The Frog Restaurant at the Bottom of the Well specializes in frog cooking.

According to the Fox Fairy Food Review report, all the frogs used by Frog in the Well are artificially bred, so there is no risk of violating the law.

The frog in the well restaurant has its own frog breeding farm. Starting from the upstream frog breeding, everything is directly operated by the frog in the well, thus ensuring the quality and hygienic conditions of the frogs.

This has won high praise from Fox Fairy Food Reviews.

An Liang checked the location of the Frog Restaurant at the Bottom of the Well. This restaurant was actually also in Muling Mountain, and it adopted the style of a garden-style restaurant and covered an area of ​​more than two acres.


Liang secretly guessed who was the boss behind this restaurant and why he was so courageous?

After all, to open a restaurant covering an area of ​​two acres in Muling Mountain, Anliang estimated that the cost might exceed 30 million.

An Liang checked the taste evaluation of the Frog in the Well restaurant by Fox Fairy Food Review again.


‘The spicy hotpot soup is delicious and spicy, without any bitterness.’

‘Only the best parts of the frog's legs are preserved, and the meat is delicate and devoid of any fishy smell.’

‘The ingredient loofah is also supplied from its own greenhouse, which retains the freshness and fragrance of the loofah to the greatest extent. '

Fox Fairy Food Review - Taste Classification Rating: 9.5 points


An Liang checked the other scores in the Fox Fairy Food Review, and all the Frog in the Well got high scores.

The final five ratings are as follows:

Taste: 9.5 points

Appearance: 9 points

Environment: 9.5 points

Service: 9.5 points

Transportation: 9 points

It has now become the first-rated restaurant in the Fox Fairy Food Review in 2021.

However, there is also a problem with the frog in the well.

An Liang found out from the relevant links of Fox Fairy Food Review that the unit price of the Frog in the Well restaurant is very high. A pound of frog legs costs as much as 1,888 yuan, and there is an additional 10% service fee. There is a low consumption restriction on the private rooms.

The private rooms of Frog in the Well Restaurant are all standard large private rooms. The round table in each private room can accommodate 12 customers. The minimum consumption is 30,000 yuan.

However, Frog in the Well allows you to bring your own wine and does not charge a corkage fee, which is worthy of praise.

At the same time, the weight of the frog legs at the Frog in the Well restaurant is calculated after processing. It is a genuine weight of one kilogram, not the weight of fresh frogs.

‘An Liang: Little fox, do you know who the owner of the Frog in the Well restaurant is?’

‘Little Fox: Of course I know’

‘Little Fox: The owner of the Frog in the Well restaurant is an acquaintance of the King!’

‘An Liang: My acquaintance?’

‘Little Fox: Your Majesty, do you want to guess first? '

An Liang thought quickly and realized that the owner of the Frog in the Well restaurant was an acquaintance of his, and he knew Yang Maoyi. In An Liang's circle of friends, there was someone Yang Maoyi knew, and he was a catering guy. An Liang quickly targeted this person.

Wu Zhengfeng, the boss of Chengyuan Real Estate Group and the only non-official member of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

This guy's main industry is real estate, but he opened a Heyuan fish farm on the Ci'en Mountain side, and the marketing method he uses is also self-produced and sold.

The salamanders at Heyuan Fish Village are cultured in natural mountain spring water in Guizhou. The breeding cycle lasts for three years, almost completely imitating the wild environment.

The current Frog Restaurant in the Well is a bit like Heyuan Fish Farm, and the business methods of the two are almost the same.

‘An Liang: Is it Wu Zhengfeng from Chengyuan Real Estate Group?’

‘Little Fox: Yes, it is indeed Mr. Wu’

‘Little Fox: We were invited to review Frog in the Well by Mr. Wu. The kitchen of Frog in the Well fully complied with the design requirements of our Fox Fairy food review. The Fox

Fairy Food Evaluation requires that restaurants participating in the evaluation must have an open kitchen or a kitchen with a 360-degree safety monitoring system.

Frog in the Well established a 360-degree safety monitoring system in the kitchen to meet the Fox Fairy’s food evaluation needs.

An Liang sighed secretly, this Wu Zhengfeng was expanding his business territory again and enriching his industrial territory.

‘Little Fox: Your Majesty, let’s go to Mr. Wu’s Frog in the Well at noon. What do you think?’

‘An Liang: No problem!’

‘An Liang: I’ll contact him first, and we’ll have dinner directly at noon.’

‘Little Fox: Is it really possible?’

‘An Liang: Of course, no problem!’

‘Little Fox: That would be great! '

Actually, neither Yang Maoyi nor An Liang are short of money for this meal, but having a free Overlord meal will make people feel happy.

After the exchange between An Liang and Yang Maoyi ended, he also finished his breakfast and then called Wu Zhengfeng.

After waiting for the call to be connected, An Liang spoke first,"Uncle Wu, are you awake?"

Wu Zhengfeng immediately responded,"I've woken up a long time ago. I'll go to the company to handle things immediately. Is there anything wrong with Mr. An?"

This Wu Zhengfeng is quite sensible, although An Liang He still called Wu Zhengfeng"Uncle Wu", but Wu Zhengfeng didn't make any excuses. He politely called An Liang"Mr. An".’

"I heard you opened a new restaurant?"An Liang asked knowingly.

Wu Zhengfeng responded affirmatively,"Yes, I recently opened a new restaurant in Muling Mountain, and I also invited Fox Fairy Food Review to do a comprehensive review. Overall, it is quite good. Welcome Mr. An to come and taste it."

"Then I'll go over at noon to taste it."An Liang agreed and answered.

"Okay, I look forward to Mr. An’s visit."Wu Zhengfeng responded quickly.

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