In the confidential interrogation room, Waiters sat opposite Yevgeny. He looked at Yevgeny with complicated eyes, and then looked through the documents on the table.

"Yevgeny Kloss, do you have anything to say?"Vites asked straight to the point.

Yevgeny responded calmly,"I have been with Kohlberg for nine years."

Yevgeny means that Waiters's inquiry is meaningless. Yevgeny is very aware of Kohlberg's situation.

"Do you still remember the combat missions we performed together before?"Vitus said reminiscing about the past.

Yevgeny responded affirmatively,"Of course I remember! In 1990, we faced a particularly difficult situation. At that time, we participated in the secret war together. If you hadn't saved me, I would have died! Waiters showed a recalling expression,"You also saved me back then. We helped each other.""

"It turns out you still remember."Yevgeny smiled

"Have you changed now? Waiters asked.

Yevgeny shook his head,"Why should I change?" I am living a very good life now. I have a high status in the military and a stable job at Kohlberg. Why should I change?"

"Have you really not changed? Waiters asked again.

Yevgeny asked,"What happened?""

"I think you know. Waiters sighed,"I didn't doubt you originally, but there is something wrong with your operation. Have you not thought about the exposure?""

Yevgeny's face changed slightly.

"Your capital operations are a little too rough. We easily discovered your capital flows, especially your son’s purchase of a wine estate in the Kingdom of Gaul, as well as a high-end apartment and a large amount of deposits. What do you think? We can't investigate? Waiters asked back.

There is no need to investigate these matters at all!

Because for Kohlberg, if Kohlberg wants to know about these matters, it only takes a few minutes to investigate the corresponding situation.

In fact, it is also So!

When Waiters got the clues from Emperor Push and took control of the new alliance team, Kohlberg investigated all the relevant information about the seven members of the new alliance team.

Whether it was their The family situation, financial situation, or marital situation were all clearly investigated. The relevant information about Yevgeny was naturally possessed by Vitus, so Vitus was the first to interrogate Yevgeny.

Look. Looking at his former friend, Waiters shook his head slightly and said inquiringly,"Tell me the specific situation. Why did you leak the new alliance plan to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau?

Yevgeny asked,"Do you think the new alliance plan is reliable?""

"Why is it unreliable?" Waiters asked the same question.

Yevgeny replied sarcastically,"According to the current world situation, coupled with the situation in our Northern Bear Country, how do you think we can implement the new alliance plan?"

"None of this is an excuse for you to betray your national interests."Vitus snorted coldly.

Yevgeny sighed,"According to the new alliance plan, our new alliance team will infiltrate the Uklian Kingdom through money, thereby disintegrating the Uklian Kingdom and allowing Uklian to be destroyed at the most critical moment. The Kremlin Kingdom is directly integrated into our Northern Bear Kingdom, right?"

Vitus nodded,"This is a good plan, but it's a pity that you embezzled these funds. We have investigated the situation clearly, and you have not even invested any operational funds in the Uklian Kingdom."

"Every action you reported before was all forged by you. You did not send the corresponding funds to the corresponding personnel in the UCL Kingdom. You chose to embezzle the money yourself."Vitus said with complicated eyes.

Yevgeny nodded,"That's right! Our previous actions were indeed false. We never thought that the new alliance plan could succeed, nor did we think that Emperor Push the Great would really implement the new alliance plan."

In fact, Vitus never thought that Emperor Push the Great would implement the new alliance plan.

The alliance collapsed long ago!

Emperor Push the Great actually wanted to re-establish the alliance. Isn't this nonsense?

So Yevgeny put the new alliance plan into effect All the operational funds were embezzled, benefiting the entire New Alliance team, thus forging documents one after another. Originally, there was no risk in this matter. After all, no one thought that Emperor Push would really want to annex Yuk. The United Kingdom.

As a result, Emperor Push the Great is really preparing to launch a war to annex the Kingdom of Ukrain!

Once Emperor Pushi really launches a war against the Kingdom of Ukrain, Yevgeny's saucy operations will definitely be exposed.

In order to To avoid such a thing, Yevgeny simply took the initiative and disclosed the corresponding intelligence to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. In

Yevgeny's view, it was very important for the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to know that Emperor Push the Great wanted to How could the Bald Eagle not participate in launching a war against the Kingdom of Ukrain?

Once the Bald Eagle participates, Emperor Pushy's new alliance plan will fail.

Then Yevgeny's tricks will naturally not be exposed.

When Yevgeny After Ni said these things, Waiters couldn't help but look at Yevgeny sympathetically. It was obviously impossible to happen, but it happened anyway. Isn't this too miserable?

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