It was nearly nine o'clock in the evening.

An Liang and Yang Maoyi returned from Tongxin Town. The stewed mutton in the earthen pot tasted really good, but it was only good and did not trigger the food reward.

This is probably because it cannot give Anliang an amazing taste experience?

"That clay pot braised mutton is a pity!"On the way back, An Liang sighed.

Yang Maoyi agreed while driving,"It's really a pity. It's too far away from the main city, so the customer base is relatively poor."

More than half an hour later, the two returned to Linshan Residence.

An Liang suggested,"I just ate too much. Should we go for a walk downstairs?

Yang Maoyi's eyes lit up, and she asked cautiously,"Is it okay?""

In fact, Yang Maoyi really wanted to go for a walk with An Liang, but Yang Maoyi was worried about meeting acquaintances or people who knew An Liang, which would cause trouble for An Liang.

An Liang more or less guessed what Yang Maoyi was thinking, and he answered with a smile,"Yes. What's not allowed?"

Yang Maoyi immediately happily took An Liang's arm, and then they came to the garden of Linshanju Community together, walking slowly like a newlywed couple.

Just walking made this little vixen so happy that her eyes narrowed. Get up

"Your Majesty, the food documentary we shot has recently become a hit overseas!"Yang Maoyi said actively while taking small steps.

"oh? An Liang asked,"Why did it explode?""

"We recently made some simple tutorials on learning Xia cuisine from scratch, such as fried spring rolls, making dumplings, and some refreshing cold side dishes, etc."Yang Maoyi explained

"These teaching videos have caused widespread imitation learning overseas, and some imitation learners have also taken comparison videos, resulting in various funny videos."Yang Maoyi explained.

After finishing speaking, Yang Maoyi took out her mobile phone and clicked on a video for Anliang to watch.

Anliang checked the video. In the video, a foreigner used his mobile phone to play the fried spring roll teaching video released by Yang Maoyi and dubbed the instructions. ,"The tutorial is like this, and I am like this."

In the foreigner's self-portrait video, he did make fried spring rolls, but the fried spring rolls were as thick as fried dough sticks and were a little burnt. It was obvious that the fire was not controlled properly.

But it was such a failed imitation learning video, but it made people laugh. More people participated in the imitation learning of cooking Xiaguo delicacies from scratch.

Almost half an hour later, An Liang and Yang Maoyi took a walk home and took a bath together. Then the righteous giant An Daochang once again easily suppressed the little vixen and let the little vixen Understand the powerful strength of the righteous giant Taoist An.

Seeing that the time came to the early morning, An Liang checked the messages on his mobile phone. Whether it was An Shengyu or Sun Xia, they did not send a message to An Liang asking if he would go back.


An Liang also I don’t know if I should complain. Maybe his parents think that he has grown up and there is no need to worry at all?

"King, are you going back today?"Yang Maoyi asked in a low voice.

An Liang pinched Yang Maoyi's face and said,"I won't go back."

"oh!"Yang Maoyi suddenly showed an undisguised smile, and her eyes were full of joy.

After being happy, Yang Maoyi began to yawn. She got up very early today, and she has been doing work on the way back from Xijiang, and then He had fought several times with the righteous giant Taoist An, so now sleepiness set in.

The righteous giant Taoist An had no intention of suppressing the little vixen again. He allowed the little vixen to curl up in his arms, and the two fell asleep quietly together.

The next day.

At seven o'clock in the morning.

An Liang woke up early. He greeted Yang Maoyi and left Linshan Residence. On the way, An Liang sent a message to Li Xiyan

‘An Liang: Baby, are you awake?’

‘Li Xiyan: I just woke up, get up immediately’

‘Li Xiyan: Do you want to have breakfast with us?’

‘An Liang: What do you want to eat?’

‘Li Xiyan: I want to eat siomai from the old street. Where can we meet?’

‘An Liang: No problem. '

An Liang drove to the old street first. Li Xiyan and the others used flying motorcycles, which would definitely be faster, so An Liang had to hurry up.

7:25 am.

An Liang drove to the affordable breakfast restaurant. He still parked his Porsche 911 Turbo S next to the affordable breakfast restaurant, which once again attracted the attention of the people in line.

However, just two minutes later, it was the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle that caught the attention of those in line, landing behind a Porsche 911 Turbo S.

Li Xiyan came down with Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing, and then the three of them walked towards An Liang. Li Xiyan walked up to An Liang openly and took An Liang's arm.

This situation made the people in line who had just looked at him secretly envious of An Liang again.

Although the number of flying motorcycles in Shengqing is very small, flying motorcycles are very popular on the Internet. Most young people know that the price of flying motorcycles exceeds tens of millions.

That's why these young people waiting in line secretly envy An Liang.

An Liang naturally didn't pay attention to other people's secret envy. He looked at Li Xiyan and asked casually,"Baby, was your hot pot last night delicious?"

An Liang blindly guessed that with Liu Ling's cooking skills, last night's hot pot should not be... How delicious would it be?

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