An Liang set an order to terminate Prince Hongyue in the Tianji artificial intelligence system, allowing the Tianji artificial intelligence system to automatically execute the order and create a traffic accident against Prince Hongyue.

This matter does not require the involvement of Renyi Security Company at all. Whether it is field intervention or intelligence intervention, there is no need to use the resources of Renyi Security Company, and Renyi Security Company will naturally not be involved.

The whole thing only needs to be completed independently by the Tianji artificial intelligence system, and it is fine-tuned based on traffic big data, thus causing traffic accidents.

How to investigate such a thing?

After An Liang gave the order to the Tianji artificial intelligence system, he prepared to rest.

The next day.


At almost eight o'clock in the morning, when An Liang woke up, Zhao Wanxi, Chen Siyu, and Ning Ruoshuang had already gone to school. They reserved breakfast for An Liang on the insulation board of the dining table, still from Yunjing International Apartment. Breakfast delivered.

Anyway, with the flying motorcycle, it only takes a few minutes to get from Yunjing International Apartment to Xiaobieyuan.

An Liang was eating breakfast while checking the information of the confidential group of Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

Members of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club were discussing the upstream and downstream industrial chains of overseas agricultural planting bases in the confidential group. Except for Anliang and the four companies on the first floor of the Imperial Capital Circle, everyone else seemed to be involved?

Anyway, An Liang saw that Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang, the three brothers Qian Xiaogang, Hu Xiaoyu, Lin Yili, Ye Xiangyu and other members from the first floor to the second floor were also involved.

An Liang was indeed not prepared to participate, and he did not stop the club members from participating. Anyway, the club members were just participating and not eating alone, so there was no problem.

When An Liang's breakfast was coming to an end, he received a message from Huang Guoxiang

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are you free today?’

‘An Liang: If you have anything to do, just tell me directly. If you don’t tell me if you have something to do, how will I know if you are free?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What are the basic social rules for adults?’

‘An Liang: It’s necessary!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Don’t worry, it’s a good thing that I’m looking for you!’

‘An Liang: Do you think I believe it or not?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Seriously!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: You are in the small courtyard, right?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I'm at the headquarters. Come over here. I really have something good to do with you.’

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: Please open the air parking port of your headquarters. I will come directly on the flying motorcycle. '

The headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau naturally has a parking port for flying motorcycles, but special authorization is required to enter it through the intelligent flight control system.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Okay, we have added your flying motorcycle license to the list of allowed entry.’

‘An Liang: Okay, I'll be right over. '

More than ten minutes later, An Liang drove the flying motorcycle into the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau. In the underground aviation parking port, the intelligent flight control system parked automatically. An Liang scanned his face and entered the headquarters building of the National Security Investigation Bureau.

An Liang has already had facial recognition information recorded at the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters, so he can naturally enter by swiping his face.

In Huang Guoxiang's office, when An Liang came in, Huang Guoxiang first joked,"You came alone today?"

"I can't come alone?"An Liang asked rhetorically.

"After all, you have brought security personnel with you before. Huang Guoxiang teased.

An Liang teased in turn,"This is your headquarters. How can I still encounter danger here?"

Huang Guoxiang responded helplessly,"Don't worry, you are very safe here.""

"Isn’t that enough? An Liang complained,"It's not like you don't know that my flying motorcycle is a specially customized bulletproof version. Unless surface-to-air missiles are used, there is no threat at all.""

"This is the imperial capital, not a chaotic area. How could I be attacked by surface-to-air missiles?"An Liang added.

If it is really in a chaotic area,...

All right!

Why should Anliang go to a chaotic area?

Even if Anliang did go to the chaotic area, Renyi Security Company would have sent many security forces to protect him!

For example, when An Liang first went to the western half of the country, he was actually involved in danger, but Renyi Security Company nipped the danger in the bud.

The development of Renyi Security Company is very fast, especially in areas without restrictions. After all, Renyi Security Company has the support of Anxin Investment behind the scenes. More importantly, the funds of Renyi Security Company are legal. This situation allows Renyi Security Company to both Winning over the forces in the gray field can also win over the local court on the bright side.

For example, in Pallas City in Allia, Renyi Security Company is so powerful that it even secretly built air defense forces in advance to ensure the safety of Pallas City and the areas around Sunset Canyon.

"Lao Huang, what exactly do you want to see me for?"An Liang walked to the reception area in a familiar manner, then sat on the sofa and crossed his legs.

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