Fan Ping, who was investing with peace of mind, was indeed an old single man. An Liang thought to himself, this old Fan knew the rules, and he actually knew not to take advantage of others!

‘SSR: Regarding the promotion plan, I am ready to roll it out directly’

‘SSR: First, [Anxin Payment] was officially launched through Anxin Bank.’

【Anxin Payment] is the mobile payment application of Anxin Bank. Although mobile payment in Xia Guo has become popular, there are still opportunities in Tyrande's mobile payment market.

Whether it is Zhifu Bao or WeChat Pay, they have become the dominant players in Xia Kingdom. Even the mobile payment promoted by UnionPay cannot compete with them. However, they have not become dominant in Tyrande, so there is still a chance for safe payment.

In addition, there is a huge advantage to paying with peace of mind.

Whether it is Zhifu Bao or WeChat Pay, their payment mechanism in Tyrande is to first convert Xia Guoyuan into Thai Baht, and then settle the payment through Thai Baht to complete the payment.

However, in An Liang's vision, Anxin Payment does not need to convert Xia Guoyuan into Thai baht for settlement, but settles directly with Xia Guoyuan through the Tailande Branch of Anxin Bank.

Both Tyrande merchants and users who use Anxin Pay directly use Xia Guoyuan for settlement, thereby skipping the exchange process for Thai baht.

This reduces the need to exchange Thai Baht and reduces the cost of currency exchange.

After all, whether it is Zhifu Bao or WeChat Pay, they will charge a handling fee when exchanging Thai baht.

Although Anxin Pay will also charge a transaction fee, Anxin Pay is backed by Anxin Bank and directly uses Xia Guoyuan as the settlement currency without actually converting it into Thai baht, so it can reduce some rates in terms of handling fees.

‘AAA: Have the relevant permissions for Safe Payment been processed?’

‘SSR: Of course!’

‘SSR: Although the Tyrande royal family had some dissatisfaction, we finally solved the problem through hard work.’

‘SSR: Once Anxin Payment is successfully launched, our first step will be to require merchants in the Bangkok area to accept Anxin Payment and register an Anxin Payment account to accept Xia Guoyuan settlement.’

‘SSR: In addition, in our small cash loan business, we are also preparing to promote safe payment and provide some repayment discounts’

‘SSR: For example, for a one-month small cash loan business, we will select some high-quality customers to launch a campaign to waive interest for repayment with peace of mind.’


An Liang originally thought it was a money-burning activity. After all, when Zhifubao and WeChat Pay were promoted in Xia Guo, the two companies burned too much money. A random holiday red envelope event would cost billions of Xia Guoyuan.

In the end, when Song Ren came here, he was just exempted from loan interest? this...

A bit stingy, okay?

‘SSR: Is this activity bad?’

‘SSR: Is that okay to just reduce the interest rate by 50%?’

‘AAA: Brother, just be a human being!’

‘AAA: Let’s learn from Xia Guo’s successful case. How about we do some red envelope activities?’

‘SSR: this...Still don't want it?’

‘SSR: Those Xia Guo companies are poisonous, and their promotion costs are too high!’

‘SSR: We control enough resources in Tyrande and we don’t need to learn their money-burning methods.’

‘SSR: Take the Guman area as an example. Except for a few merchants from Tyrande Royal Family, all other merchants are our local promoters. We only need to make some billboards to promote safe payment. '

I have to say, what Song Ren said makes sense.

‘SSR: If we really want to hold an event, we will hold a lottery. As long as we hold a lottery, we can also attract local people in Kobang.’

‘AAA: Yes!’

‘SSR: When Anxin Pay comes online, I suggest that we use 1 million Xia Guoyuan to draw a lottery’


‘AAA: A little more, a little more, brother, one million really won’t do, let’s go straight to 100 million!’

‘SSR: So many?’

‘AAA: Not much!’

‘AAA: We just want to be the first!’

‘AAA: We will directly give out a red envelope worth 100 million Xia Guoyuan, set up a first prize of 10 million Xia Guoyuan, two second prizes of 5 million yuan, and five third prizes of 2 million yuan, and set up 88 more 100,000 Xia Guoyuan. Congratulations prize, and 666,666 lucky prizes of 100 Xia Guoyuan’

‘SSR: You’re not good at math! It’s over budget!’

‘AAA: A little more than a little more. '

According to Anliang's regulations, the prizes are only more than five million, but the prizes of this lottery are very well arranged. There are both the super grand prize of getting rich overnight and a huge number of participation prizes, which will definitely attract a large number of people. people involved

‘AAA: Brother, when you made the Safe Pay billboard, you printed the lottery information on it. Our target customers for Safe Pay are not only tourists from Xia Kingdom, we really hope that merchants in Tyrande, as well as Thai Local residents of Rand are also joining the worry-free payment process. '

If merchants in Tyrande and people in Tyrande also join the Anxin payment system and use Xia Guoyuan for settlement, it will be huge good news for Anxin Bank!

As for being unfriendly to Tyrande?

What does that have to do with Anliang!

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