Hongyue Zhicong's worries are not unnecessary, because Renyi Security Company is indeed observing the situation secretly.

This time the [Return Gift Plan] was executed flawlessly without leaving any evidence, but An Liang knew very well that even without evidence, the other party could guess some clues.

Because Prince Hongyue once broke the rules to deal with Anliang, this is the clue left by Prince Hongyue.

That's why An Liangcai ordered Renyi Security Company to secretly observe Hongyue Zhicong to determine whether Hongyue Zhicong wants revenge. If Hongyue Zhicong wants revenge, then he should strike first when Hongyue Zhicong's revenge plan has just begun.

If Hongyue Zhicong has no intention of revenge, Renyi Security Company will not easily relax its vigilance against Hongyue Zhicong, and will still arrange for people to monitor Hongyue Zhicong for a long time.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi finished checking the information on the [Secondary Target Investigation Record] together. Zhao Wanxi said jokingly,"This Hongyue Zhicong is a bit smart, and he actually chose to commit suicide. He must have guessed that you are the mastermind behind the scenes. , so I'm a little scared."

An Liang responded,"We actually investigated this Hongyue Zhicong. He is indeed a smart man, but he is relatively timid and likes to enjoy himself."

"He must know that I am the mastermind behind this. After all, his father used to team up with mathematicians to target me. Now that his father is dead and no clues can be found, I must be the first suspect."An Liang replied with a smile.

Although An Liang is the first suspect, so what?

This kind of thing without evidence can't do anything to An Liang!

Besides, it was Prince Hongyue who broke the rules first, and An Liang only fought back passively.

No matter what Whether on the bright side or in the gray realm, An Liang is invincible. What can Hongyue Zicong do to An Liang?

"This Hongyue Zhicong was actually a little too worried. I arranged for people to monitor him, not to target him, but because I was worried that this guy was a fool. After figuring out that I was the mastermind behind the scenes, he was directly prepared to deal with me."An Liang explained.

An Liang is indeed not worried that Hongyue Zhicong is a smart person, but is worried that the other party is stupid.

Smart people will have more considerations. Once they have more considerations, they will understand how powerful An Liang is, and thus It is impossible to go against An Liang, even if he has a grudge against An Liang for killing his father, it is also impossible to go against An Liang.

But Leng Tou Qing is different!

If Hongyue Zhicong is Leng Tou Qing, once he knows that the mastermind behind the scenes is An Liang, then The hatred for killing his father is irreconcilable, so he desperately targets An Liang.

This is what An Liang wants to prevent.

So An Liang arranged for Renyi Security Company to secretly observe Hong Yue Zhi Cong. If Hong Yue Zhi Cong is smart enough, An Liang will naturally not be able to Then target Hongyue Zhicong.

When Anliang targets Prince Hongyue, that is because Prince Hongyue broke the rules first and targeted Anliang.

If Anliang continues to target Hongyue Zhicong, then Anliang is in the wrong position.

"Judging from the performance of Hongyue Zhicong, I don't think he is a threat." Zhao Wanxi said judgmentally.

An Liang nodded in agreement,"From the current point of view, he is indeed not a threat. After all, this guy is too smart!"

Hongyue Zhicong is indeed too smart!

Even if Hongyue Zhicong assumes the responsibility of the Prince's Palace and performs very well, Anliang will still not target him and will only make careful arrangements. Unless

Hongyue Zhicong has a bad mind and wants to Target An Liang at all costs, and An Liang will target him in turn.

Zhao Wanxi said slightly worriedly,"Although this Hongyue Zhicong is nothing to worry about, the Deserted Village Action Group under the Neon Royal Family still needs to be careful. An

Liang smiled and pointed in the negative,"Wanxi, you're over the top again!""

Zhao Wanxi suddenly realized, and then gave An Liang a soft blow on the heart,"I was worried about you, that's why I was afraid that the Neon Royal Family would arrange for the Deserted Village Action Team to act secretly."

In fact, this is Zhao Wanxi's concern.

Because it is impossible for the Neon Royal Family to arrange the deserted village action team to directly target An Liang.

If the Neon Royal Family does this, it means that the Neon Royal Family breaks the rules.

Since the Neon Royal Family breaks the rules , Anliang can also break the rules. Once both parties break the rules, the damage will be too great, so Anliang concludes that it is impossible for the Neon Royal Family to break the rules.

In fact, this is also true!

Of course, the members of the Neon Royal Family know the cause of Prince Hongyue's death. , they also guessed that An Liang was behind the scenes, but had no further plans.

First of all, this matter was the conflict between Prince Hongyue and An Liang, and other royal members did not want to participate in it.

Secondly, this matter was indeed Hong Yue's. Prince Yue was in the wrong.

Although Prince Hongyue's layout was very sophisticated at the beginning, so that there was no evidence, only speculation, but what's the use?

After all, An Liang has now achieved the same level, leaving no evidence, just There are only guesses.


To be precise, An Liang did something more terrifying.

Prince Hongyue somehow used mathematicians, but An Liang did not use anyone this time, at least after careful investigation by the Dongjing Metropolitan Police Department and the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. It was not found that An Liang had used any personnel.

In such a terrifying situation, how could the Neon Royal Family be willing to stand up for Prince Hongyue?

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