The AB share model formulated by An Liang and Zhao Wanxi compressed the previous equity distribution plan by almost 50%.

There is a small hidden detail in the new equity distribution plan. Class B equity shares have a ratio of 1:6 when voting, while Class A stocks only have a ratio of 6:1.

According to this ratio, any two of the five Class B shareholders together can achieve a veto effect of more than 33.4% of the equity with one vote.

The relationship between An Liang and Zhao Wanxi is very stable. Together, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi can veto everything with one vote.

The Mu family, the Zhang family, and the Zhu family can also combine in pairs to form a veto effect, thus avoiding damage to their own interests.

This small hidden detail protects the rights and interests of Class B shareholders and makes the relationship between the four first-tier families in the Imperial City Circle and Anliang more harmonious. They don’t need to worry about Anliang kicking them out, and Anliang doesn’t need to worry about being kicked out. go out.

There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only eternal interests.

Because everyone's interests are combined, it is easier to gain mutual trust.

After Anliang announced the new equity distribution plan for the cold chain transportation project, he asked the members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club if they had any objections.

Hu Xiaoyu spoke first,"Brother Liang, can we subscribe for more shares?"

"For example, if the club is assigned a part of the subscription rights, and we compete within the club, we may be able to determine the final result by throwing dice."Explanation of Hu Xiaoyu's proposal.

After Hu Xiaoyu finished speaking, Lin Yili was the first to retort,"I object to using dice as a distribution plan."

Ye Xiangyu seconded,"I also object to the dice distribution plan."

"Against the dice scheme!"Li Mingfei expressed his opposition without hesitation.

Li Mingfei is Li Qian's brother, so of course he will oppose Hu Xiaoyu.

Yun Haiyang remained silent.

The relationship between Yun Haiyang and Hu Xiaoyu is ambiguous, and Yun Haiyang's own luck Oops, of course he chose not to express his opinion.

Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang didn't speak either. They and Yun Haiyang are good brothers, so naturally they couldn't express their opinions at this time.

Besides, there was a tacit understanding within the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club. If it is possible to prevent the dice distribution plan, then it must be stopped.

After all, Hu Xiaoyu is a koi fish. If the benefits are distributed through the dice plan, then Hu Xiaoyu won directly?

An Liang said jokingly,"Little Fish, as you have seen, everyone is opposed to it."

Hu Xiaoyu sighed,"It seems that everyone has no confidence in their luck! An Liang laughed loudly,"

With you here, can everyone have confidence?""

The scene also burst into laughter. Everyone thought Hu Xiaoyu was poisonous. Did she have some misunderstanding about her luck?

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop teasing Xiaoyu. Regarding Xiaoyu’s question, I am here to give you a clear answer. In principle, cold chain transportation projects do not allow you to purchase additional shares."An Liang explained.

However, the members of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club have long been trained into human spirits. In principle, if it is not possible, it means it is possible. In fact, it is also true.

An Liang continued to explain,"Although no more purchases are allowed. , but everyone can think of ways to do it locally"

"For example, if Brother Haiyang’s family has connections in Xichuan Province, then Brother Haiyang can implement the cold chain transportation project in Xichuan Province. How much share Brother Haiyang can get from it is up to Brother Haiyang himself!"An Liang explained

"However, we hope that everyone can cooperate and win-win when developing cold chain transportation projects. After all, cold chain transportation projects are very important to us, and we hope that our club will win a good reputation in the local area."An Liang added.

Everyone started to think about it. If they invest locally, they can indeed get some shares in cold chain transportation projects. However, under the premise of win-win cooperation, this share will not be too much.

"This cold chain transportation project is too huge. Everyone in our club must take action and mobilize their own relationships to carry out cold chain transportation projects across the country. I hope we can completely complete the cold chain transportation project within five years.."An Liang added

"Once the cold chain transportation project is completed, the loss of materials in the transportation link across the country will drop significantly. I believe everyone knows what this means!"An Liang is looking forward to the future.

According to Xia Guo's market size, if the loss in the transportation link is reduced by more than 10%, the cost savings will be terrible, and the profits included will also be terrible. More importantly, the cold chain The transportation project itself is irreplaceable. It is as necessary for life as water and electricity, so it will be extremely stable.

For large amounts of funds, stability is the first priority!

That’s why cold chain transportation projects are very important.

"Brother Liang, I have another question."Lin Yili said

"What's wrong with Brother Yili?"An Liang asked back.

"Regarding the local development of cold chain transportation projects, for example, our family has good relationships in the coastal area. Brother Yuan’s family also has relationships in the coastal area. Xiaoyu’s family also has relationships in the coastal area. Brother Lian Chengli’s family is in the coastal area. It is also very relevant. In this case, how should we distribute the interests to each other?"Lin Yili asked the key question.

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