In the encrypted communication channel built by the Deep Web, Dmitri directly sent a message to Anliang.

‘DMT:【Security cost information】’

‘DMT: We also have a cruiser that can provide security services. Do you need it?’

‘DMT: In addition to cruisers, we also have submarines. Whether they are conventional submarines, nuclear-powered submarines, or nuclear attack submarines, all of them can be arranged.’


‘AAA: Brother, I just want to let you go around and show that our overseas agricultural planting bases have security conditions. We are not trying to start a war.’

‘AAA: And nuclear attack submarines!’

‘AAA: I dare to arrange it today, and we will have tea tomorrow. Do you believe it?’

‘DMT: Don’t worry, our nuclear attack submarine operations are very secretive and no one knows about it.’

‘AAA: No more nonsense, I don’t want these, I just want four destroyers, and each destroyer is equipped with two frigates.’

‘AAA: There is nothing wrong with the [security cost information] you produced. I agree with this security cost. How will these funds be given to you?’

‘DMT: Can you remit these funds to our domestic banks?’

‘AAA: No problem at all’

‘AAA: You know, we are a professional financial institution. No matter what region and currency you choose, we can arrange it for you.’

‘DMT: We want your Xia Guoyuan to remit this money to our country’s Foreign Trade Development Bank’

‘AAA: No problem’

‘AAA: How often do you expect settlement to occur?’

‘DMT: Seven days is a cycle, is that okay?’

‘AAA: Of course there is no problem if you settle on Monday, but if you want to settle every day, it will be fine.’

‘DMT: Thanks!’

‘DMT: You really don’t want a cruiser or a submarine?’

‘AAA: I really don’t want to!’

‘AAA: Brother, you are not selling security services to me, you are sending me in!’

‘DMT: Based on your status there, I believe you can solve it’

‘AAA: It can be solved, it’s not necessary. '

For Anliang, those things are indeed not unsolvable troubles, but why are they necessary?

This time the security service was just as Dmitry guessed. It was originally Anliang's special business to build relationships with the Pacific Fleet. After all, it was just a week's tour around Africa, and it was not stationed at a fixed point. The security capabilities it provided were limited. Deterrence.

The defense force of overseas agricultural planting bases relies more on establishing local air defense systems and coastal defense systems, as well as forming corresponding security teams.

‘AAA: When can you arrange the first security team?’

‘DMT: If you need it, we can arrange departure within three days at the earliest’

‘AAA: Then arrange the departure as soon as possible. After all, it is still more than a month away from your Pacific Fleet base to the land of Africa. Our overseas agricultural planting base plan will definitely start in one month.’

‘DMT: Got it! '

Dmitri agreed very simply and did not remind Anliang to pay a deposit or anything.

However, Anliang responded to the message very consciously, indicating that he would pay a deposit, thus calming the Pacific Fleet's mind.

‘AAA: You send me your bank account, and we will pay you a 20% deposit for the security fee first. You can act boldly with confidence, and we will not give you a leg up.’

‘DMT: Thank you boss!’

‘DMT:【Foreign Trade Development Bank account information】’

‘DMT: I will make arrangements immediately. The first security team will set off directly within three days at the latest.’


‘AAA: By the way, during this security tour, if you encounter problems that need to be solved, we will reimburse you for all your ammunition consumption and provide corresponding rewards.’

‘DMT: That would be great!’

‘DMT: Our boys here still miss the boss’s generosity’

‘AAA: I suggest you go through the Rokko Strait. If you meet...You know!’

‘DMT: I get it!’

‘DMT: I think those guys will run away when they see us, though. '

According to the style of the North Bear Country, if any pirates see the North Bear Country's warship, they will most likely run away.

After all, the Northern Bear Country often bullies pirates by being nosy, or bullies pirates with live ammunition. How can the pirates withstand it?

‘AAA: What if someone is blind?’

‘DMT: That would be great!’

‘AAA: By the way, you also set up an agricultural planting base in Sudan?’

‘DMT: Yes’

‘DMT: To be precise, all the powerful families and groups in our country are pouring into Sudan.’

‘DMT: Everyone is optimistic about the development prospects of overseas agricultural planting bases. After all, you have to provide technology and sales. As long as you occupy the land and plant things, you can reap benefits steadily. Who is not jealous?’

‘AAA: Aren’t you afraid of accidents?’

‘DMT: Any surprises?’

‘DMT: We have a naval logistics center in Sudan!’

‘DMT: Because of your overseas agricultural planting base plan, the budget of our naval logistics center in Sudan has been greatly increased. It is expected that a new super destroyer will be stationed in Sudan in the future.’

‘AAA: As expected of you, Northern Bear!’

‘DMT: After Sudan’s naval logistics center is completed, you need to hire security services, which will be cheaper.’

‘DMT: Let me reveal another confidential information to you. '

Dmitri said he could reveal a confidential information to Anliang!

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