Zhao Dongliang lowered his voice and continued,"Brother-in-law, why don't you just give me an official account of the club, and I will find a way to get contribution points myself."

Find a way to get contribution points by yourself?

An Liang raised his eyebrows slightly. This uncle probably didn't understand how difficult it is to get contributions from the Bai Yujing Club, so he wanted his own official account.

"Brother Dongliang, the contribution of our club is very difficult to obtain."An Liang said remindingly.

Zhao Dongliang was slightly surprised,"Contribution is difficult to obtain?

An Liang answered affirmatively,"Yes.""

"I see that Zhao Wanxi’s account has more than 10 million contribution points...."Zhao Dongliang hesitated to speak.

An Liang responded with a smile,"That's because Wanxi opened the cold chain transportation project to the club and gained a lot of contribution points. In fact, under normal circumstances, most club members may not be able to obtain even 100 contribution points in a month."

"So miserable?"Zhao Dongliang was surprised

"It is indeed so miserable! An Liang added,"Brother Dongliang, you can ask at the club how to get contribution points. I believe everyone will tell you.""

"This time I didn’t prepare a gift for Brother Dongliang. You give me an address and I’ll give you a New Year gift."An Liang said suggestively.

Zhao Dongliang naturally understood the implication of An Liang's words. He lowered his voice and said,"I will send it to you on the phone later.

An Liang showed a manly smile,"No problem.""

Zhao Dongliang sent An Liang to the door of the courtyard. He waved and said,"Be careful on the road."

"Don’t worry, Brother Dongliang, we will fly back directly and drive automatically the whole time."An Liang responded.

Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang and Zhao Dongliang suspiciously. She secretly guessed what they had just said in private.

Inside the passenger compartment of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, Zhao Wanxi pressed her face against An Liang's back. On the Internet, An Liang took the initiative to speak,"Wanxi, why did you freeze Brother Dongliang's sub-account? Zhao

Wanxi snorted softly,"Did he file a complaint against you?"

Zhao Wanxi added,"Has he told you that he only goes home one day a week recently?""

"what's the situation?"An Liang asked back.

"He raised two outside...Lover, you know, right?"Zhao Wanxi originally wanted to say 'vixen', but she knew that Yang Maoyi was called a 'little vixen' by An Liang, so Zhao Wanxi changed her statement.

An Liang asked,"So Brother Dongliang is happy to be in Shu?"

"My sister-in-law mentioned this matter to me before. She hoped that he would have more time to come back and spend more time with Yinyin."Zhao Wanxi explained the reason

"Previously, he redeemed 15 copies of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid every month, so I directly froze the right to use the contribution points for his sub-account." Zhao Wanxi added.

Then Zhao Wanxi asked,"He should have asked you to open an official account for him, right?"

Before An Liang answered, Zhao Wanxi continued,"You should have taken care of my feelings and refused his request, but you were concerned about his feelings, so are you planning to give him holly seeds orally? liquid?"

Listening to Zhao Wanxi's guess, An Liang had to sigh that Zhao Wanxi was really smart!

When Zhao Dongliang asked An Liang to help open a formal account, An Liang explained to Zhao Dongliang the difficulty of obtaining contribution points, which was actually to change the topic. , the fundamental reason is to take care of Zhao Wanxi's feelings.

After all, Zhao Wanxi froze Zhao Dongliang's permission to use the Tianbai Yujing Club's contribution points, and An Liang turned around and opened a formal account for Zhao Dongliang. Isn't that a slap in Zhao Wanxi's face?

So An Liang quietly rejected Zhao Dongliang.

As for An Liang sending a gift to Zhao Dongliang during the Spring Festival, it was indeed as Zhao Wanxi said, because he was concerned about Zhao Dongliang's feelings.

An Liang's balancing act was like The spring rain moistens things as silently as it does and makes people feel very comfortable

"Wanxi, you are so smart, I am so stressed!"An Liang sighed.

Zhao Wanxi pinched An Liang's waist,"Humph! I don't care about those things about you!"

"How much Dongqingzi oral liquid are you going to send to Zhao Dongliang?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang responded gently,"You decide."

"Then just give me one bottle!"Zhao Wanxi replied with a bit of anger.

An Liang smiled and said nothing. He knew that these were Zhao Wanxi's angry words, because one bottle was indeed inappropriate.

"How many bottles do you plan to give away?"Zhao Wanxi asked again.

An Liang did not hide anything,"According to my plan, I am going to give away thirty bottles."

Zhao Wanxi responded negatively,"It's a bit too much. Just give him ten bottles. By the way, I'll open an official account for him and let him find a way to earn club contribution points."

When An Liang heard Zhao Wanxi's suggestion of ten bottles, he was secretly puzzled because the number of ten bottles was a little less.

However, when Zhao Wanxi showed Zhao Dongliang an official account, An Liang understood that Zhao Wanxi meaning

"What a great move to get rid of the firewood! An Liang sighed and said,"Wanxi, I told Brother Dongliang how difficult it is to get the contribution of our club.""

Zhao Wanxi chuckled and replied,"It doesn't matter, that arrogant Zhao Dongliang must overestimate himself!"

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