According to what Zhao Wanxi has said so far, the marriage between Zhao Wanxi's cousin and Zhang Zijin should be very good, right?

‘There is a secret! 'An's conscience guessed

"Sister Zijin was 28 years old at the time, and she didn't have a suitable partner, so with the help of my grandfather, Sister Zijin tried to get in touch with my cousin, and they got married."Zhao Wanxi explained

"By the way, my cousin’s name is Wang Zhiyong." Zhao Wanxi added

"Um? An Liang hesitated,"Wait!" Is your cousin called Wang Zhiyong?"

"Have you heard of it?"Zhao Wanxi was a little surprised

"Your cousin used to work for the National Security Investigation Service?"An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi nodded.

"I do know that your cousin is a senior investigator with the National Security Bureau. He was investigating a case of hidden spies and unfortunately had an accident, right?"An Liang told Wang Zhiyong's situation.

An Liang knew Wang Zhiyong because An Liang knew the National Security Investigation Bureau!

Zhao Wanxi hesitated for a moment before responding negatively,"My cousin is indeed a senior investigator of the National Security Investigation Bureau, but he...well!"

"My cousin likes men."Zhao Wanxi said in an astonishing way

"What the hell?"An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi in surprise.

"My cousin is willing to marry Sister Zijin because of the pressure from my grandfather. Sister Zijin is willing to marry my cousin. In addition to the pressure she faces, another reason is that she knows that my cousin likes men."Zhao Wanxi once again made a surprising statement.

"Zhang Zijin actually knew?"An Liang was surprised.

Zhao Wanxi nodded,"Sister Zijin does know. Sister Zijin’s family is also under a lot of pressure. Her family has been forcing her to choose a well-matched partner in the circle."

"But, you know, guys from the imperial capital circle, huh!"Zhao Wanxi snorted, obviously looking down on some guys in the imperial capital circle.

"In order to prevent her family from continuing to press for marriage and to keep herself clean, Sister Zijin chose my cousin and hid her love for men from my cousin."Zhao Wanxi explained.

So the two were married in person!

So Zhang Zijin was married before, but his purity is still 100% perfect!

But why is he widowed?

"What about behind?"An Liang asked

"later..."Zhao Wanxi frowned slightly,"Later, my cousin met true love. He was willing to pay everything for true love, but his marriage to Sister Zijin could not end directly, so he chose to pay all costs."

"For the sake of our family's reputation, Uncle Huang recorded in the file that my cousin died heroically while investigating a spy case."Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang fell silent. He didn't know how to answer the question for a while.

He couldn't say: This is true love, right?

"My grandfather didn’t know that my cousin liked men. In fact, we didn’t know that my cousin liked men. We didn’t know that my cousin liked men until after the incident happened."Zhao Wanxi smiled bitterly.

"When my cousin chose to pay all the price, my grandfather felt that he had harmed Sister Zijin, so my grandfather was always full of guilt when facing Grandpa Zhang." Zhao Wanxi added.

An Liang had long seen that Zhao Zhuangkang's so-called arrogance and showoff were actually more just to have more communication with Zhang Zhiwen.

"Although Grandpa Zhang and Sister Zijin never blamed my grandfather, my grandfather was really guilty. He felt sorry for Sister Zijin."Zhao Wanxi explained

"Even though Sister Zijin later said that this matter had nothing to do with my grandfather and that she knew in advance that my cousin liked men, my grandfather still couldn't let go of this matter."Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang didn't speak. He just held Zhao Wanxi's hand to show that he would be by Zhao Wanxi's side.

Zhao Wanxi naturally felt An Liang's thoughts. She took a deep breath, and then lowered her voice. He said,"You don't like men too, do you? An

Liang raised his eyebrows. He knew that Zhao Wanxi was deliberately changing the serious topic, but An Liang still responded in a vicious manner,"You don't know whether I like men or not?""

"How would I know?"Zhao Wanxi asked back

"I think you need to clean up! An Liang lowered his voice,"Tonight, you will know how powerful I am!""

Zhao Wanxi also lowered her voice,"Don't scare me. I sent a message to Siyu and Shuangshuang in advance. They are also in the small courtyard today."

"..."An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi speechlessly.

You've agreed to a one-on-one challenge, but you still want to call for a helper?

However, even if Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang are included, it seems that they are still no match for An Liang?

Especially Ning Ruoshuang, she seems to have practiced fake yoga and has no legendary improvement skills at all.

At nearly 6:30 in the evening, Zhang Zhiwen stayed as a guest in the dining room of Zhao Wanxi's house. He and Zhao Zhuangkang sat together.

Zhao Xingguo sat next to Zhang Zhiwen, and Zhao Dongliang sat next to An Liang. He first looked at the golden wine, and then said in a low voice,"Brother-in-law, what is the effect of that golden wine?"

An Liang responded,"According to An An According to research conducted by the Life Sciences Group, golden wine has a very good effect. It not only calms the mind and nourishes the body, but also repairs the cardiovascular system, protects the liver and nourishes the stomach."

"So magical?"Zhao Dongliang was surprised.

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