Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, inside An Liang’s office.

When An Liang finished communicating with No. 1 and No. 2, he received a call from Qin Tianxiang

"Mr. An and Mr. Hongyue have arrived at the headquarters."Qin Tianxiang reported.

An Liang ordered,"Take them to the conference room No. 3."

"OK"Qin Tianxiang responded.

An Liang notified the legal department and asked the legal department to come over to attend the meeting.

In the conference room No. 3,

Hiroyoshi Tomato, Yusei Kaisumi, Torataro Chiba, and four legal staff were waiting.

Dreaming of the future graphene The service staff of the technology group brought bottles of mineral water.

Yusheng Haicheng silently observed the situation in the conference room. He secretly thought in his heart, would the other party make them wait for an hour or two, so as to show off their power?

However, they waited In less than three minutes, An Liang arrived at the conference room No. 3 with the legal department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

An Liang glanced at Hong Yue Zhi Cong. Of course he 'knew' Hong Yue Zhi Cong.

"Hello, Mr. Hongyue, I am An Liang. This is my first time meeting you. Please give me your advice."An Liang introduced himself in neon language.

An Liang is proficient in neon language!

Hongyue Zhicong looked at An Liang in surprise. If he hadn't known that An Liang was not a neon person, he would have even thought that An Liang was a neon person. After all, An Liang could speak neon language very well. A little too good

"You roar, An Xiansang."Hongyue Zhicong greeted me in Xia Mandarin, which I couldn't hold back, and then switched back to neon language, and bowed and saluted,"I am Hongyue Zhicong, please take care of me."

An Liang looked at Hongyue Zhicong bending down to salute at 90 degrees, with a smile in his eyes. These neon people like this set of superficial etiquette, and even won praise from the outside world because of these superficial etiquette.

But in fact, neon people like this set of superficial etiquette. Hong people are very cold at heart!

"Please take a seat."An Liang signaled Hong Yue Zhi Cong to sit down.

However, Hong Yue Zhi Cong was very sensible. He waited for An Liang to sit down first, and then followed suit.

"Mr. An, regarding the previous..."Just as Hongyue Zhicong spoke, he was interrupted by An Liang

"Let’s discuss cooperation first."An Liang said straight to the point.

"OK"Hongyue Zhicong responded politely, without any discomfort at being interrupted.

"Lao Lu, take out the cooperation agreement."An Liang motioned to the legal director Lu Weize to take out the cooperation agreement. Lu Weize was once just an ordinary legal consultant of the Dream Graphene Technology Group. Later, due to his excellent business ability and calm personality, he has now become the head of the legal department.

Lu Weize took out the cooperation agreement A thick stack of documents was then distributed to everyone on Honggoe Tomato's side. Even the security director Chiba Torataro had a copy. However, Chiba Torataro had no intention of looking through it. He couldn't understand it anyway, so why bother? Torturing his own brain cells?

Tomohiro Hiroki had no intention of reading it. He brought four legal staff over, and these legal staff were now functioning.

Yusei Kaisumi looked at the contract, and at the beginning of the contract, he used Xia The statement clauses are written in Mandarin, Neon, and English.

If there are text traps in Xia's Mandarin contract but are not expressed in the Neon and English contracts, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will bear the legal responsibility.

This statement The terms are very reassuring. It shows that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is an attitude of honest cooperation.

At least when Yusheng Kaisheng looked at this clause, he felt that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group was full of sincerity.

Yusheng Kaisheng continued to view The specific terms of the cooperation agreement.

In the specific terms, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has set up two cooperation methods. One of the cooperation methods is that the overseas agricultural planting base accepts the planting guidance work of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Graphene Technology Group stipulates what agricultural products should be grown in overseas agricultural planting bases.

If it is this kind of cooperation, then the prices of graphene reverse osmosis membranes and seawater desalination production lines will be cheaper, and in the future, Graphene Technology Group will also provide buy-back of agricultural products. Service.

The second way of cooperation is that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will only act as a supplier and only provide graphene reverse osmosis membranes and seawater desalination production lines. It will not care about anything else, and the overseas agricultural planting base will solve all problems by itself.

Two types Under the cooperation method, the price difference between the graphene reverse osmosis membrane and the seawater desalination production line is about 25%.

Yusheng Kaisheng checked the specific terms, and he preferred the second method, because the second method is more free and will not be Controlled by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Almost half an hour later, the four legal staff brought by Hongyue Zhicong read the cooperation agreement. An Liang watched them put down the cooperation agreement and took the initiative to speak,"Let's leave first, you can discuss it first discuss. Lu

Weize also led the staff from the legal department and followed An Liang out of the conference room No. 3.

After An Liang and his party left, Hongyue Zhicong immediately asked,"How about this cooperation agreement?""

Ishikawa Airi responded,"Your Highness Tomato, this cooperation agreement is very fair and very clear. There are no text traps or special restrictions."

Hongyue Zhicong looked at the other three legal advisors, and the other three legal advisors nodded together.

Yusheng Haicheng also seconded,"Your Highness, I have read the cooperation agreement. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does have sincerity in cooperation, but There are two options for this cooperation agreement."

Haicheng Yusheng said the two options, and Hongyue Zhicong took the initiative to ask,"Which cooperation plan do you think we should choose?"

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