Faced with Zhao Zhuangkang's inquiry, An Liang did not directly answer the price. He responded in a different way,"This bottle of wine contains 1 gram of gold Tai Sui, which is equivalent to 1.2 standard slices of thousand-year-old astragalus."

Zhao Zhuangkang naturally knows about thousand-year-old astragalus. the value of

"this..."A bottle of about 500 to 600 ml of wine actually contained golden Tai Sui worth equivalent to 1.2 standard thousand-year-old astragalus slices. Even Zhao Zhuangkang couldn't help but gasp.

The current standard anchor price for thousand-year-old astragalus slices is 520 million Xia Guoyuan, but this price is only the anchor price at present. No one is willing to sell thousand-year-old astragalus slices for 520 million Xia Guoyuan.

The value of 1.2 slices of standard thousand-year-old astragalus slices is more than 600 million Xia Guoyuan. Such a value is really outrageous, so even Zhao Zhuangkang was full of amazement.

Zhao Wanxi snorted,"Don't give grandpa this kind of wine anymore!"

Zhao Zhuangkang remained silent.

An Liang nodded in agreement,"Okay, okay."

However, when agreeing, An Liang directly winked at Zhao Zhuangkang, indicating that he was just talking.

"Boy An, go and help me feed the fish first, and I’ll take a photo of this bottle of wine first so that my old friends can see it."Zhao Zhuangkang said he wanted to show off.

Zhao Wanxi reminded,"Grandpa, aren't you afraid that Grandpa Zhang will come to kill you?"

"By the way, Grandpa Mu has also recovered and is now back home. His physical condition is quite good. If you want to show off..."Zhao Wanxi didn't finish speaking, but the meaning was already very obvious.

Zhao Zhuangkang responded with a hum,"I'll hide it later!"

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes helplessly, is hiding it useful?

"Wanxi, let’s go feed the koi and take a video to post in the club group to see what the little fish says."An Liang said jokingly.

Hu Xiaoyu was nicknamed 'Koi', and An Liang was trying to tease Hu Xiaoyu.

Zhao Wanxi followed An Liang out of the pavilion and walked to the koi pond. She said helplessly,"That bottle Wine is too expensive, don’t waste it like this in the future!"

"I know, I know."An Liang replied deliberately perfunctorily.

"snort!"Zhao Wanxi lightly hammered An Liang's shoulder.

"I'll feed the koi, and you'll take the video?"An Liang suggested

"good."Zhao Wanxi agreed.

Inside the pavilion, Zhao Zhuangkang was taking photos of the golden wine. He took dozens of photos of the golden wine and three more videos before putting the golden wine away.

"Zhongliang, where do you think we should hide him?"Zhao Zhuangkang asked the housekeeper Zhao Zhongliang.

Zhao Zhongliang scratched his head,"This...I think anywhere other than the wine cellar is a better choice."

"Makes sense. Zhao Zhuangkang thought about it for a moment, then laughed,"I have a solution!" You go get some waterproof bags and we'll throw them into the koi pond."

When Zhao Zhongliang went to the kitchen to find a waterproof bag, Zhao Zhuangkang came to An Liang and Zhao Wanxi. He took the initiative to ask,"Boy An, I'm going to put a waterproof bag on the golden wine and throw it into the koi pond. What do you think?"

"good idea! An Liang nodded with a smile,"Grandpa, actually there is no problem without a waterproof bag. The bottle of golden wine adopts a special sealing method, and the strength of the bottle is also very high. Under normal circumstances, it will not break if it is dropped from a height of two meters.""

"Just in case!"Zhao Zhuangkang rejected An Liang's proposal.

After a while, Zhao Zhongliang brought over several waterproof bags. Zhao Zhuangkang personally used the waterproof bags to wrap the golden wine. He used the waterproof bags to wrap the golden wine layer after layer, covering enough After seven layers, some stones were put into the eighth-layer waterproof bag, and then they sank into the koi pond together.

When the golden wine sank into the koi pond and was invisible from the shore, Zhao Zhuangkang nodded with satisfaction. Then he took out his mobile phone again and prepared to show off.

In Zhao Zhuangkang's group of old friends, he directly sent nine screenshots of golden wine.

‘Bad old man: Guys, look what this is?’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: Don’t look!’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: I’ll come directly to your door!’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: @困老头: Lao Zhao, open the door!’

‘Mu Jinxi: Lao Zhang, who loves to hear and see, is here!’

‘Li Haoran: Wine?’

‘Li Haoran: I guess it was An Liang who prepared it for you, right?’

‘Li Haoran: Let me ask my grandson first’

‘Qian Dayou: I’ll also ask my grandson’

‘Yun Jing'an: Don't ask, they said they don't know’

‘Yun Jing'an: @老老头: Mr. Zhao, stop being dumb and confused. What is it?’

‘Zhang Zhiwen: Don’t be anxious. I’m already at the door of Lao Zhao. I’ll rush in right away.’

‘Mu Jinxi: Sit back and watch the fun!’

‘Mu Jinxi: Come on, Lao Zhang!’

‘Mu Jinxi: I haven’t had a drink since I came out of the hospital! '

Zhao Zhuangkang went to the courtyard door and opened the door in person. As expected, it was Zhang Zhiwen, Zhang Zijin's grandfather, who was outside.

"Lao Zhao, what kind of wine is that?"Zhang Zhiwen asked

"you guess?"Zhao Zhuangkang deliberately betrayed

"I'm guessing!"Zhang Zhiwen hummed as he walked directly to Zhao Zhuangkang's wine room. He was very familiar with the old Zhao family and came to the wine room with familiarity, ready to taste the golden wine by himself.

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