The 'thing' An Shengyu was talking about was Golden Tai Sui. He knew something about Golden Tai Sui. For some time, An Shengyu had been worried about Golden Tai Sui being exposed.

After all, the effect of Golden Tai Sui is too exaggerated. If it is exposed, An Shengyu is worried that he will be guilty of carrying a jade.

It's just that An Liang's growth rate exceeded An Shengyu's imagination. An Liang blocked the information related to Golden Tai Sui, so that the information related to Golden Tai Sui was only circulated within a very small range.

For example, the four companies on the first level of the Imperial Capital Circle, Huang Guoxiang of the National Security Investigation Bureau, plus An Shengyu, even Sun Xia didn't know.

Apart from this, only a very small number of scientific researchers know.

Others, whether they are official members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky or the minions of Bald Eagle and Neon, do not know the existence of Golden Tai Sui, let alone the function of Golden Tai Sui.

An Liang smiled and nodded,"Yes, for example, for the research on Golden Tai Sui, we are preparing to move to the underground laboratory."

"In the underground laboratory, we are preparing to launch a new security system, including a comprehensive security monitoring solution with no blind spots, a more stringent safety inspection mechanism, and the introduction of artificial intelligence system coordination to completely eliminate accidents."An Liang added.

In order to make further progress in the field of life sciences, Shiliwan Life Science Research Center will definitely introduce more scientific researchers in the future.

Otherwise, will it just rely on Bian Xiaogang alone?

Of course it is impossible!

In view of the need to introduce more scientific researchers , There are many scientific researchers, and of course the security and confidentiality measures must be comprehensively upgraded to prevent any strange things from being mixed among the researchers.

If the existence and role of Golden Tai Sui are known to the bald eagle, then the bald eagle will definitely Jumping up and down looking for trouble.

An Liang doesn't like trouble!

"You just need to control the scale yourself. An Shengyu reminded.

An Liang smiled and nodded,"Dad, don't you know me yet? I've been honest since I was a child!""

"Ah, yes, yes, you have been honest since you were a child! An Shengyu complained, and then changed the topic,"When will the special construction department be established and put into use?""

"Should be very fast."Anliang responded.

The Guardian series robots are all-round robots. As long as the software adaptation keeps up with the demand, the hardware configuration of the Guardian series robots can definitely meet the needs. Taking the construction robot currently needed by Anliang as an example, it only needs to use Tianji artificial intelligence The system can deeply learn the knowledge related to architecture and slightly modify the design of the Guardian series robots.

"If there are no accidents, we will definitely be able to complete it before the start of school, and then directly invest in the development of Shiliwan North District."An Liang added

"Dad, please pay more attention to this matter later. An Liang expressed that he needed An Shengyu's help.

An Shengyu refused without hesitation,"Go, go, find a project manager yourself. My rest time is very precious. You kid doesn't know the fun of fishing.""

"I really don't know how fun it is to be a fisherman."An Liang complained.

One thing is that An Liang really can't feel the fun of fishing.

But I have to say that the fishing guy is really addicted to it and feels very happy.

"I remember brother Yibin should be discharged from the hospital, right?"An Liang asked.

Luo Yibin is the son of Luo Renhong. Luo Renhong is An Shengyu's right-hand man. He is currently transferred to Lingqu Gold Mine as the representative of Ansheng Construction.

When An Liang was in his senior year of high school, Luo Yibin was diagnosed with leukemia. Some time ago, An Liang chose to treat his childhood friend.

After all, Luo Renhong was An Shengyu's right-hand man, and Luo Yibin had a good relationship with An Liang when they were young. In addition, Luo Yibin was a top student in civil engineering at Shengqing University.

"I think this matter can be left to Brother Yibin to handle. Brother Yibin had promised to join our AXA as a cowboy, but now the opportunity has come! An Liang said teasingly.

An Shengyu complained,"That kid Yibin hasn't been discharged from the hospital yet!""

"What the hell? An Liang was surprised,"Our treatment plan must be effective. Why is Brother Yibin still in the hospital? Let the hospital check it quickly. If there is no problem, he will go out to work!"

An Shengyu couldn't help laughing,"I suddenly started to worry about whether it was a good choice to hand Ansheng over to you. After all, you look like a standard black-hearted boss now." An

Liang rolled his eyes,"Brother Yibin has graduated and has been cured of his illness. Do you still have to live with your old age?""

"Although Uncle Luo has now become a rich man with an annual salary of one million, I think Brother Yibin still has to do things on his own. I will give Uncle Luo a call later to talk him out of it with affection and reason!"An Liang added

"I take it you're going for a backstab? An Shengyu teased,"Yibin is a very filial child. If you find Yibin through Renhong, isn't that a case of backstabbing?""

"I first called Brother Yibin and expressed concern about Brother Yibin’s situation."An Liang responded.

As for whether he acted with emotion or reason, or complained for backstabbing, what does it matter?

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