The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was 'lucky' to get clues about the search plan, and worked hard to grab the thousand-year-old astragalus. However, they were robbed along the way and 75% of the share was taken away.

I have to say that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau suffered a big loss!

More importantly, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau suffered a heavy loss, because the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was hacked privately, and the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau did not know that the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau had been robbed.

In the view of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the Millennium Astragalus of Inari Shrine was stolen by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. Even if the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau defends it, it is just sophistry.

So the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau suffered a huge loss!

They not only lost 75% of the thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, but also helped take the blame.

If it weren't for the worry of finding nothing, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau really wouldn't want to be so angry!

Xia Kingdom, the imperial capital.

It was close to 8:30 pm local time.

An Liang received the voice communication sent by Huang Guoxiang through the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software, and he swiped the screen to answer it.

"What's up? An Liang asked straight to the point.

Huang Guoxiang asked,"The interception plan was successful, but you didn't receive the news?""

"I saw it, what happened?"An Liang asked again

"No! Don't you feel any excitement at all?"Huang Guoxiang complained

"What's so exciting?"An Liang said calmly,"It's just more than twenty pieces of thousand-year-old Astragalus. In addition, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was tricked. These things were completely expected. They were simply things written in the script. Why did you do it? Excited?

An Liang added,"I already knew the answer to what was destined from the beginning." Huang Guoxiang complained,"

You're still pretending!""

"That's the truth!"An Liang responded calmly.

"One more thing, you have nothing to do with Prince Hongyue's car accident, right? Huang Guoxiang asked.

An Liang responded teasingly,"The answer to this question actually does not lie in how I answer, but in how you think about it. After all, you won't believe it even if I answer it.""

"You definitely don’t believe me when I say that we don’t know about Prince Hongyue. After all, you know that Prince Hongyue has teamed up with mathematicians to target me before."An Liang took the initiative to expose some secrets.

Of course, these secrets were known to Huang Guoxiang

"So I won’t answer this question. This question doesn’t make any sense. If you doubt me, you have to provide evidence."An Liang added calmly.

Huang Guoxiang reminded,"If it is really you who did it, I can only wish you the best not to leave any clues, because Neon will definitely investigate everything, and they will not let anyone go. Details, as long as there are any clues, you may be retaliated against!"

"I thank you for your concern, but this matter has nothing to do with me. I have not done this matter, so how can you possibly find out that it is related to me?"An Liang directly denied it.

As for admitting it?

That is impossible!

It was the Tianji artificial intelligence system that targeted Prince Hongyue. An Liang did not use any power of Renyi Security Company, nor did he make any inappropriate arrangements around Prince Hongyue, such as Talk about intruding into the security monitoring system, or modifying the other party's vehicle, etc.

Under such circumstances, how could Neon possibly investigate that Prince Hongyue's traffic accident was related to An Liang?

Is it necessary to frame the fault?

An Liang is not It's easy to offend. If it's a frame-up, Anliang will definitely not let it go!

"Regarding the overseas agricultural planting base, we have discussed it with Li Cunyuan and others. Is there no problem on your side? Huang Guoxiang brought up old things again.

An Liang responded teasingly,"You owe me a favor!""

Huang Guoxiang understood what An Liang meant. What An Liang meant was that the reason why Li Cunyuan and the others agreed to Huang Guoxiang was because of An Liang's mediation.

"OK!"Huang Guoxiang directly agreed

"So refreshing?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang responded calmly,"I owe you a favor when I owe you a favor. Anyway, when I want to return a favor, I will not violate my principles."

"As expected of you!"An Liang laughed and scolded

"How did that one go?"Huang Guoxiang asked a little cryptically.

An Liang deliberately teased,"Which thing?"

"You know."Huang Guoxiang is a little anxious.

"oh! An Liang pretended to suddenly realize,"It's about heroes saving beauties, right?""

"We are making arrangements. Are you ready?"An Liang asked back.

"I'm worried about your arrangements. How are you going to deal with it? Huang Guoxiang finally couldn't help but ask about the specific situation.

An Liang teased,"It seems you don't care enough about Xiao Tao!""

"What's the meaning? Huang Guoxiang asked back.

An Liang reminded him,"Xiao Tao lives in a village in the city, right?""

There are actually some urban villages composed of old alleys in the Second Avenue of the Imperial Capital. In order to reduce the commuting time to work, Tao Yanni rented a house in the urban village.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated,"What do you mean?"

"I heard that the public security environment in the area where your little Tao lives has been a bit bad recently. There have been many burglaries in the past two days. I suggest that you send Xiao Tao to him if you have time recently."An Liang said suggestively.

Huang Guoxiang's mind suddenly became clear,"Okay, I understand!"

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