At nearly four o'clock in the afternoon, Haijiao, a local outdoor anchor in Shengqing, was doing outdoor anchoring. He walked towards the light rail station with a selfie stick and said as he walked,"Family members, according to the official website of the smart city project, today at four o'clock in the afternoon At one o'clock, our rail transit in Shengqing will launch a contactless payment system"

"I have downloaded the smart city app in advance and passed the verification of the sensorless payment system. We will try it after a while to see if we can enter the light rail station directly."Outdoor anchor Haijiao explained

"It is now 3:58 in the afternoon. Let's go to the light rail station to check the situation."Outdoor anchor Haijiao walked into the light rail station holding a selfie stick.

As soon as he walked into the light rail station, he found a billboard for contactless payment. He saw an X bracket billboard placed inside the light rail station, and there were road signs. Guide users of the sensorless payment system to use the sensorless payment channel.

Outdoor anchor Haijiao saw a staff member next to the sensorless payment billboard. He immediately went over and asked,"Hello, may I ask, can you use sensorless payment now?"

The staff responded affirmatively,"Yes." If you have activated the sensorless payment system, you can use the sensorless payment channel"

"Thanks!"Outdoor anchor Haijiao immediately thanked him and followed the road signs to the non-sense payment channel.

The difference between the non-sense payment channel and the ordinary channel is very small. The ordinary channel only has a verification fence, while the non-sense payment channel has nothing, allowing passengers to pass freely..

Of course, if passengers bring drinks or bags, there will be staff to stop them.

This is the next step for the sensorless payment system to solve. The next step for the smart city system will be to link robots to achieve rapid linkage inspection.

Security personnel use robots There are many benefits. Robots can link up with smart cities to share information, thereby automatically distinguishing between those exempted from inspection and those requiring inspection.

This is something that human inspectors cannot achieve.

However, Anliang has no plans to eliminate human employees on a large scale, or even at all. The plan to eliminate human employees is just to increase the number of robot security personnel.

Outdoor anchor Haijiao successfully passed through the sensorless payment channel without any obstacles during the whole process. When he entered the waiting area of ​​the light rail station, he opened the smart city app to check the information

"Families, we have entered the waiting area inside the light rail station. I also found relevant information in the smart city app, which includes the time and location of my entry. I have not exited the station yet, so I have not planned it yet. fee information."Outdoor anchor Haijiao explained.

In fact, the smart city project also recorded the inbound security surveillance video of outdoor anchor Haijiao, but it requires authorization from law enforcement agencies to extract it.

This information will be retained for 90 days. If there is no law enforcement agency within 90 days, it will be Extract relevant information, and the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system in charge of the smart city project will delete the relevant information.


At around six o'clock in the evening, Shengqing TV Station.

An Liang waited patiently for Li Xiyan to get off work. Li Xiyan could get off work earlier today. She and An Liang made an appointment to have dinner together, but there were two light bulbs, Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing.

At half past six, Shengqing TV's local news program started, and Li Xiyan officially got off work.

Li Xiyan took the initiative to hold An Liang's arm, and she said happily,"Today our TV station will cover the smart city project in a colorful way, which will definitely play a very good publicity role."

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

What is the promotional effect of Shengqing TV’s local news?

Is this little fool serious?

In fact, the best publicity for smart city projects is the billboard at the light rail station. Shengqing's light rail has an average daily passenger volume of more than 3 million people. If you promote a non-inductive payment system under this level of passenger volume, then This is the killer level effect.

It is precisely because of this that Anliang has never thought about promoting smart city projects alone.

It was nearly seven o'clock in the evening.

At the aviation parking port of the Frog in the Well Restaurant, two flying motorcycles landed one after another.

Li Xiyan naturally followed An Liang on the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, while Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing took the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle.

The four of them came to the midsummer box together. Li Xiyan spoke first,"My mother can't come over. She eats vegetable salad at home in the evening."

An Liang was not surprised by this result.

Isn’t it normal practice for that beautiful witch Liu Ling to eat vegetable salad at home?

If she wasn't so self-disciplined, how could she freeze time?

"Baby, look at what you want to eat. An Liang signaled Li Xiyan to order.

Guo Yuqing complained,"Don't kill, don't kill. It's really hard for us two singles!"

An Liang responded jokingly,"The light bulb needs to be aware of being abused!""

After An Liang's words fell, there was a knock on the door.

"Enter."An Liang responded.

The next moment, Song Zhifeng and Liu Yue walked in together.

Li Xiyan looked at Liu Yue a little surprised, and she took the initiative to say hello,"Cousin."

Liu Yue naturally responded politely.

Song Zhifeng also greeted An Liang politely,"Brother Liang."

"Lao Song, why are you here?"An Liang asked casually.

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