Hongyue Zhicong looked at the quotation sent by An Liang. Faced with the quotation that had an average increase of 100%, Hongyue Zhicong did not have any surprises.

After all, there are many similar situations in cross-border trade.

For example, Neon's local Alfa van only costs about 300,000 Xia Guoyuan in Neon, but when it is exported to Xia Guo, the price directly reaches 1 million Xia Guoyuan.

Is this not just a 100% increase in price?

Aren’t Xia’s consumers still happy to accept it?

Hongyue Zhicong quickly read the quotation, and he secretly considered how to get the Neon Court to accept flying motorcycles and get the public to recognize flying motorcycles.

If the influence of the Hongyue Prince's Palace is directly used, although the flight permit bill can also be passed, the public may not pay the bill, or even boycott the flying motorcycle.

Therefore, Hongyue Zhicong needs to find a way to establish a good reputation for flying motorcycles in the hearts of Neon people. It is best to make the people actively desire to import flying motorcycles.

Hongyue Zhicong explained the situation, and then looked at Yusheng Haicheng,"Yusheng, how do you think we should deal with it?"

Yusheng Haicheng thought about it, and after about a minute, Yusheng Haicheng thought of a way

"Your Highness, I have an idea!"Haicheng Yusheng explained quickly.

After nearly half an hour of explanation, the two discussed the final execution plan.

"Yusheng, I’ll leave this matter to you."Haicheng Yusheng ordered.

Haicheng Yusheng nodded affirmatively,"Please rest assured, Your Highness."

It was close to two o'clock in the afternoon.

A hot topic appeared on Neon Internet.


《Sky Knight? Soaring water dragon!》

【News link:"The Imperial Capital of Xia Kingdom has launched a new firefighting mode: 60 fire-fighting flying motorcycles have been put into the firefighting team!" 》]

Quotation translation:

A fire broke out in a hundred-story building in the Xia Kingdom's imperial capital, and conventional firefighting was unable to respond. The new firefighting flying motorcycle arrived at the scene 104 seconds after the fire alarm was triggered, and it took 77 seconds to resolve the fire.

The fire occurred at 18:12 pm on January 6, local time in Xia Kingdom; the location was Dongsandao, the imperial capital of Xia Kingdom.

This time was during the peak hours of get off work in the Xia Kingdom Imperial Capital, and the traffic congestion was very serious. Under normal circumstances, firefighting vehicles would not be able to reach the fire scene within half an hour.

In addition, the fire occurred in a 100-story building, and traditional firefighting vehicles had limited rescue capabilities.

However, the fire was completely resolved only 181 seconds after the fire alarm was triggered, without causing any casualties. The fire was controlled at the source and did not even cause major property losses.

Let’s compare our neon fire protection issues again!

【News link:"Who is responsible for the Ginza high-rise fire?" 》】

Quote from the original text:

A fire broke out in a 30-story apartment in Ginza. The fire spread for 1 hour and 21 minutes, from the 22nd floor to the 26th floor, causing a total of 3 deaths and more than 3 billion yen in property losses.

Who should be responsible for this accident?

Why did it take 1 hour and 21 minutes for the fire rescue team to arrive at the scene?

Even though the traffic situation was terrible, why didn't they give way to the fire vehicles?

Why didn’t the apartment building’s fire protection system work?

The same fire problem, the same traffic congestion problem, the fire in the Imperial Capital is even higher in terms of floors, but comparing the two cities, the rescue speed in the Imperial Capital is simply a miracle!

Why don’t we introduce fire-fighting flying motorcycles?


Driven by the mastermind behind the scenes, this topic has become very popular on the Neon Internet, arousing heated discussions among Neon netizens. Some"enthusiastic netizens" even moved the corresponding rescue video from Xia Country.

The Imperial City's fire department is very good at publicity. Every time a flying motorcycle is used to perform a rescue mission, the video clip recorded by the flying motorcycle will be posted on the Internet, so that the public will further accept the rescue method of flying motorcycles.

The melon-eating netizens of Neon moved the promotional video of the Imperial Fire Department to Neon, which shocked the netizens of Neon.

It turns out that the fire fighting version of the flying motorcycle is so powerful?

There are not only fire-fighting flying motorcycles, but also rescue flying motorcycles.

Among the fire department's promotional videos, there is one very thrilling video. This video is about rescuing a climber who fell off a cliff and was hung on a branch. He was very lucky.

But unfortunately, this climber was seriously injured. His left hand was fractured, his abdomen was injured by dead branches and stones, and he was bleeding continuously.

Under such circumstances, the mountaineers would definitely not be able to persist for a long time. It was still the Imperial City Fire Department that arranged a rescue flying motorcycle to carry out the rescue.

It only took a total of 19 minutes from receiving the rescue call to arriving at the location where the climbers were trapped, and a medical version of the flying motorcycle followed, allowing the climbers to better obtain rescue.

This video was actually reproduced by Yusei Kaisumi behind the scenes, because in this video, not only the fire-fighting version of the flying motorcycle was introduced, but also the medical version of the flying motorcycle was introduced!

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