Faced with Sang Rini's inquiry, Beatrice felt a sense of superiority in her heart. She responded negatively,"Sorry, Sang Rini, our Pallas Farm will only recruit local people for the time being."

"But..."Sang Ruini wanted to refute, because the person who originally invited them to visit said that they would be given the opportunity to stay and work at Pallas Farm.

Beatrice interrupted Sang Ruini,"Our Pallas Farm is currently full, and only the Sunset Canyon Mining Company next door has plans to recruit people."

Sang Ruini quickly asked,"Can I go?"

Bicui Si shook her head,"No. The jobs provided by Sunset Canyon Mining Company are mainly mineral mining. They give priority to men, and they are strong men."

Sang Ruini looked disappointed.

Beatrice lowered her voice and said,"Actually, you also have a chance to change."

Sang Ruini immediately looked at Beatrice, and she also lowered her voice and asked,"What is the opportunity?"

"The capital behind our Pallas Farm comes from Xia State. Those Xia State capitals are building corresponding agricultural planting bases and desalination plants in many African countries and regions. Your country should also be able to invite them there." Beatrice explained.

Sang Ruini fell silent. She was just an ordinary person, even a member of the lower class among ordinary people. How could she invite Xia's capital to invest in Guria?

"Although your country is relatively chaotic, our Arlia is actually also very chaotic. If we, Arlia, can attract investors from Xia Kingdom, your country should be able to do the same!" Beatrice added.

These words took root in Sang Rini's heart!

Similar things did not only happen between Beatrice and Sang Rini. When night fell, the management of Pallas Farm allowed Guilia visitors to After the small-scale free activities in Pallas Farm, Pallas Farm began to contact relatives among the visitors from Guiyang.

In addition, Renyi Security Company arranged secret sitter among the visitors from Guiyang. With the support and organization of these secret stooges, these visitors to Guria even began to discuss going back. They organized demonstrations and forced the local court to contact the Xia State to obtain investment from the Xia State. The Sunset Canyon next door The same is true for the mining company, and the atmosphere there is even more lively because there are more visitors there, and all of them are men. In addition, the Sunset Canyon Mining Company only recruits less than one-tenth of the quota.

The combination of various factors made the atmosphere at the Sunset Canyon Mining Company even more heated. A large number of young people who had visited in the past clamored to organize demonstrations when they returned. It was close to ten o'clock in the evening local time in Arlia.

The person in charge of Pallas Farm Fang Yonghao was checking the summary report of Guinea visitors. He quicklyAfter finishing, he sighed softly,"This time the boss won again!"

According to the summary report, both at the Pallas Farm and the Sunset Canyon Mining Company, both sides aroused the jealousy of the visitors, and It arouses the emotions of the visitors, so that there is a high probability that the visitors will organize demonstrations after they return.

Even if the visitors do not organize a demonstration, the shills arranged by Renyi Security Company will organize a demonstration, and other visitors will most likely join in.

In addition, after those secret stooges return to Guiyar, they will publicize the Pallas Farm and Sunset Canyon Mining Company on a large scale. Other visitors will also confirm such things, which will eventually make the local people in Guiyar also Join the demonstrations.

Once the local people in Guria start demonstrations, Renyi Security Company will participate, thus directly breaking the layout of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in Guria.

Summer time, February 4th, 7:30 in the morning.

An Liang sent Chen Siyu to school, and then sent Ning Ruoshuang to the Beautiful Tomorrow Dance Studio, and then returned to the small courtyard. Zhao Wanxi had already gone on vacation and she hadn't gotten up yet.

An Liang did not disturb Zhao Wanxi. He was checking to-do information in the living room.

The Tianji artificial intelligence system marked the information sent by Renyi Security Company's Arlia branch as important information, and An Liang naturally checked it first.

The information sent by Renyi Security Company's Arlia branch is naturally related to the visitors from Guria.

After An Liang quickly read it, he smiled

【The Human Heart Plan is being executed very smoothly. If there are no accidents, the result will be at most after the Spring Festival.

An Liang replied to the Arlia branch of Renyi Security Company and asked them to continue to implement the"People's Heart Project", so as to make demonstrations flourish in Guiyar.

Once Guria is completely in chaos, it will definitely be impossible to control the situation according to the weak control of the Guria court.

Under such circumstances, the forces controlled by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau in Guria must be too overwhelmed to take care of themselves and cannot quickly suppress these chaos.

Because the Bald Eagle only wants to plunder the resources of Guiyar, and the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau only wants to control the Guiyang court, and has never thought about developing Guiyang, let alone changing the living environment of the Guiyang people.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau to suppress the demonstrations.

If the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau becomes angry and adopts inappropriate suppression methods, that will be the biggest opportunity for Renyi Security Company!

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