The problem raised by Hongyue Zhicong is indeed the biggest problem facing Anliang's plan.

However, Hongyue Zhicong thought of this question, how could An Liang not think of it?

In fact, this problem already has a solution!

Anliang's No. 4 Tianji Shensuan and Wanshi Shengyi Organization have already prepared relevant solutions. They have even prepared relevant supporting software. They only need to test the unmanned delivery machine after it goes online and then it can be officially put into use.

"Don’t worry, we are also responsible for developing the relevant supporting software."An Liang explained

"We hold 49% of the equity and will be responsible for providing unmanned delivery machines, related supporting software, follow-up technical support, related operational support, etc."An Liang explained

"As for you, you provide legal aid support, daily operational work, and activities related to stabilizing the market, thereby obtaining 51% of the equity." An Liang explained.

What An Liang means in summary is that the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group provides equipment and technology. Former Neon Chief Minister andYue Zhicong provides personal connections, legal assistance, and a huge neon market.

Neon’s former chief minister immediately asked,"Don’t we need to provide financial support?"

"unnecessary!"An Liang responded.

This cheap labor resource invasion plan is not only to target Neon's human resources structure, but also to earn a lot of profits. Naturally, it is impossible to trick the former Chief Minister of Neon and Hongyue Zhicong.

An Liang knows very well that no matter what It is the former chief minister of Neon and Hong Yue Zhi Cong. Both of them are smart people. They know very well that after unmanned delivery machines occupy the takeout and express delivery industry, it will inevitably lead to an increase in the unemployment rate in Neon.

So in this situation Under such circumstances, Anliang can no longer harvest Neon's former chief minister and Hongyue Zhicong.

Because in order for them to betray Neon's interests, they must obtain huge benefits. Otherwise, why should they be allowed to betray Neon's interests?

Is Anliang just Anliang?

That doesn't work!

Anliang is indeed very powerful, but without benefit, Anliang cannot directly suppress the former chief minister of Neon and Hongyue Zhicong, and then make them obedient.

People's hearts are the most complicated.!

What An Liang is good at is manipulating people's hearts, rather than making others kneel down without thinking through his domineering aura.

If An Liang has the means to make others kneel down without thinking, then An Liang will immediately declare that he is the king of the world, and tomorrow he will become this blue The actual ruler of the sex planet.

However, Anliang does not have such ability.

Since he does not have such ability, and wants the former chief minister of Neon and the prince of the Neon royal family, Hongyue Zhicong, to sell out the interests of Neon, of course the only way is to distribute more benefits.

"This time we hope to carry out long-term development in Neon. We are not enemies. We should develop friendly and good-neighborly relations with win-win cooperation. What do you think?" An Liang explained.

Before the two answered, An Liang added,"I can understand your special situation in Neon, but I also hope that you will ensure that the cooperation goes as smoothly as possible."

Neon's situation is indeed very special!

Bald Eagle has a total of 374 military bases around the world, of which 140 are small neons. This situation makes neon severely restricted by bald eagles.

Another example is the specialized The manipulator behind the Neon Tokyo Metropolitan Police Special Investigation Department, which investigated corruption in the Neon court, turned out to be the Bald Eagle FBI.

Under such circumstances, Neon really does not have much autonomy in terms of foreign strategy. Sex.

However, An Liang’s cheap human resources invasion plan against Neon this time is a business matter. Even if Bald Eagle intends to stop it, it is impossible to use means beyond the rules.

Especially since An Liang has Neon’s former chief When the ministers and the prince of the Neon royal family are acting as internal agents, it is also impossible for Bald Eagle to use means that exceed the rules.

Therefore, Anliang must win over the former chief minister of Neon and Nihonge Zhicong, and he will naturally give him a hand. They have more interests.

The former chief minister of Neon understood Anliang's subtext, and he asked hesitantly,"We want to know a more detailed cooperation plan. For example, when the first batch of equipment is obsolete or needs to be replaced, what price should be paid for the new equipment, as well as the proportion of expenditure on technical operations, etc."

An Liang also understands the meaning of the former Chief Minister of Neon. The former Chief Minister of Neon is worried that after the cooperation between the two parties, when the unmanned delivery machine is subsequently replaced, the lion of the Dreaming Future Graphene Technology Group will open his mouth.

Even if it is openly dreaming of the future, Graphene Technology Group only occupies 49% of the equity, but it can earn more profits by raising the price of unmanned delivery machines.

Even if the Dream Graphene Technology Group does not play tricks on the price of unmanned delivery machines in the future, then You can also do things through supporting software.

The former chief minister of Neon expressed such concerns in advance. Instead of making An Liang angry and thinking that the other party was judging a gentleman with a villain's heart, An Liang was filled with a sense of security!

The reason is very simple, because the other party pays attention to these details and cares about the distribution of interests in this matter, which means that the other party supports Anliang's plan.

This also means that the former chief minister of Neon is willing to betray Neon's interests!

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