An Liang and Lan Xin quickly discussed the security costs and happily reached a verbal agreement.

After all, it’s impossible to sign a written agreement for this kind of thing, right?

Anyway, neither An Liang nor Lan Xin can break their promise.

The price of gaining weight because of broken promises is too high!

"Mr. An, let’s have lunch together?" Lan Xin extended the invitation.

An Liang apologized and denied,"Sorry, Mr. Lan, I have something to do at noon today. I will definitely do it next time."

"no problem."Lan Xin nodded with a smile.

An Liang sent Lan Xin to the air parking port of Kongshan Tea House. After Lan Xin left, An Liang sent a message to the young actor Liang Xue

‘An Liang: Are you filming today? '

In less than half a minute, An Liang received Liang Xue's reply message.

‘Liang Xue: I’m not filming today, I’m memorizing the script’

‘An Liang: Memorize the script?’

‘An Liang: That's good. I'll discuss the script with you.’

‘Liang Xue: [blushing]’

‘Liang Xue: I’m at home. '

When Liang Xue came to the Imperial Capital before, she rented a two-bedroom apartment in Wenhuakai Community on Dongsi Road.She has now bought this house with her own salary.

Although it is only a house with two bedrooms and one living room, Liang Xue is still very satisfied

‘An Liang: OK, I’ll be right over’

‘Liang Xue: Okay. '

Imperial Capital, East Fourth Road.

Warm and blooming community.

Liang Xue put down her phone with a happy look on her face. She quickly walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out some ingredients from the refrigerator, and then got busy in the kitchen.

In the past, Liang Xue's cooking skills could only make instant noodles, but she worked hard to learn cooking for Anliang. Now, although Liang Xue's cooking skills cannot be said to be particularly powerful, they are definitely at a good level.

Almost an hour later, An Liang arrived at Chunnuanhuakai Community in a low-profile Audi A6L.

Liang Xue is now well-known, so An Liang will naturally not drive a flying motorcycle over to avoid attracting attention.

At the door of Liang Xue's house, An Liang opened the door directly according to the password sent by Liang Xue. As soon as he entered the door, he heard the sound of the range hood coming from the kitchen. An Liang was slightly startled, so this little actor is cooking?

An Liang walked quietly to the kitchen door and saw the young actors busy in the kitchen. He was a little moved.

An Liang was very aware of the little actress' previous cooking skills, but now it seemed that she was quite skilled in cooking, obviously after studying and practicing.

"ah?"When Liang Xue turned around and found An Liang, she exclaimed, and then added,"How come you didn't say anything when you came?"

"I saw you were busy, so I didn't call you. An Liang responded, and then asked,"When did you learn it?""

Liang Xue knew that An Liang was asking about her cooking. She said a little embarrassedly,"I used to cook at home after filming every day. Recently, I took on a new drama. When I was memorizing the script at home, I Also cook for myself."

An Liang sighed softly, and hugged Liang Xue into his arms,"Thank you!"

Liang Xue showed a happy smile on her face, and then exclaimed,"Oops, the pot is going to be burnt!"

An Liang immediately let go of Liang Xue and asked Liang Xue to handle the dishes in the pot.

"What kind of dish is this?"An Liang asked.

Liang Xue used a spatula to flip the dishes in the pot and responded,"This is fried lobster balls with green onion. I learned it at Ruide School. You can try it later.""

"OK An Liang nodded, and then added,"It smells delicious and looks delicious.""

The smile on Liang Xue's face became brighter.

While An Liang and Liang Xue were enjoying a warm lunch, Hongyue Zhicong, who was far away in Neon, had a sad face.

Prince Hongyue's Mansion.

Prince Hongyue's son Hongyue Zhicong was on one side Looking at the investigation report sent by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, I couldn't help but frown.

Yuuo Kaizumi, the son of Yoshito Kaizumi, security director Chiba Totarō, and intelligence director Nobita Asazuna sat on their knees opposite Tomomitoshi Nigotsu. During the Prince of Etsu's car accident, the butler Yoshito Kaisumi and the deputy security director Shingo Katori accompanied Prince Nigotsu into his long sleep.

"Yusei, have you read the investigation report sent by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department?"Hongyue Zhicong asked.

Haicheng Yusheng answered affirmatively,"Your Highness, I have read the relevant reports."

"What do you think?"Hongue Zhicong asked.

Yusheng Kaisheng hesitated for a few seconds before responding,"I think there is something wrong with the investigation results of the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department. This investigation report revealed too many doubts, especially That gasoline truck encountered traffic accidents three times in a row and changed its transportation route. What a coincidence!"

Actually, Yusei Kaisumi didn't want to mention this, but Yusei Kaisumi knew that Tomoshitsuji Nigotsu could definitely see it, so he could only raise such a question.

Security director Chiba Kotaro also agreed,"The same is true of Yusei-kun's question. My question is, I don’t agree with this investigation report!"

Nobita Chao Tsuna lowered his head, his eyes changing uncertainly.

Hong Yue Zhicong naturally noticed the strange behavior of Nobita Chao Tsuna, and he immediately asked,"Nobita Jun, what can I do for you?"

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