An Liang is a smart man, how could he not understand what Zhao Xingguo meant?

"I heard that your arrangements in Arlia are also quite good?"Zhao Xingguo asked casually.

An Liang didn't hide anything,"It's very appropriate!"

"Is it convenient for you to disclose some information?"Zhao Xingguo was curious.

Zhao Dongliang also said curiously,"I have also heard some gossip. For example, Li Cunyuan and the others have established a special trade zone for agricultural planting bases in Lia, and they are also working on a special trade zone management committee.."

An Liang added,"Not only the Special Trade Zone Management Committee, they also want the security autonomy of the Special Trade Zone, as well as various autonomy rights, and they also need to form an armed security team."

"Damn it? Zhao Dongliang couldn't help but swear,"Are they going too far?""

Zhao Xingguo also said thoughtfully,"It's impossible for Leah to agree, right?"

"In fact, it has been agreed. At present, Liya has agreed to all the conditions proposed by Li Cunyuan and others, including allowing them to deploy air defense systems and coastal defense systems around Liya's agricultural planting base. An Liang responded.

Zhao Dongliang hesitated,"Are the Lia authorities crazy?"

Zhao Xingguo asked,"What conditions did you agree to?""

"Li Cunyuan and others agreed to some interest-related conditions, and I provided some conveniences, including providing them with identity certificates and safe financial accounts."An Liang just explained briefly.

The deeper meaning is that An Liang believes that Zhao Xingguo understands. After all, Zhao Xingguo is the Secretary of the Central Committee, how can he not see through these things?

In fact, Zhao Xingguo completely understood An Liang's hint. He nodded slightly and said He said,"Just be sensible. An

Liang responded with a smile,"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, we are fully prepared and there won't be any disputes.""

"That's good!"Zhao Xingguo nodded.

"You are in Arlia..."Zhao Dongliang answered the question on the side. He didn't ask the question completely, but the meaning was clearly expressed.

An Liang first denied Zhao Dongliang's inquiry,"Brother Dongliang, it should be us!"

This time in the overseas agricultural planting base plan, An Liang did not team up with Li Cunyuan and the others. A five-party group was formed.

The three brothers Li Cunyuan, plus the six core groups composed of Hu Xiaoyu, Lin Yili and Ye Xiangyu, accommodated more than 200 forces from all over the country to participate, thus sharing the interests of Leah.

Anliang and the five-party group composed of four families on the first level of the Imperial Capital Circle, only five families can divide the interests of the entire Arlia. This is a big piece of cake!

"Our layout in Arlia is much more hidden than Li Cunyuan and others. We have integrated into the local area through economic means. Currently, with Sunset Canyon as the center, we have controlled a large amount of surrounding land, including Pallas City."An Liang did not hide any explanation.

"With the cooperation of Sunset Canyon, we have currently hired more than 1,500 people in Pallas City, and based on the agricultural planting base plan, we are expanding the scale of employment and expect to recruit at least 5,000 people in Pallas City through the agricultural planting base. people."An Liang added

"At present, the chief political officer of Pallas City has completely turned to us, and we can implement relevant provisions through him, thereby avoiding some problems."An Liang said jokingly.

This is actually no different from Li Cunyuan's operation, except that An Liang has an additional middle layer. The chief administrative officer of Pallas City serves as the executor, while An Liang hides behind the scenes.

"Uncle Zhao, we are initially planning to build an agricultural planting base of 20 million acres around the Sunset Canyon. What do you think?"An Liang asked Zhao Xingguo for his opinion.

Zhao Xingguo replied with a smile,"Leave professional matters to professionals. When it comes to overseas agricultural planting base plans, you are the professionals. I don't understand your plan at all, so of course it is. it's up to you"

"If you think it's appropriate, then implement it according to your idea." Zhao Xingguo added.

An Liang nodded slightly,"Okay, then according to the plan, the first phase of overseas agricultural planting base plans 20 million acres of land. As for the crops to be planted, we mainly plan to plant soybeans to alleviate the pressure on us to import soybeans."

Zhao Xingguo nodded affirmatively,"This plan is very good!"

Currently, Xia's soybean imports fluctuate around 100 million tons throughout the year, accounting for about one-third of the global soybean trading volume. Half of the soybean imports come from the Football Kingdom, about 40% of the soybeans come from Bald Eagle, and the rest About ten percent of soybeans come from all over the world.

However, as the main buyer of soybeans, Xia Kingdom does not have the right to price soybeans; the Soccer Kingdom’s soybean output is so huge that it also does not have the right to price soybeans.

The final pricing power of soybeans is actually Who can accept this in the hands of the Bald Eagle Country?

It is not that Xia Guo has not tried hard. Xia Guo once wanted to work hard to solve such a problem and obtain the right to price soybeans, but it failed after its efforts and was unable to shake the current pricing system..

However, if the overseas agricultural planting base plan is successful and Xia Guo uses soybeans provided by his own people, can the pricing power still be stably in the hands of the Bald Eagle?

In addition, regarding the overseas agricultural planting base plan, Anliang has another The killer weapon!

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