Privacy is indeed a big issue!

Faced with the doubts raised by Song Yuanhang, An Liang replied with a smile,"The issue of privacy is actually very easy to solve."

"How do you plan to solve it?"Song Yuanhang immediately asked back.

An Liang explained,"The smart city project is a joint supervision project. We both operate it together. Any operations suspected of privacy issues require joint authorization from both of us."

"We still take tracking criminal suspects as an example. Your patrol system obtains the identity information of criminal suspects from the report information, and then requires the smart city project to provide real-time tracking support. This operation needs to be determined by us together to ensure that you will only pass Rather than investigating other people through smart city projects, smart city projects track suspects in real time."An Liang explained

"We at AXA do not have the authority to mobilize smart city projects independently, and we at AXA do not have the authority to independently search for specific people through smart city projects. This authority is only owned by your police system, but it must be authorized by our AXA."An Liang explained in more detail

"As for behavioral prediction and pre-judgment of crimes, it is the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project that judges the situation by itself. Once the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project discovers possible criminal behavior, it will focus on the corresponding situation. Once it is true, If a crime occurs, your patrol system will be notified as soon as possible."An Liang added

"Chief, do you have any other questions?"An Liang asked back.

Song Yuanhang raised a new question,"If we investigate criminal suspects and need to pass your review, what if you refuse our review or delay the review? An

Liang smiled and shook his head,"Such a situation does not exist. This review mechanism is just to let us know that you are conducting an investigation, so as to set up a supervision for you to use smart city projects. Otherwise, you will use smart city projects arbitrarily. You Anyone can be monitored silently!"

"This is the most terrifying thing!"An Liang sighed

"As for delaying the review, which is even more unlikely to happen, we at AXA will arrange personnel to deal with the corresponding matters 24 hours a day, and will pass the review 100%. Anyway, if there is a problem, you will take the blame, and we will not take the blame." An Liang was joking.

Song Yuanhang looked at An Liang speechlessly.

Yun Jin answered on the side,"If the smart city project is to be connected to Shengqing, what do we need to cooperate with you?"

"The first is the access and control authority of road traffic safety monitoring systems, social public safety monitoring systems, and covert security monitoring systems, which will serve as information sources for smart city projects."An Liang explained

"The second is the management authority of road traffic lights. In the future, the adjustment of road traffic lights will be intelligently adjusted by smart city projects, which will be adjusted according to different traffic flows in different lanes."An Liang added

"There are also query permissions for mobile communication networks, access permissions for police networks, and permissions that allow us to modify some public facilities."An Liang added

"What public facilities do you plan to renovate?" Yun Jin asked

"Transform more tidal lanes, invest in more patrol drones to solve the problem of illegal parking, set up more directional lanes, etc., and set up driverless test permissions for some lines."An Liang took the opportunity to put forward the requirement for autonomous driving test qualifications.

Although the Titan project of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is currently blocked and blocked by the new energy vehicle industry chain, the new energy vehicles of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group have been delayed. It will not be listed for a long time.

But this situation does not prevent Dream Future Graphene Technology Group from developing new energy vehicles. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not only developing new energy vehicle projects, but also developing autonomous driving projects.

Zeng Anliang planned to acquire Xiongzhao The company's self-driving project was directly rejected by Xiongclaw Company. Now Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's image recognition system based on the lighthouse project has made the self-driving project a big step forward. An

Liang plans to put the self-driving technology to the test. , to see the actual results of the autonomous driving project.

Faced with An Liang's request, everyone present was a smart person, and they knew very well that An Liang wanted to be qualified for the autonomous driving test.

So Yun Jin did not agree immediately. He looked towards Yu Yonggang, waiting for Yu Yonggang’s decision.

Yu Yonggang thought about it for almost ten seconds before responding,"Except for the qualification for autonomous driving testing, we can agree to all other conditions."

"As for the qualification for self-driving testing, we are not rejecting it directly. Instead, we require you to test in a closed venue before testing to ensure that there are no problems with your self-driving project."Yu Yonggang explained.

Faced with Yu Yonggang's reasonable request, An Liang smiled and agreed,"Of course no problem!"

After all, it is only required to test autonomous driving technology in a closed venue in advance to ensure safety. Is there any problem with this?

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