When Liu Chengde and Jia Wenwen returned to the hotel, self-media Vlog blogger Liu Xiaogang started a late-night live broadcast

"Good evening everyone, I am Guman Xiaogang, welcome everyone to my live broadcast room."Liu Xiaogang said hello to the camera.

"After the Vlog I shot in Kuman was uploaded, many family members said it was fake, and some said it was staged. Today I will take you to see the real situation in Kuman."Liu Xiaogang continued.

"It's now around nine o'clock in the evening here in Tyrande, and I'm going to take my family to see the night market here. Liu Xiaogang added

"We are not going to the Hebin Night Market today. Maybe some family members don’t know about the Hebin Night Market. Hebin Night Market is also called the Ferris Wheel Night Market. I believe there must be family members in the live broadcast room who have been there."Liu Xiaogang explained.

The Ferris Wheel Night Market is the favorite night market for Xia people. In the Ferris Wheel Night Market, there are a very large number of Xia people.

As Liu Xiaogang explained, some viewers in the live broadcast room actually made corresponding comments.


‘As soon as you mentioned the Ferris Wheel Night Market, I understood!’

‘Went there three years ago!’

‘The Ferris wheel night market is boring, I like to go to the Patpong night market next door!’

‘Disguised Neon Man, right?’

‘Brother is so stable!’

‘I also love the ping pong show!’

‘I miss the days when I used to watch table tennis shows!’


Liu Xiaogang looked at the barrage of information, and he quickly stopped him and said,"Family members, please spare your lives!"

"We are a green live broadcast room. We will definitely not go to Patpong Night Market today, let alone go to see that show. Please keep this in mind. Liu Xiaogang said with a wry smile.

"Families, you guys are talking to each other here, wait a minute and the anchor will go to jail, okay?"Liu Xiaogang is working on the live broadcast effect.

The so-called 'table tennis show' is not a sport!

Isn't this kind of show suitable for public discussion?"

"The night market we are going to today is Xina Karin Night Market, which is also the Old Locomotive Night Market. This night market is mainly a night market that local young people in Tyrande like to go to. Let’s go to see if local young people can use Anxin Pay, Xina Do the merchants at Karin Night Market support safe payment? Liu Xiaogang explained.

Liu Xiaogang has been to the Ferris Wheel Night Market. In the Ferris Wheel Night Market, the coverage rate of Anxin Pay has reached 100%, and a large number of tourists from Xia are also willing to use Anxin Pay. After all, Anxin Pay has the lowest exchange rate.

In addition , , Anxin Pay is indeed very convenient.

Although Tailande also has Fubao and WeChat Pay, they cover too few merchants, which is far less extensive than the area covered by Anxin Pay.

Now Anxin Pay has achieved almost 9% in Kuman With a coverage rate of 19.99, how can Anxin Pay lose with the support of this coverage?

Almost half an hour later, Liu Xiaogang arrived at the Sina Karin Night Market. He walked into the night market with a selfie stick and took pictures. The safe payment billboards standing next to each merchant's booth

"Family members, have you seen it? In Xina Karin Night Market, advertisements for safe payment are still overwhelming. We have tested it before. All merchants with this billboard support safe payment."Liu Xiaogang explained

"Let me first take you to browse the Sina Karin Night Market. Compared with the new Locomotive Night Market Ratchada, the old Locomotive Night Market Sina Karin has more historical heritage and is more popular among local young people in Kuman."Liu Xiaogang introduced the Sina Karin Night Market.

After shopping in the Sina Karin Night Market for almost half an hour, Liu Xiaogang faced the camera and summed up,"Family members, we have almost browsed the entire Sina Karin Night Market. Didn't find any merchants that don't support Safe Payment?"



‘Damn it! Is this really Guman?’

‘Is there a possibility that Xiaogang is actually in China?’

‘Suddenly I can’t understand Guman. Why did Guman become like this?’

‘When I went to Koh Bang two years ago, I still felt that Koh Bang was inconvenient, especially because it did not support mobile payment. Now after watching Xiaogang’s live broadcast, I want to travel to Koh Bang again!’

‘I want to go too!’

‘I'm going to watch a table tennis show!’

‘Bro, form a team?’

‘Going in a group?’

‘Does Ping Pong Show support mobile payment?’

‘Will mobile payment be found?’

‘Dude, I suggest cash!’


Liu Xiaogang saw that the barrage suddenly turned crooked again. He quickly stopped him and said,"Family members, you should really treat yourself as a human being! I beg you, if you say this, I will be banned later!" Live broadcast room After hearing Liu Xiaogang's speech, the audience not only did not hold back at all, but started to discuss more enthusiastically, where is the best place to watch the table tennis show in Tyrande, and even participate in playing table tennis.

I have to say that the audience of this live broadcast...Extreme punishment!

Seeing that the comments in the live broadcast room were getting more and more outrageous, Liu Xiaogang originally wanted to continue the live broadcast, but he decisively chose to close the live broadcast room and change the live broadcast mode to Vlog mode.

Otherwise, if you were banned due to a large-scale barrage, wouldn’t that be pure injustice?

Liu Xiaogang cherishes his account very much. After all, his account has become somewhat famous. Whether it is traffic rewards or additional income from occasional advertisements, Liu Xiaogang is quite satisfied.

Therefore, Liu Xiaogang chose to download the broadcast to avoid being implicated by the comments from the live audience.

After all, the comments from the live broadcast audience were too outrageous!

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