In less than a quarter of an hour, Sachiko Ikeda arranged the ultra-fast charging station, and then added a reminder,"Mr. Ikeda, I have just checked the situation of the power supply system. In view of the current power supply line, the graphene lithium battery storage supporting the ultra-fast charging station Charging the battery pack from zero to 100% will take at least 20 hours"

"If I use the energy-saving mode when the battery is 100%, the effectively guaranteed service time is only ten hours, so there is a ten-hour service gap."Sachiko Ikeda explained

"I suggested that Mr. Ikeda contact the power supply department to increase the power supply line so that the graphene lithium battery energy storage pack attached to the ultra-fast charging station can be charged within six hours as much as possible, so as to ensure that I can provide Mr. Ikeda with considerate services without interruption."Sachiko Ikeda added.

Ikeda Shuji has long been shocked by the powerful intelligence of his loyal partner. Now faced with the power system problem raised by his loyal partner, Ikeda Shuji naturally responded affirmatively,"I will deal with it tomorrow."

"OK"Sachiko Ikeda responded,"It's already 11:57 at night. Mr. Ikeda, do you need a midnight snack?"

Before Shuji Ikeda answered, Sachiko Ikeda added,"I can cook some simple summer cuisine and simple neon cuisine."

Originally, Shuji Ikeda didn't eat late-night snacks, but when faced with the proposal of his loyal partner, Shuji Ikeda just wanted to test the cooking skills of his loyal partner.

"Since you know how to cook neon food, let’s have some midnight snacks! Shuji Ikeda responded,"Go to the refrigerator and see what ingredients you have, and then see what you can do.""

This is naturally another test for Shuji Ikeda!

"OK"Sachiko Ikeda agreed, and then went to the kitchen through the optical recognition system, and then scanned the ingredients in the refrigerator.

After scanning, Sachiko Ikeda confirmed the status of the ingredients, and finally fed back to Shuji Ikeda,"I found a goldfish in the refrigerator, and... For ramen, I can cook a salt-grilled golden fish for Mr. Ikeda, or an egg ramen, or both."

Ikeda Shuji raised his eyebrows, and he responded deliberately awkwardly,"I want to eat Xia Guo-style egg noodles, can you make it?"

"Will do."Sachiko Ikeda explained,"I know basic Xia Guo cuisine. If Mr. Ikeda wants me to learn more Xia Guo cuisine or other cooking styles, please check out the related services of the Loyal Companion app."

"Okay, I'm waiting for the egg noodles you made."Ikeda Shuji heard that this was a soft advertisement.

While Ikeda Sachiko was making egg noodles, Ikeda Shuji checked the relevant functions in the Loyal Companion app, including the cooking skill expansion function.

Taking Xia Guoxi Sichuan cuisine as an example, if necessary To unlock the corresponding functions, you will pay a corresponding fee, but the price is not expensive. It only costs 10,000 yen per month, which is equivalent to Xia Guoyuan and only costs 500 yuan per month.

If you purchase it for one year at a time, you can also enjoy a discount.

If Speaking of direct buyout, it only costs ten years.

Overall, it can be said to be quite cheap, right?

At least compared to the Neon price of 1 billion Japanese yen, which is equivalent to 50 million Xia Guoyuan's loyal companions, such a service The price was simply ridiculous.

Just a quarter of an hour later, Sachiko Ikeda delivered a bowl of egg noodles to the restaurant. She greeted,"Mr. Ikeda, I have processed the egg noodles. Please enjoy.""

"If there is a taste preference issue with the egg noodles, for example, Mr. Ikeda thinks it is salty or bland, or he likes the noodles to be softer, or does not like garlic, etc., you can raise it and I will correct it in the future.."Sachiko Ikeda's additional explanation.

Shuji Ikeda sat at the dining table. He first took a look at the egg noodles. They were very traditional Xiaguo-style clear soup egg noodles. The eggs were fried first, and they were fried just right without any burnt situation.

Shuji Ikeda used an action camera to record the scene while using chopsticks to pick up a piece of egg and taste it. The taste of the egg was quite moderate, neither salty nor bland, and the softness of the noodles was also quite moderate. Overall, it was quite satisfactory, nothing surprising. It tastes good, but it’s not unpalatable, and it’s at a normal level.

Shuji Ikeda couldn’t find anything wrong with this portion of egg noodles.

An ordinary commercial noodle, a loyal partner can’t produce any experience effect, after all, it’s difficult for a clever woman to do it A meal without rice?

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and Shuji Ikeda was a little sleepy.

His loyal partner Sachiko Ikeda took the initiative and said,"Mr. Ikeda, are you sleepy?""

"A little."Ikeda Shuji responded

"Please take a rest, Mr. Ikeda. After waiting for Mr. Ikeda to fall asleep, I will help Mr. Ikeda tidy up the room, including tidying up the living room, kitchen, and bathroom, and washing the clothes that Mr. Ikeda changed, etc."Sachiko Ikeda explained

"If Mr. Ikeda wants to have breakfast tomorrow morning, please tell me in advance and give me enough yen, and I will help Mr. Ikeda handle the breakfast."Sachiko Ikeda added.

Shuji Ikeda knows that this is the function of autonomous shopping. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group also highlighted this when promoting it before. He is ready to test this function to see if it can really be realized.

If If the independent shopping function is really realized, then the loyal companion is too versatile, right?

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