After eliminating the worst options, Anliang set his sights on Chief Minister Deit, the representative of the bad guy.

Renyi Security Company once targeted Dai Texuan, but seeing that the other party was too bad, An Liang silently gave up on the other party.

After all, mud can't hold up a wall!

But now Anliang has a new idea. This rotten chief minister has value.

An Liang contacted No. 4 Tianji Shensuan by voice through the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company. After waiting for the voice connection, An Liang spoke first,"Do we have the whereabouts of Chief Minister Deit?"

"some."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator answered affirmatively,"Although the other party is not our target, considering that the other party is the chief minister of Guria, we still arranged to track it."

"The other party is currently in the chief minister's residence in Konark, the capital of Guinea. At the same time, the other party is still transferring assets to the Kingdom of Gaul almost every day as in the past."No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator added.

An Liang shook his head slightly. This guy is really incorrigible, and he transfers assets so blatantly.

"Is there any way we can contact him?"An Liang asked.

No. 4 Tianji Shensuan responded,"Yes, we have the other party's contact information, and we have also established a hidden line in the Chief Minister's Residence."

"There is actually a hidden thread?"An Liang was surprised

"The staff in the Chief Minister's Mansion also just want to make money, just like Deit. As long as they give money and there is no danger, they don't mind selling Deit's intelligence information."Explanation of No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation

"You establish a confidential communication line and I want to speak to Det."An Liang is going to contact Dete personally.

"Okay, BOSS, please wait. It will take about three minutes to establish a confidential communication line."Tianji Shensuan No. 4 responded.

More than two minutes later, An Liang's cell phone sounded a ringtone, and the caller ID read‘***’, and the incoming call did not pass through the mobile network signal base station, but relied on Internet communication.

An Liang put on the Bluetooth headset first, then swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Hello?"Date spoke first.

Although he was the chief minister of Guilia, he still answered the unknown call because he was wondering whether there would be another opportunity to make a fortune.

An Liang responded in English,"Hello, Dai Mr. Special"

"Say things directly."Date responded straight to the point. As a botched chief minister, Deate is already very familiar with the process of making money.

As long as the other party tells the story, he will quote a price. If the other party agrees, then further cooperation will be made. If the other party does not agree, then he will cooperate further. , then just hang up the phone.

An Liang didn’t go around in circles. He had no friendship with Deit, so it was naturally impossible for him to go around in circles.

"We need the mining rights for Simang Iron Ore."An Liang responded straight to the point.

"Watt hair?"Date complained directly,"Are you kidding?"

"I'm not joking. An Liang responded seriously,"You are the chief minister of Guiyar. You can sell the property rights of Simang Iron Mine on behalf of Guiyar. We only need you to sign the sale of the property rights of Simang Iron Mine. As for other matters, we ourselves Will handle it."

Anliang really only needs the nominal property rights of Ximang Iron Mine.

Because after obtaining the nominal property rights of Ximang Iron Mine, he is on the legal side. No matter how he competes around Ximang Iron Mine in the future, Anliang will take advantage of it." After all ,

Anliang owns the property rights of the Simang Iron Mine!

Dait originally thought that Anliang was joking, but after hearing Anliang's response, Dait's heart moved, and he asked back,"Since you are interested in the Simang Iron Mine, You should know that the property rights of Simang Iron Mine have been sold!"

"I know, but the specifics are very complicated. For example, the buyer did not fully pay the funds to purchase the Simang Iron Mine, and you did not provide a stable development environment, so that the entire Simang Iron Mine is still in ruins, right?"An Liang asked the same question.

The Simang Iron Mine is divided into five areas in total, including North Area 1, North Area 2, South Area 1, South Area 2, and North Area 3 with slightly smaller reserves.

In addition to North Area 3, the other four Theoretically, the mining rights in the area have been sold.

But as An Liang said, the property rights of Ximang Iron Mine are very complicated. Although it appears that the property rights have been sold, in fact the buyer has not paid the full price at all..

Because the buyer is not a fool. How can it be possible to pay the full amount easily when it involves a transaction involving tens of billions of dollars?

Especially the stable situation in Guiyar is so bad. Who knows that after the payment today, the Guiyang court will still be there tomorrow? Not here?

If the current Guilian court suffers a tragedy, it is really a big question whether the next Guilian court will admit its fault.

Similar situations have not happened in Africa!

So Simangtie The purchaser of the mine is also very cautious. When the stable environment of Guiyang is not guaranteed, the purchaser cannot directly pay the full payment for the Simang iron ore. In view of the complicated situation of the Simang iron ore, Anliang has the opportunity to take!

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