Huang Guoxiang directly saw through An Liang's true purpose!

However, An Liang did not admit it. He tried to be cunning....explain...necessary explanation.

There are things that can be done, but there is no need to admit them, let alone admit them.

It cannot be said, it cannot be said, it is wrong to say it!

‘An Liang: If I said that I was just planning things to take precautions, would you believe it?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I don’t believe it!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Your ambition is getting bigger and bigger.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, I suggest you not to make random guesses about a person. You should look at what a person is doing.’

‘An Liang: Isn’t it a good thing that I promote Xia Guoyuan in Tyrande?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Although it is a good thing, I still have to say that there is a reason for you to do this. You just want to get more support.’

‘An Liang: I want the horse to run again, but I still don’t let the horse eat grass. Isn’t it too much?’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, you are a smart man. Even if I really have the ideas you mentioned, we can make Tyrande a back garden, isn't it good?’

‘An Liang: Lao Huang, please tell your conscience, when you go to Tyrande to do field work, are you going on a trip? '

That's true!

The field work of the National Security Investigation Bureau in Tyrande has now become popular. Everyone is willing to do field work in Tyrande. After all, after all, just hand over the matter to Renyi Security Company for assistance, and Renyi Security Company will handle it properly. All right, what's wrong with that?

In fact, not only Tyrande, but also Laowo Country next door, South Vietnam Country next door, and Malaysia and other countries, the current penetration rate of Renyi Security Company is very high.

These countries in Southeast Asia are relatively backward, both in terms of modern development and economy.

In such an environment, Renyi Security Company is like a duck in water.

Renyi Security Company, through the support of Anxin Investment Company behind the scenes, easily corrupted relevant personnel in these countries to obtain the benefits they wanted.

Therefore, the field tasks of the National Security Investigation Agency in most areas of Southeast Asia have become simpler.

Huang Guoxiang naturally understood what An Liang said, but the only problem was that when An Liang said he would run Tyrande as his back garden, that was An Liang's back garden, right?

Huang Guoxiang is very aware of Tyrande's current situation.

Currently, Tyrande has secretly formed a three-party struggle for hegemony. Among them, the Tyrande royal family is the strongest. On the surface, the Tyrande court is with the Tyrande royal family, but in fact, the Tyrande court has different intentions and often secretly gives Tyrande royal family money. The Rand royal family is in trouble.

The last party is naturally the interest group headed by An Liang.

This interest group is very complex, including a consortium of overseas forces led by Renyi Security Company, local forces led by Ren'an Investment Company, and some stakeholders from the Tyrande court.

Although on the surface, Anliang's side is the weakest among the three parties.

But in fact, Anliang's side received secret support from the Tyrande court, and both parties united to fight against the Tyrande royal family.

An Liang is indeed prepared to take advantage of the opportunity of opening Tyrande this time to gain greater support, especially some support that cannot be made public, in order to manage Tyrande as a back garden.

Although Huang Guoxiang is right, Tyrande's back garden will become An Liang's back garden, but An Liang is from the Xia Kingdom, doesn't this back garden also belong to the Xia Kingdom in the end?

An Liang never makes mistakes on such big issues of right and wrong.

Because An Liang knew very well that the best way for a small country like Tyrande to survive was to rely on a big country to gain protection from the big country.


Establish a complete industrial system like a big country?

A complete industrial system requires not only technical support, but also market volume support.

It is impossible for a small country like Tyrande to support a complete industrial system.

Therefore, relying on a big country is Tyrande's choice.

Even if Tyrande is managed as a back garden by An Liang, it will not change the result.

An Liang does have money and the ability to try to establish a complete industrial system in Tyrande, but is it necessary?

An Liang doesn't really want Tyrande to develop and grow. An Liang just wants Tyrande's wealth and resources.

‘Huang Guoxiang: That’s why I said your ambition is too great!’

‘An Liang: It’s a good thing for you’

‘An Liang: Let's be honest, if a bald eagle encounters such a good thing, it will probably wake up with a smile, right? '

In fact, bald eagles have been doing similar operations, turning other countries and regions into their own backyards. In order to do such things, bald eagles spend a lot of money every year.

An Liang now does such things for free!

‘Huang Guoxiang: What do you want?’

‘An Liang: I don’t want anything for the time being.’

‘An Liang: We still have the advantage. If we need help, we will ask for help.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: What is the status of your multi-million-dollar prize event in Tyrande? '

When Huang Guoxiang saw An Liang said he didn't need help, he changed the topic. Recently, Xia Guo was very concerned about this matter because it was related to Xia Guoyuan's promotion in Tyrande....

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