Did the locals take the initiative to accept Xia Guoyuan?

That means that the local situation must be quite chaotic, and the value preservation rate of the local currency cannot be guaranteed, so the local people will take the initiative to choose Xia Guoyuan

‘Li Cunyuan: Leah is indeed quite chaotic’

‘Li Cunyuan: Since 2011, Leah’s problems have been very serious. It is not only internal conflicts, but also the external environment is also very bad. What is even worse is that the domestic economy continues to decline.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Earlier this year, Leah announced something incredible’

‘An Liang: I didn’t pay much attention to Leah. What happened over there?’

‘Li Cunyuan: On January 3, the Leah Central Bank announced a reduction in the exchange rate. The original exchange rate of 1.4 dinars per US dollar was directly adjusted to 4.48 dinars per US dollar.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘An Liang: This...’

According to the cool operation of the Lia Central Bank, after the exchange rate adjustment, for the locals in Lia, it is simply a forced harvest of leeks.

Because this adjustment is an internal adjustment of Leah, it cannot besound to the outside.

To give a simple example, the price of a ton of first-grade white sugar in Xia State is 5,000 Xia State Yuan.

If Leah buys a ton of first-grade white sugar from Xia Kingdom, it has two payment methods.

Either pay Xia Guoyuan directly or pay in US dollars.

Since Leah does not have Xia Guoyuan's foreign exchange reserves, Leah can only pay US dollars. According to the exchange rate between Xia Guoyuan and the US dollar, it is about 770 US dollars.

Assuming that transportation costs and tariffs are ignored, the cost price of this ton of sugar when it arrives in Leah is US$770.

Before the exchange rate adjustment, based on the exchange rate of 1.4 dinars to 1 US dollar, the cost of this ton of sugar is 1,078 dinars.

But now after the exchange rate adjustment, based on the exchange rate of 4.48 dinars to 1 US dollar, the cost price of this ton of sugar is as high as 3,450 dinars.

Even after ignoring transportation and tariffs, the cost has also skyrocketed by more than three times. To what extent will the actual selling price of these sugars in Lia skyrocket?

Before the exchange rate adjustment, the selling price of one kilogram of sugar may only be between 3 and 5 dinars, but after the exchange rate adjustment, the selling price may exceed 20 dinars.

Because freight and tariffs cannot be ignored in the actual trade process, these costs are still affected by changes in exchange rates, leading to skyrocketing costs.

However, the currency held by the locals in Leah is definitely the dinar. Their property will instantly become one-third of what it was in the past as the exchange rate adjusts, or even become less due to the skyrocketing prices.

How can the local people accept such an extreme currency preservation rate?

So the locals in Leah are naturally more willing to choose Xia Guoyuan.

After all, the exchange rate between Xia Guoyuan and the US dollar cannot suddenly change from the level of 6+:1 to 20+:1.

‘Li Cunyuan: Are you shocked?’

‘Li Cunyuan: We always say that Big A is a leek field, but in comparison, isn’t our Big A very gentle?’

‘An Liang: Can this also clean the floor?’

‘An Liang: Brother Yuan, I suspect you are the sickle in Big A! '

After the overseas agricultural planting base plan was finalized this time, a considerable number of official members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club benefited from Big A.

Li Cunyuan was indeed involved

‘Li Cunyuan: I am not a sickle, we are just following the trend driven by the overseas agricultural planting base plan’

‘Li Cunyuan: Anyway, if we don’t make this money, others will too.’

‘An Liang: What you said makes sense. I can’t even refute it.’

‘An Liang: Didn’t Lia locals object to your distribution of Xia Guoyuan?’

‘Li Cunyuan: What are they opposing?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Their only request is their share, which must be distributed to Xia Guoyuan. They do not accept local currency.’

‘An Liang:...’

‘Li Cunyuan: We have opened multiple bank accounts for some people in Leah.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Didn’t Lao Bao report it?’

‘An Liang: It should have been reported, but I didn’t read it. '

It's just some small things, An Liang can't do it in detail.

Anyway, Anxin Bank has clear regulations. Once a customer of Anxin Bank faces a legal investigation, as long as the investigating party has clear evidence, Anxin Bank will cooperate with the investigating party.

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, we are going to fully distribute Xia Guoyuan later. What do you think?’

‘An Liang: I think it’s okay’

‘Li Cunyuan: Should we introduce safe payment? An

Liang understood that this was Li Cunyuan reciprocating love.

Although Anxin Pay is only one way to promote Xia Guoyuan, Anxin Pay does have benefits in it.

‘An Liang: No problem, thank you Brother Yuan’

‘Li Cunyuan: It should be thanks to Brother Liang for opening up the overseas agricultural planting base plan for us!’

‘Li Cunyuan: One more thing. Our comprehensive trade market is about to open. We are hesitating whether to open import and export permissions to local people.’

‘An Liang: I suggest letting our own people take control first’

‘An Liang: After our control becomes stronger, we will slowly open it up to local people.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Got it’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, how is the situation over there? '

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