As the saying goes: No matter how bad order is, it is better than no order.

This sentence could not be more appropriate if applied to Guria.

Take Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Theodore Ortras as an example. No matter how outrageous Chief Minister Dieter was, or how powerful Colonel O'Connell was, Theodore always remained neutral, thereby maintaining the most powerful position of the Guilian court. Basic framework.

Theodore is a patriot. He knows very well that after the collapse of the Gurian court, it will be a complete disaster for Guria. Therefore, Theodore can only remain neutral and try his best to maintain the final stable situation of the Gurian court.

"Everyone has figured it out, right? Wilt asked.

Adrian sighed, and he praised,"Mr. Maguire is so awesome!""

Faced with Adrian's praise, Wilt responded in return,"Mr. Tallon is just a fan of the authorities. From Mr. Tallen's point of view, it is true that the more chaotic Guria is, the more difficult it is to mine Simang iron ore."

Eric, Director of African Affairs, added,"If the situation in Guiyar is completely chaotic and the original neutral faction is completely loosened, that one will definitely take advantage of it."

"That's right! Wilt answered,"If that person is allowed to contact Theodore, then Theodore will be equivalent to having an extra strong support. According to Theodore's proposal, that person will definitely reach an agreement with Theodore." The series of cooperation plans finally justified the forced intervention in Guinea's internal affairs."

Everyone nodded.

This is indeed the case now.

If Guiyar maintains the status quo and lets Chief Minister Deit, the neutral Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Theodore, and the opposition Colonel O'Connell restrain each other, although the situation in Guiyar will remain Despite the last bit of order, Guria is still very chaotic and it is impossible to support the normal development of the Simang Iron Mine.

In addition, as long as the status quo is maintained, the neutral Theodore should continue to remain neutral, at least he will not easily fall to the Anliang side.

"We only have one thing to worry about now."Julian frowned.

Wilt answered,"We need to worry, what should we do if that person forcibly intervenes in Guilia's affairs?

Adrian responded,"It shouldn't be possible, right?""

"If that one were to forcefully intervene in Guria, wouldn't he be afraid of the pressure of public opinion?"Adrian added.

Julianne sighed,"I'm afraid the other party is really not afraid. Wilt added,"What if the other party refers to our operations?""

"If the other party secretly intervenes in Guiyar, or even disguises itself as a local force, it will be difficult for us to target the other party in public opinion. Wilt added a variety of possibilities.

Eric looked at Clarence King of the Shadow Team,"Captain King, if the other party wants to forcefully intervene in Guria, you will need to appear!" Clarence responded affirmatively,"

Mr. Ross, please rest assured that we are fully prepared." Eric laughed. This time, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was indeed very well prepared. It not only mobilized field resources within Guria, but also mobilized field personnel from neighboring countries.

Currently, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is in several countries. The number of combatants that can be mobilized within Riya has exceeded 300!

"Next, please be more vigilant to prevent that person from directly targeting Guria. As long as we guard against it, we will definitely win this time."Eric said with confidence.

Everyone agreed.

After the confidential meeting was disbanded, two senior intelligence investigators from the Intelligence and Information Department gathered together. Wilt was the first to speak,"I still have some worries. Julianne agreed,"I'm also a little worried. After all, that one is too difficult to deal with. He has created too many miracles. I'm worried that a miracle will happen this time too.""

"yes!" Wilt sighed.

Both Julian and Wilt are very familiar with the history of the confrontation between the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and Renyi Security Company.

Including the previous defeat of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in the new energy war, both of them also They have some understanding.

So they are very aware of the power of Renyi Security Company.

After all, during the New Energy War, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau thought that it would win without a doubt, but who knew that it would be intercepted by Renyi Security Company?

This is simply unbelievable!

So currently In the situation in Guria, both Julian and Wilt are full of worries

"Do you have any suggestions in case we fail again?"Julian looked at Wilt.

Wilt hesitated for a moment, then shook his head in the negative,"I know what you mean, but I dare not say it."

Wilt is a smart man, how could he not understand what Julianne meant?

Julianne smiled and replied,"What is there that you dare not say?"

"If we fail again, I'm afraid there's a mole among us, right?"Julian added.

Wilt was silent.

"This time, the headquarters sent Director Ross here, which actually explained the problem. The headquarters also suspected that there was something going on inside, so it sent all relevant personnel here. Once there is really a problem with this operation, we will then based on the problems that occurred. analyze."Julian explained

"If the problems that occur are caused by leaks in advance, it means that there is indeed something evil inside us!" Julianne added.

At this point, Julianne looked at Wilt, and she asked casually,"Wilt, are you a mole?"

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