Facing Li Cunyuan's rhetorical question, An Liang was not surprised at all, because An Liang knew that Li Cunyuan was also quite smart and would definitely want to know what he meant.

"Yes. An Liang answered affirmatively,"We at AXA have conducted simulation verification. If the construction guardian robot is used, the construction period of most projects can be greatly shortened.""

"That would be great and I'm sure all members of our club would like the club headquarters to be completed as soon as possible!"Li Cunyuan seconded the response

"Has the group developed a construction-type guardian robot?"Li Cunyuan added curiously.

An Liang answered affirmatively,"Actually, there is no essential difference between the construction-type guardian robot, the security-type guardian robot, and the household-type guardian robot."

The robots currently developed by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are actually classified by hardware. They are all security guardian robots, but they are distinguished in terms of software.

Li Cunyuan responded cooperatively,"About the construction permit issue of construction guardian robots , I'll get it done later!"

"That would be troublesome for Brother Yuan."An Liang responded with a smile.

"Brother Liang is so polite! Li Cunyuan responded,"Well, Brother Liang, I just have something to ask you about.""

"oh?"An Liang was confused.

Li Cunyuan was slightly embarrassed,"That...Um...that is...I recently..."

Facing the coquettish Li Cunyuan, An Liang interrupted him directly,"We are good brothers, just tell us if you have anything to say!"

Li Cunyuan took a deep breath,"I recently met a girl, the kind of girl I like very much. , I want to fall in love seriously"

"Are you really distracted? An Liang asked back.

Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively,"Yes, I really got distracted this time!""

"So you want to ask how to take care of yourself?"An Liang asked back.

Before Li Cunyuan answered, An Liang continued to add,"Since you have chosen to take your heart, you must be sincere!"

"Brother Yuan, try to let the other person feel your sincerity!" An Liang revealed his experience.

Li Cunyuan became slightly embarrassed again,"Ahem, something unexpected happened. The girl I like also has a younger sister."


An Liang realized something was wrong

"The girl I like is named Jiang Zhiqing, and her sister is named Jiang Juexia."Li Cunyuan added

"Knowing the clear and feeling the summer...Wait a minute! An Liang complained,"Brother Yuan, don't tell me they are twin sisters, right?""

"Ahem! Li Cunyuan coughed twice,"That's why I asked Brother Liang you!""

"Damn it? An Liang complained directly,"You are a dog, right?""

"No, no, no, I really want to ask for advice! Li Cunyuan responded.

An Liang still complained,"So what's the situation now? You recognize your sister as your elder sister?""

"yes."Li Cunyuan responded

"Didn't the other party remind you?"An Liang was confused.

"This is the biggest problem!"Li Cunyuan responded

"I think you are showing off, you piece of shit! An Liang still complained,"I still have something to do here, so I'll go ahead and get busy!""

"etc! Brother Liang, I really want advice, what should I do now? Li Cunyuan quickly called An Liang,"How should I face Zhiqing and Juexia?""

"Salad! An Liang responded angrily,"Ask Brother Gangzi and Brother Haiyang yourself!""

After saying that, An Liang hung up the phone directly. He seriously suspected that Li Cunyuan was showing off, but there was no definite evidence.

After the exchange between An Liang and Li Cunyuan, he immediately sent a message to the brothers in the Imperial City

‘An Liang: @云海:@千小gang: Brother Haiyang, Brother Gangzi, do you know about Brother Yuan’s love affair?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Hahahaha!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Sure enough!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Brother Gangzi and I have known this for a long time!’

‘Yun Haiyang: We were still guessing when Brother Yuan would show off to Brother Liang’

‘An Liang: @李cunyuan: This dog brother of mine is really showing off!’

‘Li Cunyuan: I am really distressed...’

‘An Liang: You are so troubled!’

‘An Liang: If you are really distressed, just break up!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Yes!’

‘Yun Haiyang: If you are really distressed, break up immediately!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Aren’t you making things difficult for Brother Yuan?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Apart from Brother Liang, only Brother Yuan now knows about the double happiness.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I also want to work hard, and I also want to be twice as happy’

‘Yun Haiyang: Me...’

‘Yun Haiyang: Forget it, I have no chance! '

Yun Haiyang is now locked up by Hu Xiaoyu and Li Qian. He really has no chance.

‘Li Cunyuan: Brothers, let me ask you seriously, if I want to give them a gift, what should I give?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Just give him an ancestral gift!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Seconded!’

‘An Liang: Let me know brother Kang Kangyuan’s redemption record at the club!’

‘Li Cunyuan:? ? ?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Damn it?’

‘An Liang: [Li Cunyuan’s exchange record information】’

‘An Liang: It’s only the middle of the year, but Brother Yuan has exchanged fifteen bottles of Dongqingzi oral liquid, plus 10 cans of peach gum. What should I do in the second half of the year?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Let me declare first that my share is not enough for me.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: @云海海: Brother Haiyang doesn’t need to use it now, right?’

‘Li Cunyuan: I also think Brother Haiyang doesn’t need to use it now, right? '

So only Yun Haiyang was injured?

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