Kohlberg of the Northern Bear Country used point-to-point homomorphic encryption technology to send information to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. There are many possibilities behind this piece of intelligence!

Perhaps the worst of it is that the Bear Nation and the Bald Eagle are secretly cooperating, so their intelligence agencies send information to each other.

If this is the case, it is definitely the worst news for Anliang!

However, An Liang felt that this possibility was very small.

Because the Northern Bear Country is not stupid.

The Northern Bear Country and the Bald Eagle are natural mortal enemies. There is no possibility of cooperation between the two sides. They can only fight openly and covertly, hoping to stab each other to death.

After thinking about this, Anliang immediately sent a message to Dmitri of the Pacific Fleet of the Bear Kingdom

‘AAA: Here? '

After a few minutes, Dmitri did not reply to the message, so Anliang directly used the emergency contact number to contact the other party. This time, he finally contacted Dmitri.

Dmitri complained on the phone,"Hey, friend, it's four o'clock in the morning here, can you consider the time difference?"

"Is it convenient to talk now?" An Liang ignored the other party's complaints.

Dmitri also immediately put away his complaints. He responded negatively,"Wait a moment, I will call you later."

Anliang hung up the phone directly.

Almost ten minutes later, Dmitri called again.

"what's the matter?"Dmitri asked straight to the point.

An Liang asked repeatedly,"Have you confirmed the confidentiality?

Dmitri responded affirmatively,"One hundred percent no problem!""

"I'd like to know the workings of your North Bear Country Kohlberg."An Liang asked directly

"What's the meaning?"Dmitri asked back

"We intercepted a message from the dark web. This message was sent from your northern bear country, Kolberg, to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau using point-to-point homomorphic encryption technology. So I would like to ask what the situation is? An Liang asked.

Dmitri responded hesitantly,"Isn't it possible?""

"There was no way Kohlberg was connected to the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau."Dmitri put away his hesitation and answered in the affirmative.

"Give me a confidential email and I will send you the corresponding evidence."Anliang didn't talk nonsense.

Dmitri didn't talk nonsense either. He directly reported the confidential email to Anliang,"You send the evidence, I will arrange the investigation here, and then send you the investigation results."

"good!"After An Liang agreed, he hung up the phone, and then ordered No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator to send the corresponding evidence to Dmitri's confidential mailbox.

After An Liang hung up the phone, Dmitri did not continue to sleep. He immediately contacted the technicians and asked them to analyze the evidence sent by Anliang.

Almost half an hour later, Dmitri asked the computer technology elite Balav,"How is the situation? Balaf nodded affirmatively,"There is no problem with this piece of evidence. The corresponding information was indeed sent from our side, and the other side was indeed the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.""

Dmitri frowned. He had just sworn to Anliang that it was impossible for Kolberg to send a message to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but was he immediately slapped in the face?

"Can you decipher the content of this message? Dmitri asked.

Balav immediately denied,"It's impossible." This kind of point-to-point homomorphic encryption technology is basically impossible to decrypt unless you have the key."

"Is there a way to find the person who sent the message?"Dmitri asked again.

Balav thought about it for a moment before shaking his head in the negative."There is a way, but it is very difficult. For example, we conduct a comprehensive investigation on Kohlberg, but Kohlberg cannot accept our proposal. investigation."

Dmitri sighed and asked unwillingly,"Is there any other way?"

"There is no way."Balav denied.

Dmitri thought about it for a moment, then returned to the confidentiality room, and then contacted Anliang.

After waiting for the connection, Dmitri spoke first,"Your evidence is true, we have determined According to relevant information, there is indeed contact between the two parties.

An Liang responded,"So I want to know Kohlberg's operating model, such as who is responsible for supervising Kohlberg, and which department of Kohlberg is most likely to come into contact with Bald Eagle.""

"this...I can only tell you that Kohlberg belongs directly to Emperor Push. I will report this matter to Emperor Push, but I cannot be sure what kind of response Emperor Push will make, and I am not sure. Is Emperor Xi's response true?"Dmitri told the truth.

"OK, I'll wait for your news."An Liang responded.

Dmitri reported this message just as he told An Liang, but it was five o'clock in the morning and Emperor Push had not gotten up yet, so it was naturally impossible to reply to Dmitri.

When De After Mitri reported the relevant information, he silently thought about the situation.

As Dmitri said, Kohlberg was directly subordinate to Emperor Push. Since Kohlberg contacted Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau of Investigation, there are only two situations.

First, Kohlberg received instructions from Emperor Push and contacted the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau for some reason or benefit.

Second, some people from Kohlberg secretly Contacted the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

If it is the second situation, it will definitely be a big problem for the Northern Bear Country!

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