An Liang did not conceal the distribution of relevant benefits in the super grid plan. After all, everyone is a smart person. Even if An Liang said that the super grid did not bring local benefits, who would believe it?

If the super grid plan really does not bring local benefits, how to ensure the smooth operation of the super grid in the local area?

Won’t local forces cause sabotage?

【Win-win cooperation] These four simple words express the essence of business.

If there is no win-win situation, who is willing to cooperate?

Even if some cooperation seems unfair, there must be a deep-seated reason. Otherwise, how can we cooperate?

An Liang continued to explain,"In addition to Tyrande, other countries also have their own interests in the super grid plan. When the super grid plan is fully formed, we control the energy supply sources in the relevant areas from the most upstream power generation end. Then there is too much room for us to operate!"

The super grid plan is indeed a win-win plan, but after the super grid plan completely strangled all the upstream power supply energy, the super grid became a big killer in Anliang's hands.

After all, even if there were still some power plants struggling to support the upstream supply side of the super grid at that time, it had lost its meaning. In the end, only the fourth-generation nuclear power plants controlled by Anliang were left to supply power to the super grid.

Zhao Xingguo obviously thought of such consequences, he said hesitantly,"Can you control all fourth-generation nuclear power plants?"

"certainly! An Liang responded affirmatively,"Although the super grid plan requires the support of fourth-generation nuclear power plants, the fourth-generation nuclear power plants are independent of the super grid.""

"The super grid plan is only a transmission network, and the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is a power generation facility. The two are independent of each other. Our cooperation with the local area is also cooperation in the transmission network."An Liang added.

Zhao Xingguo didn't ask any more questions, because Zhao Xingguo knew something about An Liang's iceberg empire hidden under the sea.

Besides, even if An Liang really couldn't hold on, Zhao Xingguo would help An Liang.

Let's not talk about An Liang and Zhao. The relationship between Wanxi and the current interest cooperation between Anliang and the four first-tier families in the imperial circle makes it impossible for Zhao Xingguo to give up on Anliang. The entanglement of interests between the two parties is so deep that they have almost formed a community of interests. If Anliang's interests are harmed, , which is equivalent to harming the interests of the four first-tier families in the imperial capital circle.

Therefore, Zhao Xingguo can only support Anliang, and he must also support Anliang.

This is the power of the community of interests!

Zhao Xingguo praised,"Your plan is very careful!"

In fact, these plans are all made by professionals, so how can there be any opportunity for loopholes to be taken advantage of?"

"When your super grid plan is completed, we hope to promote Xia Guoyuan with the help of the super grid plan."Zhao Xingguo brought up the matter of promoting Xia Guoyuan again.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"No problem at all! Even if you don't say it, Uncle Zhao, we will use the super grid plan to promote Xia Guoyuan's internationalization."

This is true!

Because in countries in Southeast Asia, their currency stability is far less than that of Xia Guoyuan. If Xia Guoyuan can be used as the settlement currency of the super grid, it will also be a good thing for Anliang.

However, the super grid plan is a The long-term plan may take ten or even twenty years to complete this great plan.

When An Liang, Zhao Xingguo, and Zhao Dongliang were communicating in the study, they were far away in Neon Winter Kyoto. Hongyue Zhicong is indulging himself

"Yusheng, have another drink!"Hongyue Zhicong asked Haicheng Yusheng to drink another drink.

Haicheng Yusheng's eyes showed worry. He accompanied Hongyue Zhicong to drink another drink, and then lowered his voice and said,"Your Highness Zhicong, we are a little short. After all, His Highness the Prince has not yet been buried."

Haicheng Yusheng is reminding Hongyue Zhicong to pay attention to the impact.

After all, Prince Hongyue's body is not cold yet, so even if Hongyue Zhicong doesn't wear hemp and mourn, he actually comes out to eat, drink and have fun. Such an influence is really not good.

"drink!"Higoshi Satoshi ignored Kaizumi Yusei's intention, and he continued to order Yusei Kaizumi to drink.

Yusei Kaizumi looked to the security manager Chiba Kotaro for help. He hoped that Chiba Torataro would persuade Miji Satoshi, but Chiba Kotaro didn't seem to have it. It’s the same as seeing Yusei Haicheng asking for help

‘well! 'Haicheng Yusheng sighed silently in his heart. He felt that he was under too much pressure. Prince Hongyue and his father had left a mess for him. Hongyue Zhicong looked like a playboy again. Kaisheng Yusheng really felt that he too difficult!

However, Yusei Kaisumi has no intention of giving up. The education he received since childhood is to assist Hongyue Zhicong. He is thinking about how to cheer up Hongyue Zhicong, and at least make the funeral of Prince Hongyue a glorious one.

Neon local time at night is close to midnight.

Yusei Kaisumi helped the swaying Tomato Nijigo into the car, and Kotaro Chiba, who had not drank, drove the car himself. In the back seat, Tomiso Nijigo was lying on the seat, and Yusei Kaisumi sat next to Tomiso Nijiba.

When the vehicle was driving smoothly on the road, Hongyue Zhicong, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly said,"Yusheng, do you think I am wrong?"

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