Faced with An Liang's teasing, Yun Haiyang and Li Cunyuan opened the video together. The two people actually had supper together!

‘Qian Xiaogang:? ? ?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: What's going on?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, what stimulation did you receive?’

‘Yun Haiyang: What is the excitement?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Yuan and I had supper together. It was a time when single people hugged each other to keep warm.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Yes’

‘Li Cunyuan: I am single, and brother Haiyang is also single. We can only drink among brothers to relieve our worries.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @胡小鱼: @李千: What do you say?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I think it’s pretty good’

‘Li Qian: It’s really good. At least I didn’t go to a nightclub.’

‘Yun Haiyang: I haven’t been to a nightclub for a long, long time’

‘Li Cunyuan: Don’t ask. If you ask, you’ve never been there.’

‘Lin Yili: You two are still shameless enough!’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I often get incompatible with you because I am not shameless enough’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: @李cunyuan: @云海海: Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, remember to call me next time there is an event like this. My wife is very strict and cannot participate in other activities. I can only have some late night snacks and drink some beer with my brothers.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Got it!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Brother, add me!’

‘An Liang: @everyone: Let’s stop the romantic affairs. We are going to update the club’s sign-in system and provide you with a brand new benefit.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Just wait for the new benefits!’

‘Lin Yili: Looking at Brother Liang longingly’

‘An Liang: Go, go, Brother Yili, I am a straight man!’

‘Lin Yili: As long as you give me contribution points, I can be a bender’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I only want contribution points’

‘Yun Haiyang: @安梁: Brother Liang, please provide a guaranteed reward in the sign-in system. The minimum sign-in points every day. I suspect there is something wrong with the sign-in system.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Yang’s random check-in is indeed a bit outrageous’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I think it’s quite normal!’

‘Cloud Ocean:...’

‘Li Cunyuan:...’

‘Qian Xiaogang:...’

‘Zhang Zijin:...’

Zhang Zijin was originally diving, but looking at Hu Xiaoyu's words, she couldn't help but feel speechless, because Zhang Zijin's luck was not very good, and the contribution obtained by the sign-in system was quite low.

‘An Liang: @赵万西: Tell us about the new sign-in system. Zhao

Wanxi was nestling in An Liang's arms. She was too lazy to use her phone to type. She responded coquettishly,"It's better you do it. I don't want to type.""

‘An Liang: Forget it, let me do it’

‘An Liang: Please wait a moment. '

In almost two minutes, An Liang listed the rules of the new sign-in system one by one.

‘An Liang: [New sign-in system rules】’

‘An Liang: The new sign-in system will be online in a while. By default, the first 14 days of this month are visa-free. If you sign in continuously later, you can also receive full attendance sign-in rewards for the entire month.’

‘An Liang: You guys take a look at the rules first. I will arrange for the backend to update a new sign-in system.’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’ve finished reading. This rule is good. If I sign in every day, I can get at least 100 guaranteed points in a month. If the daily sign-in reward is stronger, I can get 200 points in a month.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: I bet you can’t get 200 points!’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Do you want to take a gamble?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: If you sign in for a month and get 200 points, I will give you 400 points.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: If you can’t get 200 points by signing in a month, then give me as much as you get.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang, if I were you, I would bet!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Haiyang, we can’t stand this anger!’

‘Lin Yili: Can you bear this?’

‘Ye Xiangyu: I can’t bear it anyway!’

‘Lin Yunsi: @云海海: As a girl, I can’t stand it anymore!’

‘Ye Zhiyi: I can’t bear it either!’

‘Yun Haiyang: For those of you who can't bear it, go bet with her yourself. I can bear it anyway. One hundred points a month is pretty good. It's equivalent to an extra bottle of Dongqingzi oral liquid.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Are you giving up now?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: What if you win?’

‘Yun Haiyang: You said it was just in case! '

Almost ten minutes later, An Liang sent a message to the confidential group of Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

‘An Liang: @everyone: Please update the club app. The new sign-in system has been launched.’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Received, I will update immediately. '

Tiantian Bai Yujing Club's confidential communication software adopts the enterprise signature development model in Apple's iOS system. The advantage of this model is that it can be launched quickly without going through Apple's review and does not limit the number of installed devices..

Although the maximum time for enterprise signature is one year, and the price of enterprise signature is very high, it is not possible to log in to the AppStore, and the user even needs to manually add trust during installation.

But for Tiantian Baiyujing Club, the most important thing is that no review is required!

Besides, the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club confidential communication software is originally a private software, so there is no need to log in to the AppStore for promotion, right?

Therefore, the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club’s confidential communication software chose Apple’s corporate signature solution, so that after updating functions like the current one, it can be launched directly without review.

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