The advantage of the Bald Eagle in Guria is too great. After all, the Bald Eagle has been cultivating the country for more than ten years. The power of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has penetrated into all aspects of Guria.

Faced with such a huge advantage of the bald eagle, Huang Guoxiang could not think of any way Anliang could break the situation.

You can't really go head-to-head, right?

Facing Huang Guoxiang's inquiry, An Liang did not answer directly.

"Lao Huang, do you know how to break the first-mover advantage in the business field?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang shook his head,"I don't know much about business."

"There are currently two effective ways to break the first-mover advantage in the business field."An Liang explained.

"The first way is to overthrow the existing rules and re-establish your own rules, which naturally breaks the dominance of first-mover advantage."An Liang explained.

This method is Pin Xixi's plan. Faced with the blockade of his seniors Taobao and Goudong, Pin Xixi chose to overturn the existing rules and use propaganda methods like the spread of cancer cells [Chopping] , will quickly promote Pinxixi.

Coupled with low prices and a focus on sinking the market, Pinxixi has actually carved out a bloody path in the already completely stable e-commerce field.

"The second method is dimensionality reduction attack! An Liang added,"In the business field, visible competitors are not scary, because visible opponents often have defensive means.""

"The truly terrifying opponents are often hidden in the darkness, ready to carry out cross-border dimensionality reduction strikes at any time. An Liang added.

Huang Guoxiang answered,"Like your dream of a future graphene technology group?""

"right! An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Originally, in the battery industry, ternary lithium battery technology was unrivaled. Globally, all companies in the battery field have not noticed us."

"Until we suddenly entered the competition with graphene lithium-ion batteries, starting a disruptive change."An Liang responded with a smile.

In the battery field, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is indeed a dimensionality reduction blow.

Another example is the field of shared power banks. Originally, three electricity and one beast have become the mainstream of the market, and other shared power bank brands have Expelled from the market, only four companies are left to compete.

However, the dimensionality reduction blow from Huang Tuan has put the three electricians and one beast under tremendous pressure, and a lot of market share has been taken away by the yellow group.

What can the three electricians and one beast do? Do you think that Huang Tuan will suddenly have a dimensionality reduction attack?

In addition, what if Dream Future Graphene Technology Group suddenly joins the shared power bank market?

Although Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does not have the support of Huang Tuan’s large number of stores, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group With abundant funds, coupled with the high energy density of graphene lithium-ion batteries, it is possible to make the shared power bank the size of chewing gum, thereby further improving the charging experience and achieving the effect of dimensionality reduction. Not only that,

Dream Future Graphite Graphene Technology Group can also enter the private power bank market. According to the high energy density and fast charging characteristics of graphene lithium-ion batteries, as well as the characteristics of high safety and long life, Dream Graphene Technology Group can completely seize the private power bank industry in the future. High-end market.

However, whether it is the shared power bank market or the private power bank market, their scale is too small. From the perspective of the current Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, there is no need to reduce the dimensionality.

"Which method are you going to use?"Huang Guoxiang asked An Liang

"Don’t choose any one yet."An Liang responded

"Although the bald eagle has a great advantage in Guinea, there is a key man in Guinea. If we can win over Theodore from the Guinea Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, we can break the difficult situation in Guinea."An Liang added

"What if it fails? Huang Guoxiang asked back.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Old Huang, please be more confident. Our internal assessment is that the operation to win over Theodore will most likely fail.""

"..."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang speechlessly

"If it fails, we must adopt a two-pronged approach, first cultivating emotions through dimensionality reduction and strike, and then overturning the rules to plunge the bald eagle into the quagmire of the Gurian people."An Liang replied

"How sure are you? Huang Guoxiang asked curiously.

An Liang complained,"How should I answer this kind of thing?""

"A specific plan involves too many variables. Before executing the plan, we can only say that the plan is feasible, but how to estimate the specific success rate?"An Liang still complained

"All I can say is that we will do our best."An Liang added

"We must do our best. Simang Iron Mine is very important to us."Huang Guoxiang instructed

"I know."An Liang nodded slightly.

How could An Liang not know the importance of Ximang Iron Mine?

For Xia State, Ximang Iron Mine is the key bargaining chip to break the iron ore monopoly of Da'ao State.

For An Liang, Ximang Iron Mine is a It is an important resource. Once Anliang controls the Ximang Iron Mine, Anliang's iceberg empire will further grow!

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