It’s nearly ten o’clock in the evening, Yunjing International Apartment.

An Liang returned here today, and Zhao Wanxi is also here today. An Liang has already taken room 8808 from Yun Haiyang, and it has been transferred to Zhao Wanxi.

Zhao Wanxi did not lack this small apartment, but Anliang had to give it to her.

In room 8806, An Liang was sitting on the sofa, and the big imperial cat became An Liang's cat in her arms again. She yawned and said,"Teacher Sun was so cruel today!"

"What happened to her today?"An Liang stretched out his hand and stroked the long hair of the cat in his arms.

Ning Ruoshuang is practicing yoga, and Zhao Wanxi is handling the work of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group in room 8808 next door, so An Liang is now occupied by Chen Siyu alone

"This afternoon, that guy Xinmei asked for leave. I originally thought that after Xinmei asked for leave, I would also take leave smoothly, but Teacher Sun asked me to practice alone all afternoon."Chen Siyu said coquettishly.

An An was heartbroken and concerned,"Have you played the piano all day? Teacher Sun is indeed a bit cruel, and this is too tiring!"

"So I don’t want to play at all at night"Chen Siyu waved his hand as he spoke.

She played the piano all day long, and although she had a break in the middle, she had played the piano intermittently for at least five hours alone in the afternoon, and she did feel very tired.

However, practicing piano is indeed very boring, boring and tiring.

An Liang lowered his voice and said,"Since you worked so hard, I'll show you a treasure!"

Chen Siyu rolled her eyes at An Liang. She had been taken to the highway by An Liang a long time ago. How could she not know An Liang's tricks?

But knowing that she knows, how can she resist?

"Frost, help!"Chen Siyu called to her best friend.

Ning Ruoshuang pointed to the noise-cancelling earplugs on her ears, saying that she couldn't hear Chen Siyu's call.

Chen Siyu continued to call,"Shuangshuang, please save me quickly. The noise-cancelling earphones can also hear it. of!"

However, this time Ning Ruoshuang turned around directly and did a difficult yoga movement, as if she didn't hear anything. An

Liang glanced at Ning Ruoshuang's back with a smile, and then said with a wicked smile,"Don't ask for help. Frost is also unable to protect itself!"

Chen Siyu gave up asking for help. She felt that An Liang was right. Isn't Ning Ruoshuang also unable to protect herself?

It's just a matter of time!

As the night approached early morning, Zhao Wanxi did not escape the clutches. The strength of the dual-talented devil is indeed so powerful.

In 8808 In the room, Zhao Wanxi nestled in An Liang's arms, and she asked casually,"Did the signing go smoothly today?"

"Um? An Liang was confused,"The group didn't send you any reporting information?""

"I sent it, but I didn’t read it. I was too busy today and have been dealing with the site selection issue for the ultra-fast charging network."Zhao Wanxi explained

"In addition, Li Cunyuan’s ultra-small charging station is planned to be blocked." Zhao Wanxi added.

In the previous new energy war, Anliang used sodium-ion battery technology to make a false shot, thus severely harvesting a handful of leeks in the US stock market.

During this process, Li Cunyuan proposed the use of sodium-ion batteries. A plan to build ultra-small charging stations with batteries to provide charging services for electric bicycles.

According to the plan proposed by Li Cunyuan, at least 4,488 ultra-small charging stations will be established in the imperial capital, and each ultra-small charging station will be equipped with 3 to 6 people for 24-hour service , thus providing at least 18,000 jobs

"What's going on over there, Brother Yuan?"An Liang said casually

"He is riding a tiger with difficulty!"Zhao Wanxi explained,"Whether the ultra-small charging station plan makes money is a secondary matter. The key is that this plan can create more than 18,000 jobs and indirectly provide more than 1,000 jobs."

"The most important thing is that these jobs are basic jobs, which can just accommodate some people in need, especially older people." Zhao Wanxi added

"Therefore, the current situation is beyond Li Cunyuan's control. The imperial court does not want to give up the ultra-small charging station plan, and the central court will also support this plan."Zhao Wanxi explained

"In this case, let Yuan Ge continue to deal with this matter and replace the original sodium-ion battery storage station with an aluminum-ion battery, thereby further reducing the space occupied by the charging station, reducing the related costs, and the difficulty of implementation."Anliang responded.

Although it is an ultra-small charging station, if sodium-ion batteries are used, the ultra-small charging station will also take up a relatively large space due to the low energy density of sodium-ion batteries.

If aluminum-ion batteries are used, it can save a lot of money. floor space

"You're not involved? Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang denied,"It doesn't matter whether I participate or not. Brother Yuan will naturally give me a share.""

"It seems so. Zhao Wanxi responded,"One more thing. It's winter vacation soon, so the Mu family and the Zhu family hope to let Mu Dong and Zhu Chengli follow Li Cunyuan to do this thing."

An Liang said jokingly,"Mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are?""

Zhao Wanxi said negatively,"The two of them simply want to cultivate the third generation of leaders. It would be the best thing if you are willing to give them more. An

Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"I'll send a message to Brother Yuan first to see what Brother Yuan means.""

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