The original intention of the ultra-small charging station project is indeed to create more jobs. As for making money from the ultra-small charging station project, it is a secondary goal.

‘An Liang: Since our ultra-small charging station project can provide a large number of jobs, do you think the local courts in other cities will welcome us? '

Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively to the message immediately.

‘Li Cunyuan: I think the local court will definitely welcome it!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I also think it will be popular!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Liang means to cooperate with the local court?’

‘An Liang: Yes’

‘An Liang: Our core advantage is the human resources we have at our disposal!’

‘An Liang: The ultra-small charging station project is a project that is beneficial to society. Under such a general premise, we use resources reasonably to develop the ultra-small charging station project. Do you think there is a problem?’

‘Li Cunyuan: No problem!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I kind of understand’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I understand!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: We can even further promote the ultra-small charging station project and let it create a lot of benefits’

‘An Liang: That’s right!’

‘An Liang: Taking Imperial City as an example, once our ultra-small charging station plan is launched, we can definitely enter the shared electric vehicle project, and then use our technical and core advantages to drive out other competitors.’

‘An Liang: In fact, even if we only compete in the commercial field, other competitors will not be able to compete with us based on our technological advantages.’

‘An Liang: Once we use our core and technological advantages to drive out other competitors, we will form a complete closed loop around aluminum-ion batteries, ultra-small charging stations, and shared electric vehicles.’

‘An Liang: Coupled with our cooperative relationship with Xiaguo Power Grid, we will obtain very good benefits from the ultra-small charging station project’

‘An Liang: @李cunyuan: Brother Yuan, I plan to further expand the ultra-small charging station project and distribute part of the benefits. What do you think?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I have no objection. '

Although the ultra-small charging station project was proposed by Li Cunyuan, the current ultra-small charging station project has long been changed beyond recognition.

In addition, Li Cunyuan is also willing to share!

Li Cunyuan is a smart man, he is very aware of the consequences of eating alone

‘An Liang: The ultra-small charging station project in Imperial Capital remains the same. Each of the four of us still holds a 15% share, and the four of them hold a 10% share.’

‘An Liang: For ultra-small charging station projects in other first-tier cities and new first-tier cities, we will find local partners. In the end, we and our partners will each hold half of the equity, but the AB equity structure will be set up so that we retain absolute control. right’

‘An Liang: For example, in the ultra-small charging station project in Shengqing, eight of us hold 50% of the share, which is equivalent to four of us taking 7.5%, and the other four taking 5%.’

‘Anliang: Shengqing’s local partners account for 50% of the share’

‘An Liang: We are responsible for the final decision-making power, and the local partners in Shengqing are responsible for operations.’

‘An Liang: What do you think?’

‘Li Cunyuan: No problem!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I think it’s very good. If we follow this development method, the ultra-small charging station project can expand rapidly. '

Yun Haiyang looked at the messages from An Liang and Li Cunyuan, and he sent a supplementary message

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Liang, I have a little suggestion’

‘An Liang: Brother Haiyang, what suggestions do you have?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Since we want to distribute part of the benefits, I don’t think we need to eliminate competitors in the current market.’

‘Yun Haiyang: We can definitely let the other party join us’

‘Yun Haiyang: For example, today’s Little Green Vehicles have mature shared electric vehicle manufacturing solutions, mature shared electric vehicle application software, and mature management and operation systems.’

‘Yunhaiyang: If we let them join in, we can fully dominate the market faster’

‘Qian Xiaogang: What Brother Haiyang said makes some sense.’

‘An Liang: Not bad, Brother Haiyang’s proposal is indeed very good.’

‘An Liang: Then let’s be polite first and then fight.’

‘An Liang: If competitors in the current market accept our proposal and choose to join us, then we will naturally accept them’

‘An Liang: If the other party refuses to join us, then let the other party understand the crushing technological advantages.’

‘Yun Haiyang: Yeah, it’s good to be polite first and then fight.’

‘Li Cunyuan: I suggest leaving these matters to local partners. If local partners want to take away the benefits, they will naturally need to make efforts.’

‘An Liang: That makes sense!’

‘An Liang: Brother Gangzi, I’ll leave this matter to you, is that okay?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: No problem. The previous cold chain transportation project has built a nationwide relationship network for our club. This time the ultra-small charging station project can be used just right.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I will handle it well’

‘An Liang: Then I’ll trouble Brother Gangzi.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Thank you for your hard work, Brother Gangzi!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I just want to give Brother Gangzi a holiday so that Brother Gangzi won’t have to face two girlfriends every day. He really can’t stand it anymore!’

‘An Liang: Hahahaha!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Gangzi was hacked again?’

‘Qian Xiaogang:...’

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