The cooperation between Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Amgen is very pleasant. The main reason is that Amgen is sensible enough and takes the blame when it should be taken, without any backstabbing behavior.

For example, when trolling netizens on Weibo criticized the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group for selling lighthouse helmets at a high price with evil intentions, Amgen Company directly stood up and said that it was Amgen Company that had independent pricing power and asked netizens in Xia Guo not to have a finger in the pie.

In this way, Amgen will directly take the blame for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

So this time when Anliang was preparing to export flying motorcycles, he thought of Amgen, an excellent partner.

After all, how can a partner who is willing to take the blame and takes the initiative to take the blame be unpopular?

When An Liang had just decided to choose Amgen as a partner, Amgen's representative in Xia Country, Eric Watt, had already contacted An Liang directly.

An Liang looked at Eric Walter's caller ID and raised his eyebrows, 'This guy has such a keen sense of smell? '

Anliang swiped the screen to answer the call.

Eric took the first step and spoke in Xia Mandarin,"Hello, Mr. An, I am Eric from Amgen.""

"Hello, Mr. Eric, I know it’s you. What’s the matter?"An Liang asked.

Eric responded,"We found that there are a lot of promotional activities about flying motorcycles on Neon Internet, so we guessed whether your group is preparing to export flying motorcycles to Neon."

"I have just contacted Mr. Wu of your group. Mr. Wu said that he needs Mr. An to confirm, so I took the liberty to contact Mr. An. If your group wants to export flying motorcycles, we hope to introduce your group's flying motorcycles to Bald Eagle for sales. Eric didn't hide anything and directly expressed his true thoughts.

An Liang replied with a smile,"We are indeed planning to export flying motorcycles to Neon. If your Amgen company is interested, I will send you a quotation.""

"interested in! Must be interested! Mr. An, our Amgen company has a good history of cooperation with your group, and we hope that Mr. An will take more care of us. Eric responded quickly.

An Liang responded with a smile,"We are a mutually beneficial cooperation!" Your email has not changed?"

"No, it's still the same email address as before."Eric replied immediately

"I'll send you the quotation first. You can read the quotation first."An Liang explained

"OK Eric responded politely.

The two parties ended the call, and Anliang sent the quotation for the flying motorcycle to Eric, which was still the price previously exported to Neon.

Amgen is indeed an excellent partner, but it does not mean that Anliang will provide preferential prices to the Bald Eagle area. Anyway, there are more wealthy people in Bald Eagle, so he is not worried about Amgen not making money. If Amgen cannot make money, Amgen will not introduce flying motorcycles at all. In addition,

Amgen will not make money.

On the side, Eric received the quotation sent by An Liang. He read it quickly. Eric was mentally prepared for the specific price, so he was not surprised.

‘The ex-factory price of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is 19.98 million Xia Guoyuan. According to the current exchange rate, it is almost a little over 3.13 million US dollars. The flying motorcycle can be classified as a private jet. The import tariff is 15%, which is almost 470,000 US dollars. 'Eric analyzed the costs.

Bald Eagle's legal control over private aircraft is relatively loose. As long as the flying motorcycle is classified as a private aircraft, there is no need for a special flight permit act.

‘If transportation costs and insurance costs are added, the comprehensive cost basically reaches US$3.61 million. 'Eric calculated the total cost up front.

The cost of this one is a bit high!

However, Eric is not worried about the cost at all, because Eric believes that flying motorcycles will definitely become a new toy for rich people and a new means of transportation for the rich.

To be honest, Anric feels that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has provided the option of ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic ballistic wind guide for flying motorcycles, which is perfect for a bald eagle!

This configuration is basically useless in Xia Kingdom, but it is very useful in Bald Eagle, right?

It’s a bald eagle after all!

The bulletproof version of the flying motorcycle is definitely a must-have for the rich.

Although flying motorcycles usually fly in the sky and the risk of being shot is relatively low, who among the rich doesn't want to be safer?

Eric has imagined that once the flying motorcycle lands on the Bald Eagle, the ballistic wind deflector based on ALON aluminum nitride transparent ceramic will inevitably become the most popular option.

After Eric read the quotation, he first contacted Amgen’s President Williams Emu

"Mr. Emou, I have contacted Mr. An from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and the other party sent us a quotation, which I have sent to Mr. Emou. Eric explained.

Williams responded,"I'll take a look at the quotation first. Please wait a moment.""

"Okay, Mr. Emu."Eric responded.

This quotation was very concise and could be read in one minute at most. Eric did not hang up the phone. He patiently waited for Williams Emu's response.

If there were no accidents, he Guess Williams-Emu would also like to introduce flying motorcycles to Bald Eagles!

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