Huang Guoxiang was awakened by An Liang's words!

It turns out that something that seems like a boring drama actually has such a huge effect.

An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang with a smile, and he took the initiative to point out the suspicion and responded,"Old Huang, are you thinking too much again? Are you doubting that all I did was just to let you and Xiao Tao be together, and then let Xiaotao has become your weakness?"

Huang Guoxiang asked,"Isn't it?"

"If you ask that, I'm so disappointed!"An Liang said with a sigh.

"I thought you understood me!" An Liang shook his head slightly, fully showing his disappointed attitude.

Huang Guoxiang sneered,"I just know you, so I'm worried."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you." An Liang put on an attitude of being misunderstood but not arguing.

Huang Guoxiang was silent for a moment before responding,"You win this round!"

"We are friends, how can we win or lose?"An Liang spread his hands

"As a friend, I have one thing to ask you. We are preparing to promote Xia Guoyuan in Arlia. We need 100 million Xia Guoyuan.Yuan banknotes and cash are transported there, can you help with them?"An Liang asked what he needed help with.

Huang Guoxiang sighed,"Okay!"

Only Huang Guoxiang can handle this matter.

It's not that Renyi Security Company can't guarantee the safety of 100 million Xia Guoyuan banknotes, but it's a matter of legality.

Huang Guoxiang can just solve these problems!

Although Anliang can also solve it, let Huang Guoxiang do it Wouldn't it be better to solve it?

"Where to have lunch? After An Liang finished talking about the business, he started asking about dinner.

Huang Guoxiang complained,"You invite?""

"Of course you invite me! An Liang retorted,"You're an old bachelor like you, why don't you treat me to dinner?""

"I..."Huang Guoxiang was unable to refute

"How about we go to the guest house in the capital of Xichuan Province?"An Liang took the initiative to propose the location.

"There is no parking space at Gongyuan."Huang Guoxiang reminded me

"Didn't you come here on a flying motorcycle? An Liang said in surprise,"Let's go over and let the flying motorcycle find a place to park on its own. We can just call it over remotely after we have eaten. Where is the parking space needed?""

"Fine!"Huang Guoxiang agreed.

But after agreeing, Huang Guoxiang discovered a problem, because Huang Guoxiang found that he was now being controlled by An Liang.

In fact, Huang Guoxiang had realized that he now had a weakness!

At almost 12:30 noon, An Liang and Huang Guoxiang drive separately...

All right!

The two used the autonomous driving function of the flying motorcycle to arrive at the restaurant attached to the Xichuan Provincial Guesthouse in the Imperial Capital near Gongyuan.

This is already within the Second Road of the Imperial Capital. Although Huang Guoxiang's pilot license level is the highest L0 level, Huang Guoxiang cannot use the manual driving mode of the flying motorcycle when he is not performing a mission. He still needs the automatic driving mode.

The two chose a private room, and after waiting to order, Huang Guoxiang asked seemingly casually,"What's the situation over there in the North Bear Country?"

An Liang raised his eyebrows,"What's the situation?"

"Didn't you send a piece of information to the Northern Bear Country? Huang Guoxiang asked back

"You actually know this!"An Liang looked at Huang Guoxiang in surprise.

Huang Guoxiang responded calmly,"I shouldn't know?"

"Yes!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

Huang Guoxiang really shouldn't know about this matter.

Because the message that Kohlberg from the North Bear Country sent to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was intercepted from the dark web by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Wanshi Shengyi. , at first only No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Wanshi Shengyi knew about it.

Later, this piece of information was passed from Anliang to Dmitri of the Pacific Fleet of the North Bear Country, and only Dmitri knew about the entire Pacific Fleet.

Then the next step was Here came Ivan, the assistant of Emperor Push the Great, as well as Emperor Push, and Kohlberg's intelligence chief Vitus Vasilyevich.

Even though Vitus launched an investigation in Kohlberg, it was a secret investigation. The reason for the investigation was not announced.

Under such circumstances, how did Huang Guoxiang get the information?

It is impossible for Dmitri to betray Anliang or the North Bear Country, at least he will not get involved with Huang Guoxiang. It is even less possible for Emperor Push!

As for the assistant of Emperor Pushi, An Liang thinks it is still impossible.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation and Wanshi Shengyi Organization, An Liang also does not think there is a problem, because if they have a problem, An Liang's danger premonition ability can detect the problem.

So in the end there is a problem Is it Kohlberg?

An Liang guessed that during Kohlberg's internal investigation, smart people guessed the answer. Although they couldn't guess the correct answer, they could definitely analyze some clues.

In addition, Huang Guoxiang might just be testing.

An Liang also asked tentatively,"You have an insider in Kolberg, right?" Huang

Guoxiang neither admitted nor denied. He still asked again,"What information did you give to the North Bear Country to make them so nervous?""

"you guess?"An Liang teased.

Huang Guoxiang's inquiry has exposed some things. For example, An Liang was sure that Huang Guoxiang did not know more specific information, and he was sure that Huang Guoxiang had an insider inside Kohlberg, but the insider's level was very low.

"You really can’t say? Huang Guoxiang tried.

An Liang refused negatively,"We can't say for the time being.""

"Let me put it another way, will the information you gave the Northern Bear Country threaten us?"Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang. He knew that An Liang would never make mistakes in terms of right or wrong.

An Liang would definitely answer such a question truthfully!

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