The next day.

Five twenty in the morning.

The bus driver You Dakai got up with a yawn. His eyes were bloodshot, and he obviously didn't have a good rest. However, You Dakai had to go to work today, so he could only force himself to wash his face with cold water to make himself look more energetic.

At 5:35 in the morning, You Dakai bought a breakfast and headed to the bus convoy while eating breakfast. However, You Dakai did not know that on his way to the bus convoy, the public security surveillance was on. The system is reviewing him.

The Zhitianming artificial intelligence system determined that You Dakai's health condition was suspicious through the dynamic characteristics of You Dakai's behavior, so it began to search for You Dakai's whereabouts records in the security monitoring system.

At present, the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system of the smart city project has obtained the management rights of the three major security monitoring systems. Through the management rights, the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system can view the safety monitoring video records, real-time safety monitoring information of the three major safety monitoring systems, and Adjust the shooting angle of security monitoring equipment, etc.

The Zhitianming artificial intelligence system reviewed the security surveillance video records of You Dakai and found that starting from 7:08 last night, You Dakai attended a friend's party to drink beer and did not return home until nearly midnight late at night.

During the entire time period, the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system counted that You Dakai drank a total of 11 bottles of beer.

Under such circumstances, You Dakai got up at 5:20 this morning to prepare for work. Naturally, he was suspected of drunk driving and fatigue driving.

After the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system determined the information recorded in the security surveillance video, it immediately notified You Dakai's bus company and asked the bus company's safety officer to check You Dakai's situation.

At 5:45 in the morning, You Dakai arrived at the No. 7 bus company. Safety officer Shen Chao greeted him immediately,"Da Kai!"

You Dakai responded,"What's the matter?"

"Come here."Shen Chao greeted.

You Dakai walked over.

Shen Chao silently observed You Dakai's situation. He naturally discovered the bloodshot eyes and the smell of alcohol on You Dakai's eyes.

"Did you go drinking again yesterday? Shen Chao asked.

You Dakai responded carelessly,"I drank a little yesterday. Don't worry, an experienced driver like me will be fine!""

Shen Chao sighed,"I'm afraid it won't work."

"What's the meaning? You Dakai frowned,"Have I never had any accidents before? I've been driving for more than ten years, and you're still worried about me getting into trouble?""

Shen Chao looked at You Dakai with complicated eyes. He actually knew that You Dakai liked to drink, but as You Dakai said, You Dakai never caused any trouble before. Shen Chao turned a blind eye. Eye.

But now times have changed. After the smart city project goes online, their bus company must also deal with the notices issued by the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project.

"We received a report that you drank 11 bottles of wine last night and didn't go home until close to midnight late at night. According to the company's rules and regulations, you should know how to deal with it, right?"Shen Chao said in a cold tone.

You Dakai was stunned for a moment. He did drink eleven bottles, but in You Dakai's view, besides the guy who participated in the wine party with him, could there be anyone else? Do you know?

So it was the people who participated in the drinking party who betrayed him?

"Who reported me?"You Dakai suppressed his anger.

Shen Chao shook his head,"You know the rules. You Dakai gritted his teeth,"

Is it Gangzi?""

Shen Chao shook his head.

"Is that that turtle son of Komatsu?"You Dakai asked again

"neither! Shen Chao denied again,"Dakai, are you not paying attention to the news?""

You Dakai was stunned for a moment.

Shen Chao explained the smart city project, and then added,"This matter is a review proposed by the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project. We have no way to refuse, so in accordance with company regulations , Dakai, you will have to rest for half a month and undergo a professional ethics investigation."

If he fails to pass the professional ethics investigation, then You Dakai will be transferred from his position as a bus driver.

You Dakai said in disbelief,"Are you serious? Shen

Chao laughed angrily and raised his voice,"Do you think I'm joking?" Shen

Chao continued,"Download a smart city app yourself, check your real name first, and then check your personal information. See for yourself whether you have been censored by the smart city project?""

You Dakai downloaded the Smart City app without giving up, and then performed real-name authentication. Just after the real-name authentication passed, he received a prompt message

‘Hello, Mr. You Dakai, you have a career investigation report. Would you like to check it? '

You Dakai naturally clicked on the career investigation report.

This professional investigation report first lists You Dakai’s professional information, followed by the No. 7 Bus Company’s professional code of ethics, and the employment safety commitment letter.

Then he flagged the problematic situation of You Dakai, and finally asked You Dakai to accept investigation.

After You Dakai read the career investigation report, he looked at Shen Chao again,"Why should we abide by the arrangements of this smart city app?"

Shen Chao looked at You Dakai speechlessly. He felt that this person had ideological problems!

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