【Fat Burning Fitness Special Effect Plan] This reward is really great!

Even if Anliang has the talent of dragon body health, when it comes to the Chinese New Year, Anliang may gain weight during the New Year holiday.

Therefore, the fat burning fitness special effect plan is a very good reward, which can strengthen the cultivation of Taoist An, a giant of the righteous path.

An Liang quickly takes a look at the fat burning fitness plan. This plan is a standard HIIT fitness plan. The fitness time every day is very small, but the intensity is quite high. It is very suitable for people like An Liang who are already in good health.

An Liang is thinking about starting a fat burning fitness program from tomorrow?

Anyway, the fat burning fitness plan only takes three days to take effect, and An Liang decided to implement this plan starting from tomorrow.

An Liang looked at the random lottery gift package for the third food reward.


‘Congratulations to the host for getting a piece of confidential financial information’

‘Special reminder: This confidential financial information will be obtained through the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, please pay attention to the host to check it. '

An Liang raised his eyebrows, so the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator could obtain a piece of confidential financial information through channels in the dark web?

An Liang was secretly curious, what exactly was this confidential financial information?

Half an hour later, the little vixen put down her work and took the initiative to challenge Taoist An, the giant of righteousness. However, the little vixen's Taoism was a little weaker, and she was easily defeated by Taoist An, the giant of righteousness.

Yang Maoyi snuggled into An Liang's arms. She yawned,"Your Majesty, I'm a little sleepy. I got up too early in the morning, and I kept doing work on the plane. I want to sleep for a while."

"Then take a nap."An Liang patted the little vixen's head and signaled him to take a nap.

"Uh-huh."Yang Maoyi responded twice, and then she curled up in An Liang's arms and fell asleep.

This little vixen likes to sleep in An Liang's arms. Maybe it makes her feel safe?

When Yang Maoyi fell asleep. , An Liang received the message of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

‘Number 4: BOSS, we just intercepted a message’

‘No. 4: The funds previously flowing out of Bald Eagle financial institutions are now gathering in South Vietnam.’

‘Number Zero: South Vietnam?’

‘Number 4: Yes’

‘No. 4: After intercepting the news, we conducted a detailed investigation in the financial market of South Vietnam and found some abnormal changes in the financial market of South Vietnam.’

‘No. 4: In order to verify these abnormal changes, we first contacted Anxin Investment, which provided a comprehensive analysis’

‘No. 4: [Anxin Investment Comprehensive Analysis Report on the Financial Market of South Vietnam】’

‘Number Zero: Let me take a look first. '

Anliang looked at the comprehensive analysis report of Anxin Investment Company. According to the analysis of Anxin Investment, there are certain fluctuations in the financial market of South Vietnam, especially in the stock market, where large-scale batch building of positions is suspected.

In addition, in the international foreign exchange market, there is also hot money that seems to be targeting the currency exchange rate of South Vietnam.

An Liang raised his eyebrows after reading it. He guessed that Bald Eagle Financial Institution had not benefited from the previous new energy war, so it set its sights on South Vietnam?

The South Vietnam Kingdom has developed very fast in recent years, because the South Vietnam Kingdom has been learning from the Xia Kingdom crazily, and just like the Xia Kingdom's initial development direction, it has opened the road to the development of South Vietnam's manufacturing.

Because the cost of human resources in South Vietnam is lower, both overseas manufacturing companies and Xia Kingdom's manufacturing companies have transferred a considerable part to South Vietnam in recent years.

The financial market and real estate market of South Vietnam have been booming in the past ten years. However, such development is a bit like leeks. When the leeks mature, the sickles will not let them go.

For example, Bald Eagle's financial institutions are now eyeing the financial market of South Vietnam.

After An Liang quickly figured it out, he immediately sent the message

‘No. 0: Pay close attention to the financial market of South Vietnam and investigate the situation of South Vietnam's financial market in recent years.’

‘Number 4: Got it! '

After An Liang gave the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation, he sent a message to the management group of Anxin Investment Company.

‘An Liang: @owner: Does our company have an account in the stock market of South Vietnam?’

‘Fan Ping: No’

‘Li Gang: We have not entered the stock market of South Vietnam, mainly because the stock market of South Vietnam is too small.’

‘Lin Bin: BOSS, the Nanyue stock market is relatively risky and requires long-term planning. From a risk control perspective, I do not recommend that the company enter the Nanyue stock market. Lin

Bin is in charge of the risk control department of Anxin Investment. He is quite unfavorable about the stock market of South Vietnam.

‘An Liang: @林bin: Tell me about the situation over there’

‘Lin Bin: There are also three exchanges in the stock market of South Vietnam. Among them, the Huming Stock Exchange is equivalent to our Big A market, then the Inland Exchange for small and medium-sized boards, and the UPCom Exchange, which is equivalent to the GEM. '

The South Vietnam Kingdom is also learning from Xia Kingdom's experience in the stock market. They wish they could learn from Xia Kingdom in everything and eventually become a world power like Xia Kingdom!

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