The soybean planting area in the Bald Eagle Country is approximately 89.95 million acres, which is approximately 540 million acres in summer country units.

Compared with the planting area of ​​Bald Eagle Country, the 3 million to 5 million acres of planting area mentioned by Ye Xiangyu is indeed too small!

Faced with An Liang's evaluation, Ye Xiangyu smiled bitterly,"We also want to expand the planting area, but our infrastructure cannot keep up, and neither can our security forces."

Lin Yili seconded,"Yes, Brother Liang, these innate conditions limit Us. But next year, our planting area can at least triple!"

Hu Xiaoyu vowed,"I think it can at least five times next year."

Zhao Wanxi added,"The club is integrating the upstream and downstream agricultural industries. Chains, whether it is the production of chemical fertilizers, large agricultural machinery, irrigation technology, agricultural chemicals, etc., are all being integrated."

An Liang reminded,"The benefits that go out should be given up to everyone in the upper and lower industrial chains. Don’t be too strong."

Although the size of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club can completely acquire and re-aggregate the entire industry chain, that means going it alone, which is not a good thing for the Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

Therefore, An Liang reminded the members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club to give away part of the dividends so that the industrial chain in the agricultural field could also take a sip of soup along with the Tianshang Baiyujing Club.

The Heavenly Baiyujing Club eats its own meat, and others follow suit to drink soup. Only then can others support the overseas agricultural planting base plan, and only then can they support the Heavenly Baiyujing Club.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club become the target of public criticism?

"Don’t worry, we are just integrating the industrial chain for centralized procurement to reduce our procurement costs, and we will not directly acquire the other party."Zhao Wanxi responded.

Zhao Wanxi is a smart person. She handles things, and An Liang is very relieved.

"That's good. An Liang responded,"Okay, now that we're done talking about the business, let's talk about the activities of our club's annual gathering."

Hu Xiaoyu immediately asked excitedly,"Brother Liang, brother Liang, is there any dice throwing activity?"

An Liang responded negatively,"No!" If there is a dice throwing activity, why don't we just give you the first prize directly?"

Facing An Liang's teasing, all the members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club burst into laughter.

Lin Yili even agreed,"Yes, yes, brother Liang is so right. If there is a dice throwing activity, we might as well Just admit defeat, Xiaoyu will be the first, right?"

Ye Xiangyu also agreed,"I'll just admit defeat anyway!"

The low-key Xu Zhekai also agreed,"I didn't believe in luck before, until now I was beaten black and blue by the koi."

Everyone couldn't help laughing again.

When Xu Zhekai and Hu Xiaoyu were competing in the last round of dice throwing, Xu Zhekai was directly pushed to the ground. He finally understood the luck of the koi fish.

"Although there are no dice thrown, we have a scratch card draw."An Liang added

"Damn it?"Lin Yili is confused!

For koi fish, what is the difference between scratch card lottery and dice rolling?

"this..."Ye Xiangyu is also numb

"unfair! unfair!"Li Mingfei expressed his rebuttal attitude.

An Liang smiled and called out,"Brother Mingfei, besides throwing dice completely randomly and scratching cards based on luck, what do you think is more fair?"

Li Mingfei smiled bitterly. Even completely random dice throwing and luck-based scratch cards are unfair, so what else is fair?

An Liang added,"Don't worry, everyone, in order to further reflect fairness, this scratch card lottery, Xiaoyu If you are ranked 24th in the lottery, the first 23 people will have the opportunity to draw the first prize in advance."

"The scratch card lottery we prepared has one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes, and four lucky prizes. The others are participation prizes."An Liang explained

"The participation award is 88 club contribution points, the lucky prize is 1,000 club contribution points, the third prize is 2,000 club contribution points, the second prize is 3,000 contribution points, plus a second phase clinical trial for heart disease provided by Anxin Life Test quota."An Liang revealed the specific awards.

"The first prize is 100,000 club contribution points. Don't say that the club didn't give everyone a chance, and don't say that Xiaoyu's luck is too good. This time the scratch card draw has ranked Xiaoyu in 24th place. Everyone has no objections, right?"An Liang said teasingly.

Hu Xiaoyu pretended to be aggrieved and said,"Brother Liang, I have an opinion."

"According to the rules of our club, if you have any opinions, everyone will vote by a show of hands. Do you support the resolution I just announced?"An Liang responded jokingly

"Must support! Lin Yili was the first to speak.

Ye Xiangyu also seconded,"I firmly support Brother Liang!""

"Xiaoyu, I don’t mean anything against you, I just support Brother Liang. Pang Zhengfeng said with certainty.

"I have no brains to support Brother Liang!"Xu Zhekai responded

"Xiaoyu, do you want to open a voting mini program in the group?"An Liang teased.

Hu Xiaoyu shook his head,"Forget it, forget it, even if we let them draw first, they won't be able to draw the first prize, and it will still be left to me in the end!"

Is this the self-confidence of the koi fish?

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