‘An Liang: Yeah!’

‘An Liang: The profit this time is very large’

‘An Liang: The four of you have invested US$31.8 billion, with a profit margin of 248%, and a comprehensive profit of US$78.864 billion. I will send you the specific data and corresponding investment records right away.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: The profit margin actually reached 248%!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: We will share the investment with you equally. '

Facing Zhao Wanxi's initiative to share interests, An Liang gave a negative reply

‘An Liang: Our investment profits this time were a bit high, with a total of more than 400 billion US dollars taken from the US stock market. '

Zhao Wanxi understands An Liang's subtext

‘Zhao Wanxi: We earned legitimate income in accordance with the other party's rules and under legal circumstances. Bald Eagle has no way to target it. Zhao

Wanxi used the word"we" to describe it, which showed that she was on Anliang's side, and also represented that the four first-tier families in the imperial capital circle had shouldered their responsibilities.

Anliang is indeed willing to distribute profits, because all the objects to which Anliang distributes profits have their own roles.

This time, the Bai Yujing Club in the Sky and the four first-tier companies in the Imperial Circle, after they allocate their profits, will form a whole with Anliang to fight against the possible threat of the bald eagle.

If An Liang was the only one who benefited, let alone whether the Bald Eagle would suppress An Liang, there must be people with pink eyes in the Xia Kingdom.

Isn’t it normal to have pinkeye?

Therefore, Anliang needs an interest group through which it can reduce its own pressure and thus fight against ever-changing external threats.

‘An Liang: This time, Anxin Investment will help you manage your assets for free, but Anxin Investment will help you proactively file your taxes.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: No management fee?’

‘An Liang: Yeah’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Doesn’t it matter if you don’t charge management fees?’

‘Anliang: Anxin Investment is a wholly-owned subsidiary! '

Anliang shares a lot of benefits, but they do not include the core cornerstone of Anliang Investment.

Anliang Investment is solely owned by Anliang and belongs to Anliang's Yiyantang!

‘Zhao Wanxi: Thank you!’

‘An Liang: I know you are also under a lot of pressure. Zhao

Wanxi was secretly moved. The pressure on her was indeed very great. For example, the benefits gained from this new energy war could actually be calculated by the four first-tier companies in the Imperial Capital Circle.

Faced with such huge interests, how could the four first-tier families in the imperial capital circle remain indifferent?

If An Liang hadn't shared the benefits in advance, coupled with Zhao Wanxi as a communication channel, and An Liang gathering the Bai Yujing Club in the sky, otherwise, where would the Bald Eagle be needed to target An Liang?

‘An Liang: [USD 31.6 billion investment data]’

‘An Liang: Wanxi, please take a look at this financial statement first. If there are no objections, we at Anxin Investment will declare taxes for you based on this data.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Are you coming to the Imperial Capital today or tomorrow? '

It's already past midnight and it's Friday. An Liang thought about it for a while before replying to the message.

‘An Liang: I'll come over when I wake up today. Just wait for me at home!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Okay. '

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