Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong naturally understand what An Liang said, because kneeling down to beg for mercy really has no effect.

"Professor Zhang, Professor Jiang, are you willing to join the dark core technology?"An Liang asked again.

Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong looked at each other, and then nodded together.

"Mr. An, we are willing to join the dark core technology!"Zhang Zhixiao said with certainty.

"Thank you Mr. An for the invitation."Jiang Yong also answered in the affirmative.

An Liang smiled, and he discovered a small detail. Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong both called him 'Mr. An' before, but now they have changed their names, indicating that they are indeed willing to join the dark core technology.

"Welcome to Dark Core Technology! An Liang first expressed his welcome, and then added the inquiry,"Professor Zhang, Professor Jiang, after you join the dark core technology, we hope that you will be integrated into our R&D system. We will continue to develop carbon in the direction of ternary computer technology." base chip.

Zhang Zhixiao agreed firmly,"No problem!" Jiang

Yong seconded,"Since Mr. An wants to overthrow binary computer technology, we are naturally willing to contribute to Mr. An's efforts." An

Liang was very satisfied with the attitude of the two of them. He smiled and teased,"Two professors, did you forget to discuss the salary issue?" Zhang Zhixiao responded with a smile,"

I believe Mr. An will not treat us badly.""

Jiang Yong nodded in agreement.

An Liang thought about it for a moment, and then asked Zhao Wanxi,"Wanxi, what is the annual salary of the R&D director of Dark Core Technology?"

Zhao Wanxi responded,"The annual salary of the R&D director of the independent project team is 2 million, and R&D incentives are included. If the R&D results are achieved, he will receive a high bonus."

"Last year, Zeng Qiang, director of the carbon nanotube team, raised the purity of carbon nanotubes to 99.**%After discussion by the company, Supervisor Zeng Qiang was awarded a bonus of 3 million, and the carbon nanotube team was awarded a group bonus of 15 million." Zhao Wanxi explained.

An Liang looked at Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong,"Professor Zhang, do you want to keep the original team for independent research and development, or join our existing team? Zhang Zhixiao did not answer An Liang immediately,"

We want to discuss it." An Liang nodded,"

No problem, Wanxi and I will go to the bathroom first."

After finishing speaking, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi stood up and left the small conference room.

Outside the conference room, Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to speak,"What do you think they will choose?""

"What do you think?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi answered directly,"They will definitely maintain the original team's independent research and development."

"I thought so too."An Liang responded.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi came to the tea room. In the tea room, Zhao Wanxi took two bottles of orange juice. An Liang took the bottle and unscrewed it and handed it to Zhao Wanxi. Zhao Wanxi also You're welcome, because wouldn't it be nice to leave things like twisting bottle caps to your boyfriend when you have a boyfriend?

"Master An, I have discovered a new target."Zhao Wanxi said in a low voice.

"What new goal?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"Liu Yuanming's team at Pudaokou University. On the surface, this person is doing research on quantum computers, but in fact they have been doing research and development on ternary computers."

"Are you ready to poach again?"An Liang couldn't help but smile.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"We are here to help reduce the burden on the school."

"Makes sense! An Liang nodded with a smile,"Let's go to Shuimu University tomorrow to get that Liu Yuanming?""

Zhao Wanxi agreed firmly,"Okay. Liu Yuanming was easy to handle, because PBC University also knew what Liu Yuanming was researching, and its annual research expenses were only 2 million.

An Liang couldn't help but smile,"Two million to research quantum computers is not bad!""

Nearly ten minutes later, An Liang and Zhao Wanxi returned to the small conference room.

An Liang asked again,"Have you discussed it yet? Zhang

Zhixiao answered affirmatively,"Mr. An, we hope to maintain the original team. We mainly want to carry out logic research on carbon-based chips.""

"no problem! An Liang agreed directly,"When can you come over to work?"

Zhang Zhixiao responded slightly awkwardly," This...Mr. An, we need about half a month to handle the handover at the school."

Zhao Wanxi answered,"You don't have to worry about the handover. We have planned to sponsor Teito University with 200 million yuan as compensation."

In fact, this amount of sponsorship funds is not much, because the research and development funds consumed by Zhang Zhixiao's team at Teito University in the past 20 years are almost 100 million. Add in the inflation in the past 20 years, and the sponsorship of 200 million funds is almost the same.

Heard Zhang Zhixiao and Jiang Yong were relieved by Zhao Wanxi's remarks. Although they were dissatisfied that Imperial University could not provide them with sufficient R&D funds, they also thanked Imperial University for its continuous support over the years. Teito University is in trouble

"Thank you Mr. Zhao for your understanding."Zhang Zhixiao said gratefully.

Zhao Wanxi waved her hand,"I just hope you can have research results."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Zhao, we will definitely do our best!"Zhang Zhixiao responded affirmatively.

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