Neon, local time, nearly three o'clock in the afternoon.

Dongjing Metropolitan Police Headquarters, emergency conference room.

Criminal Department Police Inspector Ankei Saga, Security Department Police Inspector Akasaka Aki, and Traffic Department Police Inspector Aikawa Naosha jointly held a symposium on the investigation of the Prince Honggoe traffic accident.

In the emergency conference room, Criminal Division Police Inspector Anxi Saga first asked,"Aikawa-kun, what abnormal clues did your traffic department investigate?"

Naosha Aikawa responded,"We did not investigate any abnormal clues here."

"Kaori, please report the specific situation."Aikawa Naosha asked his direct subordinate Maeda Kaori to answer the specific situation.

Maeda Kaori took out a tablet. She operated the tablet and projected the contents of the tablet to the projector so that others could view the corresponding content.

"We investigated in detail the driving route of the gasoline truck driver Mikihara, and conducted an in-depth investigation into the three traffic accidents Mikihara encountered."Maeda Kaori first explained the direction of the investigation, and operated on the tablet computer to retrieve the conditions of the three traffic accidents.

"Based on our in-depth investigation, we found that there was no doubt about the three traffic accidents. The vehicles on both sides of the traffic accident were local vehicles, and the drivers were also local people. We also asked the drivers of the vehicles on both sides of the traffic accident, and they both They believe that the accident was caused by their own improper operation."Maeda Kaori explained in detail.

Maeda Kaori added,"We also applied for the banking system to cooperate with us in investigating the financial situation of both parties in the three traffic accidents, but no problems were found."

Anxi Saga frowned,"No problem?"

Natsuno Fujii, the rising star of the criminal department, answered affirmatively,"Sir, we have also investigated the circumstances of three traffic accidents. Just like Maeda-kun's investigation, we did not find any problems."

Fujii Natsuno added,"We further investigated the interpersonal relationships of the six people involved and found no problems."

The police inspector of the security department, Akasaka Aki, responded,"Our security department did not find any human traces in the three traffic accidents. To put it simply, they were traffic accidents."

Anxi Saga hesitated,"This...I think it is impossible. These things are too coincidental. A gasoline truck that did not comply with transportation safety rules happened to encounter three traffic accidents, thus changing the transportation route. Then it happened to meet Prince Hongyue’s motorcade, and something happened. traffic accident"

"So many coincidences come together, do you believe it?"Anxi Saga asked a questioning question.

Faced with Anxi Saga's doubts, the others fell silent.

"Xia Ye, do you believe in such a coincidence?"Anxi Saga asked his capable subordinate.

Fujii Xiaye shook his head in the negative,"I don't believe it. If the original route of the gasoline truck coincided with Prince Hongyue's driving route, I would still believe it was an accident. However, the gasoline truck driven by Mikihara changed its transportation route three times in a row. I really don't believe it was an accident."

Anxi Saga nodded slightly,"It is also because of this situation that I don't believe in so many coincidences."

"Mr. Aichuan, I hope that your traffic department will continue to conduct in-depth investigations. Even if there is a slight abnormality, don't let it go!"Anxi Saga put forward his request.

Aikawa Naosha sighed,"Anxi-kun, I can understand your mood, and I also understand your pressure. After Prince Hongyue's accident, the royal family put a lot of pressure on us, but our There was no problem with the investigation. In fact, I not only arranged for Kaori to investigate, I also arranged two other independent investigations to avoid errors in Kaori's investigation."

Police Inspector Akasaka Akimu of the security department also seconded,"Our security department has also conducted three independent investigations, and there were no problems in all investigations."

"Mr. Anxi, what you said is indeed very reasonable. So many coincidences are very suspicious, but there is no problem with our investigation. When there are no problems in our investigation, no matter how suspicious it is, it is just suspicious, and we can only say that a coincidence is a coincidence." Akasaka Akimu explained.

Anxi Saga was silent for a moment before responding,"I contacted the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to ask about the situation."

Under normal circumstances, the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department would definitely not be willing to cooperate with the Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but now the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department's investigation has fallen into trouble. Even though there are many doubts, there is no direction for the investigation.

Faced with such a situation, Anxi Zuo He was unwilling to give up, so he could only cooperate with the Intelligence Investigation Bureau.

Naosha Aikawa and Akiaki Akasaka had no intention of stopping them. They had completed the work of their departments, and the next work was Anxi Saga. If Anxi Saga investigated more situations, which was also an auxiliary credit for them, so they were happy to see the results. The emergency meeting of the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department ended. In Anxi Saga's office, he asked Fujii Natsuno,"Xia Ye, if it were you, would you still continue the investigation?"

Natsuno Fujii responded without hesitation,"Of course! Sir, I support you in continuing your investigation!"

"good!"Anxi Saga nodded happily.

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