Based on the intelligence that has been cracked by the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, An Liang inferred that there were hibernating agents from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau lurking inside Kolberg.

After all, the information that has been cracked so far is too surprising.

After waiting for Dmitri to answer the confidential communication, An Liang spoke first,"Is it convenient for you?"

Dmitri responded affirmatively,"Don't worry, it's no problem."

"One hundred percent no problem?"An Liang reminded me.

"Hold on."Dmitri hesitated for a moment, then got up and went to the secret room.

In the secret room, Dmitri contacted Anliang again, and he spoke first,"I am 100% safe now.

An Liang asked casually,"Has Kohlberg found the problem?""

"Not yet."Dmitri responded,"At least I don't know about Kohlberg's situation for the time being, and my network has not received corresponding information. Dmitri asked,"Did you find something over there?""

"Yes, we did find some information here."An Liang responded affirmatively.

"Didn't we previously intercept a point-to-point homomorphically encrypted message sent from your Kohlberg to the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau? An Liang reminded him.

Dmitri immediately asked,"Have you cracked it?""

"Only part of it has been cracked, I will send you the cracked information."An Liang responded

"OK"Dmitri responded.

The two parties ended the voice communication, and An Liang immediately sent the corresponding crack information to Dmitri.

In the secret room of the Pacific Fleet headquarters of the North Bear Country, Dmitri received the crack message sent by An Liang. After reading the message, he was deeply shocked, and couldn't help but contact An Liang again.

After waiting for the voice communication to be established, he quickly asked,"Is this message true? An

Liang responded truthfully,"This message is part of what we have cracked. Because the information uses point-to-point homomorphic encryption, we cannot be 100% sure of the authenticity of the information. We can only rely on the cracked information and the two parties involved in the transmission of the information." , thereby judging that this piece of news is most likely true. An

Liang added,"Although we cannot judge the authenticity of this message, if this message is true, I believe that Emperor Push will definitely understand the meaning of this message.""

After all, this piece of information involves Emperor Push. What exactly did Kohlberg want to remind the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau to be careful about Emperor Push? Didn't Emperor Push have any idea?

Dmitri also suddenly realized!

This is indeed the case.

The two of them couldn't guess whether the information was true or not. Emperor Push would definitely understand.

"I will report the news to Emperor Push first, and I will let you know if there is any subsequent information."Dmitri responded.

An Liang replied with a smile,"If you can tell, please satisfy my curiosity. If it involves secrets, you'd better not tell. I don't want to visit you in the ice prison of Siberia.."

Dmitri scolded with a smile,"If I really go in, remember to bring vodka to see me."

"Then I must bring you our Xia Kingdom’s national wine!"Anliang responded jokingly.

After the two parties ended the call, Dmitri immediately contacted Ivan Demiev, the assistant of Emperor Push the Great.

Although it was early in the morning, Ivan did not complain at all, but asked politely,"Hello, Master Dmitri, what can I do?"

"We have received an urgent piece of information that needs to be handled by the Emperor. Dmitri responded,"The intelligence level has reached Red.Alert!""

Red.Alert is the name of a game, but it is also the highest alert level in the intelligence field of the Northern Bear Country.

Ivan responded immediately,"I understand, I will contact the emperor immediately."

Almost five minutes later, Ivan contacted Dmitri again. He sent the address of a temporary encrypted voice communication channel to Dmitri and asked Dmitri to join himself.

Wait for Dmitri to join the temporarily encrypted voice communication channel. After the communication channel, Emperor Push asked first,"Dmitri, what urgent information did you receive?"

Dmitri did not immediately answer Pushi's question. Instead, he answered the question incorrectly:"You can look at other people's faces, but please trust my heart."

This is the famous saying of the famous literary giant of the Northern Bear Country.

Emperor Push glanced at the time, and then responded,"**"

Both of them seemed to be answering the wrong questions, but in fact they were talking to each other in code words. Dmitri spoke the agreed code words to determine whether the opponent was Pushy the Great.

In the code word of Emperor Push the Great, '03' is the current time in Mosk, the North Bear Kingdom. This is the identification code of the code word. '000' means that the current state is safe, and '100' means that there is only King Push the Great at the moment.

Only Emperor Push and Dmitri knew this code word, so Dmitri used this method to determine that the opposite party was Emperor Push, thus preventing Ivan from causing trouble.

Although the probability of this is very small, what if something goes wrong?

Even Kohlberg could send information to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but Dmitri chose to be as cautious as possible to send that kind of important information.

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